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Everything posted by JaimeLynne

  1. Hi! My TA really recommends the Iberostar Resorts in RM for weddings. I haven't been there yet but we are going to check it out this June.
  2. Wow that's great - I also live in Dallas and I work very near the Crescent so I know just how beautiful it is there! Congrats fellow Texan!!!
  3. Oh wow, that's just awesome and amazing! What a wonderful couple you two are!!!!
  4. I think getting the fake ring now is a great idea. And then you will have something extra special to look forward to on your Anniversary! Yeah!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by redwards But I also agree to have some pepto, immoduim etc on hand. . . is a great idea. I'm a big believer in traveling with your own "drugs" anyway... lol, I'm such a freak - I NEVER leave the house w/o Pepto in my purse! (Actually I always have a mini-drug store in there) My friends always make fun of me but it has saved a lot of ppl a lot of grief on many occassions! ;P
  6. Awe, that's a great story and very funny about putting the ring on!!!
  7. I don't get the whole points thing. Can someone clue me in...? And while we're at it, what's the deal with the Karma and all the cute little icons...?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Matt Adcock Also, I am a firm believer of mind over matter. Think positive about your health during your stay in Mexico and you will be in TIP TOP shape the entire time! I love this! Create your own reality.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak Jaime, I'm in the same boat--- A bunch of friends of mine from college are pro photos who plan on coming down and shooting the wedding for us. I'm getting married at Iberostar (Lindo). I had our TA tell the WC at Lindo up front that the bride is a photographer who will have photographer guests taking pics. The WC said they charge $300 for outside photographers, but I'll fight them tooth and nail on that one and get it in writing before we commit to a room block. That is CRAZY! Even if they (i.e. my Uncle) have a room booked at the hotel for the wedding?!?! Wth...! How can they get away with that? "No, you can't take pictures even though every other guest staying at our hotel can..." This is insane to me.
  10. Hmmm... I was planning on bringing in my Uncle who just happens to be a nationally known photographer to do my photos as well as a good friend who is an amazing makeup/hair artist to do that for me. These two people are obviously guests of mine as well and would be invited regardless. Do you think I'll have a problem with this...? I'm planning on having the wedding at one of the Iberostar Resorts.
  11. I've been 4 times so far and have never gotten sick *knocks on wood*. I just drink bottled water, even in the hotels. I have always brushed my teeth with the sink water and been fine. But I do stay away from produce washed in it. I've never really thought about the ice cubes... I stick with the rule, if you can't peel it or cook it don't eat it. My Dad and his gf got really sick last time we all went down and the only difference seemed to be that they ate a lot of salads and my friend and I did not. Hope that helps!
  12. I think I am going to be in this situation too. Unlessssss (I just thought of this) since we each have 2 siblings (he has 2 bros and I have 2 sisters) we just have them in the wedding party.... Hmmmm. Otherwise I can't decide between all my friends and the wedding party would probably be way lop sided. I would really like to have my best friend in it though. Sorry I guess that doesn't help much ;P
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Nope, no ring yet. Boo. Hopefully some day! I'll be thinking good thoughts for both of us!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by cheese_diva Some people choose to give their bouquet to a mom or grandma as an honor to them. Awe, I like that idea! How sweet.
  15. That is a hard subject. I agree that it sounds like the step mom is being rather selfish, but then again I don't know the whole story. I do think if your Dad is paying for some of it then they should at least pay for a rehearsal dinner or something. That's just my take on it though. As for us, it would be nice if our parents offered to help but I think just asking them to pay for their own trip is enough. My boyfriend's brother's fiance's parents (ha, that's a mouthful!) is giving her $5,000 but his family isn't giving anything monetarily I don't think. However, his mom is making her wedding dress and probably chipping in on all the little details. Family drama - ugh! Good luck with it all!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by TAMMYM I have a really pretty hot pink shirt that I wore to a super bowl party last year from Bebe, I could spick it up with that That sounds like a good option!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege I hope you have better luck than me. My boyfriend and I picked out my ring in July of last year... so sad. I take it he hasn't asked you yet...?
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak For Christmas this year, I made cookie packages and sold them to raise money for the wedding. It was a lot of fun because I used a basic sugar cookie glaze and then hand painted angels, christmas trees, christmas landscapes, etc... on them. Between that and tamale sales, we made about $700 in 3 weeks. What a great fund raising idea. I don't know if someone already said this, but I think home made candles and bath salts are a cute idea. Martin's mom just taught me how to make the bath salts - SUPER EASY! Just take some Epsom salts and put whatever scented oils in there you'd like. Then you could put them in a cute jar with a ribbon around it or something...
  19. It was a tough call between 1 & 3, but I went for 3 because I think they match your dress well.
  20. At first I felt bad about wanting to pick out the ring. But since it's a lot of money and I will be wearing it for ever, we both want to know it will be something I will love. After hearing that some of the other girls on here have done the same thing I finally decided to go shopping with him! At least there's still the surprise of timing...
  21. We finally went ring shopping today. This is the one we have picked out so far:
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