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Everything posted by JaimeLynne

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 tammy it looks really pretty, and good idea with the something 'blue' I agree - I love that idea!!! There's my "something blue" taken care of.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Nini_Bride And Ollie is so cute - lol, awesome costume!!! I think he wins the "cutest wiener dog in the world" award.
  3. Thanks for the great advice - frozen peas and a scarf. I'll have to remember that, lol. Courtney, my appointment is on Thursday morning at 9:45. Right now I'm not too worried about it cause I have a huge Spanish final tomorrow morning that I'm studying my butt off for (well, I should be but right now I'm on here... ;P) Right after my boyfriend and I are going to drive up to Denton, Tx which is about 35-45 mins North of Dallas to stay with my Grandparents. They have a nice comfy house and it will be nice to be near them during my recuperation period. Ollie (our dog) is coming too. Here's Ollie: With a cute dog, boyfriend and grandparents around I'm sure I'll be doing great!
  4. Hi Tracy, We are thinking of getting married at the Iberostar Quetzal/Tucan as well. We are going for a site visit in early June. Have you been there yet? How is the wedding planning there going? Jaime
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by mgreen I'm kinda late on this but seriously don't worry it will be fine. It may be uncomfortable for a couple days after, and youll probably have some puffy cheeks. Just don't poke them. Are you getting put under? I was and it was great, pretty cool. I woke up and I had a weird sog stuck in my head and then they filled my mouth with lots of gauze. I was pretty drugged up on T3s too! make sure you eat with them!! Or else you can become very dellusional, as I did, and decide to dye your hair black. BIG MISTAKE HAHAHAH Haha, yeah that's the only thing I'm looking forward to are the drugs afterwards ;P I am TOTALLY getting put under!!! Thanks for the reassuring words.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak For this I am grateful: I was born without wisdom teeth and will never have to go through the pain of removing them. That is lucky.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege HA! Wasn't bad my butt! BUT, the thing you must know is that they say taking birth control gives you dry sockets... and it sure did for me. Yikes! My best friend and her boyfriend both got dry sockets so I'm familiar with the painful stories!! Geez, the list of things that could go wrong was a mile long but the doctor was very nice and seemed extremely professional and competent. He did mention the correlation between antibiotics and b/c but not between dry socket and b/c. Hmmm...
  8. Hmmm, well my TA said one of the reasons she loves this place is specifically for the beautiful beach. I haven't looked on Trip Adviser in a month or so but last I saw all of the reviews were great. Just to double check, you are talking about the Iberostar Tucan/Quetzal right? If all else fails, I will let y'all know in about a month!!!
  9. Woohoo, congrats! Now the fun can begin!!! ;D
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Nini_Bride Plus, if they're so wise then why do we get rid of them? Haha, that's great. Maybe if I tell my doctor that he will reconsider removing them...? Seriously though, what did cave-people do? ;P
  11. Sooo, I just made an appointment to go have my wisdom teeth taken out next Thursday (2 impacted and 1 regular). I will be through with my finals on Tuesday so that will be over and then I will have a whole month to recover before my trip to Mexico June 9th. I'm very nervous though!
  12. WOw, wow, wow! I have stayed at the sister resort, Royal Porto Real (or whatever it's called now...) two times and although the resort was beautiful they did not seem to have good customer service at the front desk. For such a nice hotel, they really have a tendency to treat their customers like cr@p. It's a shame, cause like I said it's a beautiful hotel with GREAT rooms. I'm really glad we have a TA now who specializes in DWs. She steered us clear of the Real resorts and instead is really pushing for the Iberostar family. We are going down there in early June to check them out. I've heard their customer service is good and that's a very important thing to me during our wedding, for both us and our guests!
  13. Great, thanks for that - glad to hear some good reviews on the place! Can't wait for our trip there... just a little over a month away!!!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by hln321 Another late welcome and congratulations!!! Add one more to the list. Welcome! We are also planning on getting married there (right now we're thinking Summer of '09, so we've got 2 years to plan!). We're heading down there in June to go check out resorts, mainly Iberostar. I'll post more after the trip...
  15. Since it is in your budget, I'd go with #3. Very nice.
  16. That was our #1 choice when we were thinking PV. We've since decided to switch to the other coast and go with Riviera Maya. However, Adam there is very nice. He offered us a free night's stay to go check it out, taste food, etc. From my estimates we would have ended up spending between $10-15k there just for the wedding/food/drinks etc. (not including lodging). Our TA advised us that for that kind of money we could pay for a majority of our guests' lodging. We have since not only decided to go with RM but with an AI resort as well. The hotel looks absolutely wonderful though. If we had the money I think we'd do it in a heart beat!!!!! Very charming! Their photographer (can't remember his name off hand) looks excellent!
  17. I'm going in June and that will be one of the resorts I check out, along with the other Iberostars.
  18. That is really weird. Maybe she is a klepto ...? lol, that's the only explanation I can come up with...
  19. Hi Jessica! There is a great post somewhere on here about the intimate bonding that takes place during DWs. And the smaller the group, the more chance for this! Think of the memories you will share with this small group of people. It will be amazing - no worries.
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