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Everything posted by JaimeLynne

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR i don't know why you wouldn't be able to use a marriott rewards program and earn points while also going through your TA. me either... hmmm, tammy is my TA.. maybe I just misunderstood? I'll check with her again...
  2. This may sound odd but airline rewards programs just confuse the HECK outta me so I've never joined! I'm just trying to figure out if it's really worth it to gain those rewards points (we really don't stay at Marriotts often, but if it will get us a free night somewhere that would be nice and worth it), or if we should go through our TA (can't really do both).
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Andi hmmmm....how long will most of your guests be in PV BEFORE the wedding? if it is only a day or two then I would just have the fans at the wedding. My guess is that most guests will probably forget to bring them if you ask them to. It kind of varies. Like, me, Martin, his parents and his little bro and his gf will all arrive the Tuesday before (5 days early). But most guests aren't coming until Thurs, so only 3 days before... Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR Well, do you care if they don't bring them with to the wedding? You could put a note saying they might want to bring them, but don't be too upset if they don't - I know I probably wouldn't lug a fan along with me, but some might! If you want to make sure they have them at Caletas, I'd just give them out there, KWIM? I don't care for the "details" aspect, but rather that they have something to keep them cool - does that make sense? You know, I think you're right and I should just have those nicer fans out at LC. Trying to find out from Nicole if they can get them down there - that would be AWESOME and really cut down on luggage space. Then I could order some cheaper fans (like the chinese folding paper fans or something like that) to put in the OOT bags...
  4. Hi ladies, For those of you who are active Marriott Rewards members, can you help me out please? We are looking to book a Jr. Suite at the Marriott PV, which will run $300+/night (more than that I think - can't remember exactly...). We will be staying 8 nights. Is that enough to get any sort of decent reward?? TIA!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Andi Jaime you crack me up! I especially like the last line hee hee hee! I am glad you are feeling better now on your 2 month countdown, i know there were some major freakouts on your 3 month! I hope that by this time next month you are even LESS stressed! well shoot I am all for the "internet" freakout but won't be home until after 7:30 tonight I have to go workout tonight...booooo! Heehee - I wonder what I am going to do 1 month from now though?! Toast to your wedding I guess!! lol! And forgive the naive question, but which time zone are you in over there in CO? I'm central... just trying to sync up Quote: Originally Posted by Andi oh PS I forgot...for your something borrowed, if you want I am "borrowing" the starfish bouquet jewel that Tara used for her wedding. Nicole has been keeping it safe for me at LC since Tara last used it...If you want I can leave it at LC for you to use too!? Yes, that would be awesome! What color is it? Exciting!
  6. Hey ladies, I have a question - Do you think it would be too much to ask of the guests if we put raffia fans in their OOT bags with a note saying to please bring with them to Caletas?? I know guests are probably going to be using/needing fans the whole time we're there, and this would save us $$ and luggage space if we could just buy them each 1 fan. Don't know how many people would actually adhere to/remember to bring them along though.... Oh, and welcome matcek! Another Dallas bride getting married at LC! Yay
  7. Oh gosh, I totally hear ya! I have had tons of unexpected medical bills which has come out of our "nest egg" money. We should be able to pull off the wedding, but it worries me that it will pretty much eat up our savings. If we could sell our house and downsize that would be friggin' fantastic, but this darn market is relentless! Oh, and our budget pretty much DOUBLED as time went on ~ obviously not by choice, I guess we had just underestimated. I remember the days when i thought we could do everything for under 10k, maybe 15k (including the HM and all that jazz)... *sighhhh* Just focus on getting through it and know that things have a way of working out as they're supposed to.
  8. Hi Lana, welcome to the forum! I'm a fellow Dallas bride to be And no worries - I was also on here before my fiance proposed (about 3 months before! lol). We've had a long 2 year engagement and it has been GREAT. I agree, never too early to start planning! I am now down to 2 months today and wondering where the time has gone!!
  9. Yeah!!! Today is the 2 month Countdown for our Las Caletas wedding! The server must've known, cause I haven't been able to log on since last Thursday or Friday. Serendipitous! Things are going much better emotionally since my 3 month countdown, have gotten a lot done. Still to do: - Get grooms suit/tie/shoes - Pick out and get GM outfits - Get dress altered (Appointment April 1st) - Mail measurements for foot jewels - Work out small details with Nicole, Elizabeth Medina & Brad (minister) - Work on Song List for DJ - Finish "Semi-DIY" invites and mail them this week - Book our Hotel room (Can't believe we haven't done this yet!) - Help my girls with the Bridal Shower & Bach. Party - ATTEND Bridal Shower & Bach. Party! - Start working on AHR - Sell/trade M's current band and find him a new one. - Buy hair (omg that sounds so funny to me) - Get pepto/immodium & soduku puzzle books for OOT Bags - Order OOT bags & Raffia fans from Oriental Trading Co. - Find my something old, something borrowed & something blue. - Pay off wedding! - Shop and then Pack for Wedding & Honeymoon (Jamaica) - Buy luggage - Start on thank you notes for gifts. - Join Andi tonight for our over the internet monthly "freak out session" LOL hmmm, that's all I can think of right now! Sure there's more out there though, it just keeps on coming!
  10. Does anyone know if they can provide raffia fans, or did you take your down there with you? Oriental Trading Co. has them a dozen for $9.99 so it's not like it will break the bank - I'd just rather take as little as possible. but i know ppl are going to need fans, it's gonna be hot! I just talked to nicole today and I'm getting lime green chair ties - yayyy! Also I think we are going to do the parrot ring bearer... has anyone here done that yet?? We don't have a ring bearer so I think that's so cool - he is trained to fly out over the ocean dramatically and then come drop off the rings. But no worries, as he doesn't carry the REAL ones!! I think it costs $400 for this FYI. But I think it will be a really cute surprise for our guests.
  11. Hello fellow Doxie owner!! Welcome to the wonderful world of Dachshunds - be prepared to become addicted! LOL We have a 3 year old male red short-haired Dachshund named Ollie and he is the light of our lives (obviously seriously spoiled!) you've gotten a lot of good advice, but I want to make sure you know the NUMBER ONE thing about these little guys is WATCHING THEIR BACKS! We're talking, a $2-3k surgery with a possible lifetime in a wheelchair if you do not! Serious stuff. Like someone else said - NO jumping. Also walking up and down (mostly down puts pressure on their spines) the stairs can be tough on them, though our little guy does it like a champ. Make sure you watch his food intake! Doxies will just keep eating and eating and eating... you've got to set limits. What we learned to do was set up 2 feeding times - 1 in the AM, 1 in the PM. Set your kitchen (microwave) timer for 15 minutes, and after that take up BOTH his food & water. This is key in potty training! Dogs will not let themselves starve, so even if he is finicky about this he will learn. Do yourself a favor and stick to this rule because it's true - Dachshunds are stubborn so you have to show them who's boss! We paid for a pro trainer to come to our house once a week for 10 weeks, and totally whipped Ollie into shape! LOL he is seriously the BEST dog ever now! So don't let people tell you that they have poor personalities - Ollie is super happy-go-lucky, and very well trained. Oh, and they *love* to burrow. Blankets will become his new best friends if you let him ;-) Ok, I am sooooo excited about this! We are going to get a female dachshund after the wedding. they are so damn cute as puppies, so it can be hard to train them, but for your own good it's important to do it ASAP and show them who's the boss! Quote: Originally Posted by Infinity22 Yep, looking for a red short hair male puppy. =) I've heard I definitely need to be patient in the beginning but I didn't know they had such a hard time with the potty training, especially if they're kennel trained. I guess it varies from dog to dog. I've heard that it's also important that they're AKC registered. Is that correct? I didn't think of the whole "crate" thing before but thanks for suggesting that idea. I wondered what I'd do with him in the beginning so he doesn't chew up furniture. Doesn't matter that they're AKC registered - we got Ollie from a shelter we volunteered at and he has been healthy as a horse! We really limit his food though (1/4 cup 2x/day) and don't let him jump up on things. Teach him the command "up" so he will hop up on his back legs for you to pick him up. And use "off" for getting off the couch or whatever else he might be getting into (they're sneaky! ). "Down" we use for laying down. With his training Ollie can stay in a down-stay for an hour!!! Took a lot of work and patience, and we rarely make him do a down stay anymore, but it is really great for when people come over and you don't want them bothering you at the table, etc. Quote: Originally Posted by Infinity22 Sorry if I sound dumb for asking this but what's a kong? I found out last night that the breeder I want to go through has been using "pee pads" and I heard these just confuse the dog and makes them think they can pee inside the house. If they're already using pee pads and the puppy is 7 weeks old, how easy/hard would it be to convert them into kennel training? Start taking the pee pads that he has peed on outside on the grass. This should help convert him. Be patient - it took Ollie a LONG time to get completely potty trained. The food and water schedule is so important here. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB As far as crate training, yes thats a great idea. Puppy pads are not a bad thing, Dachaunds are big babies in the cold so maybe that's why the paper trained. Just slowly move the puppy pad to the door and eventually bring the pad outside. It should do the trick. So true about the weather - Dachshunds definitely are little "weenies" lol However, I just stand firm and march out into the cold/rain with him and make him go. Unless it is really harsh weather - then we use a potty pad in the garage. This doesn't confuse him now. Quote: Originally Posted by Infinity22 Well everyone, last night my family and I went and picked up our new little mini Dachshund runt puppy that's 7 weeks old. After talking about possible names for the past few months I came up with Lewis in a conversation and it's stuck ever since then. So here's the first photos we've taken of our new little cut puppy Lewis! I swear he's the cutest puppy I've ever seen face to face. He's so cute when you play catch with his squeaky toy too. SOOOOO Freaking CUTE! This was Ollie when we first got him @ around 4 months old (taken at the shelter). And yes, he has a blue eye!: And here are some more shameless proud mommy pics: Quote: Originally Posted by Infinity22 Now that we've introduced him into our family, I've noticed a few things that have caught my eye so far. A little history on the situation....he was the last of 2 puppies and they were apparently "pee pad" training them instead of crate training them. They apparently slept in a little bed in a bathroom with little "pee pads" around for them to urinate on at night, so his new crate probably has him a little mixed up. Upstairs we have 3 bedrooms.....1 master, the kids bedroom and then a guest. We put Lewis' crate in the guest bedroom for his first night but when you put him in there, he whines and whines. Last night we could throw little squeaky toys in there and he's run in and get them but now he doesn't want to go in there. I think he associates the crate with him being abandoned or left alone (something he really hates right now) since nobody else sleeps in that room. So any suggestions? Should we possibly move his crate into a higher traffic area? First off, he should be introduced to the crate very gently. Try coaxing him in with treats at first, let him explore it during the day on his own with you there. At night, put a towel or light blanket over the crate - it helps them to feel more secure. Also, make sure the crate is not too bit - just big enough for him to stand up and fully turn around in. At first you might also put a piece of clothing with your scent on it, however he is probably going to pee on this. Kind of a lose-lose there, sorry ;-P Another issue that may come up is "piddling". Dachshunds often have a habit of losing control of their urine when they either get really excited or really nervous. Try not to scold him for it. Best thing to do is ignore it and hope it goes away - it's just the nature of the breed. It is not him going potty in the house - totally different and pretty hard for them to control. Over time he should grow more able to control this. Ollie is *just* getting to the point where he doesn't piddle as much. When guests come over, ask them to ignore the pup for awhile until it has settled down, and then allow it to interact calmly. Uhhhhm, let's see... what else? I was thinking of something, but forgot. I am a little Dachshund crazy as you can tell, so if you have any more questions please let me know! I'm all about educating people about these little guys so they don't end up in a frustrated environment or at a shelter like our little guy. Good luck with your ADORABLE little pup - love the name Lewis! So cute
  12. WOW! I'm shocked at some of the numbers here. We are getting the location (my Dad's art gallery) for free, plus buying beer/wine only through the gallery at a discounted rate. Then we will just do appetizers, and FMIL is making the cookies. And we'll get some flowers to spruce up the place. My Grandparents are paying for this as our wedding present, but I don't estimate it being over $2k... maybe I'm just living in the clouds
  13. Well said, MarieSam & cdnvb9 I don't think my girls are expecting much, and I know they will appreciate whatever I can do for them. My BM was blown away that I offered to pay for her dress, and tried to refuse it. And when I offered the same for her hair the day of she again tried to refuse. I still ended up providing both because I really appreciate her being there, and felt good about being able to do these things (she is a broke grad student). My MOH has also been happy with everything that I've done for her (though she never tried to turn any of it down! HAHA smart girl ). Even though she is older and has a full time job, I know she still struggles with money yet wouldn't miss my wedding for the world and I love her for that. Anything I can do without breaking my own bank just feels really good to "give back".
  14. That JM dress is really cute. Do you happen to have any pics of it on? I'm not 100% sure it will fit, but it will sure be close!
  15. Y'all were quick! Darn - you had some really great items!
  16. I have 2 that are going with me, and this is what I'm doing for them: MOH - $100 room deposit plus 1 night's stay, massage & hair day of BM - BM Dress ($170), massage & hair day of And then I will probably get them nice OOT bags and a special something extra in them. So about $225 each so far... I also have 1 in-town BM who is helping throw the bach/lingerie party, so I will probably find her a nice thank you gift or something - not sure on that yet! Probably around $50 for that.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB How about "Capturing the unexpected moments that last forever" ? Hmmm, sounds a little wordy to me, but I think you're on the right track.
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