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Everything posted by JaimeLynne

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Nini_Bride lol you think like I do. I'll cross my fingers for you that the next 24 hours will make all of the difference in the world, but maybe you should go ahead and make an appointment to see the dentist anyways!! I don't blame you though, I'd put it off too!! lol, yeah. I'm just kind of content here watching tv chillin' on pain meds.... and the dentist is a 30-40 min drive away... i'm bad, i know - lol ;P
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne Today is Day 5. Ok, scratch that. I miscalculated, today is Day 4. So I think I'm gonna just wait until tomorrow and see if it gets better. If it's not then I'll call the doc and see what's up...
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege It sounds like you have a dry socket. For most people, that'd be the only explanation for that much pain 5 days later. you should go see your doc. Yuck, ok. I was hoping not to hear that but I guess I should give the doc a call...
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne Guess what ladies ~ I forgot to say that I found out a couple weeks ago that Martin actually went and bought this very ring the day we saw it. He totally faked me out! He said he took his mom up there to look at it and she said she didn't like it but I finally found out the real story. Turns out she did really like it. He ended up telling me because he said he was under so much stress because he knew I was wondering about the engagement and he felt bad because he already has the ring but he's just waiting until he knows he's ready. I told him no worries, I really want him to feel like it's on his terms but how exciting to know that he already has THE RING!!! He even bought our wedding rings that day. He showed me his when he told me all of this. It's nice to know that's it's all "for real" and the day is in the near future. ::
  5. Cute dress Courtney. That sounds like so much fun, I can't wait to get the shopping started!!!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Nini_Bride Ok - this is how selfish I am! lol. I read your posts and then I realize I didn't really ask anything accept questions that benefit me! Sorry!! So, is grandma spoiling you? That's good that it seems to feel better in the afternoon, you're right though, that is weird! Can you eat solids, or is it mostly liquids? You must be sick of soup by now! lol. I think you should post a picture of your chipmunk face while you still have it - just purely for my amusement! lol, ok you don't have to do that! But I do hope you feel 100% better soon! Haha, no prob. I understand! Left Grandma's yesterday, back home now. I did get spoiled there Actually my diet is much better than I thought!!! I've eaten everything from applesauce (cinnamon, yum!) & yogurt to Ramen noodles, beans and fish. I told Martin to take a pic of my chipmunk cheeks (well, actually only the right side really swelled up) cause it would be funny but he thought I'd regret it, lol oh well ;P I'll be posting Mexico pics here soon which will be much more pretty (although not nearly as funny) to look at.
  7. lol Courtney, sorry to freak you out! The pain isn't what I would call "excruciating". It is enough to get your attention though. 3/4 to 1 pain pill makes the pain very manageable. It's just waking up during the middle of the night or first thing in the morning that sucks cause the meds have worn off. Overall I haven't been taking meds all day though, which is good. Saturday I cut back to only 1/2 of a pain med at a time, which was definitely progress! So now I'm wondering if maybe something (like a dry socket) is going on to make the pain persist, especially since it's just one tooth that's really bothering me now. If that's the case, then the normal stuff (surgery and normal recuperation) went fine. Hopefully that is it!
  8. Haven't been on here the past few days cause I've been having some bouts of bad pain and the meds have been knocking me out (thankfully). Today is Day 5. Does anyone know how long the pain is supposed to last? I'm trying to figure out if there is something wrong with the lower right one that was impacted. It is the only one that hurts very badly. It's weird though, it only seems to hurt (so far) in the morning hours and then by early afternoon it's fine. Sat. night I felt a stitch poking out (sorry if it's TMI ;P) of that tooth and it's been oozing a little still. The stitches are supposed to be dissolvable but it almost feels like one popped. It's poking me in my cheek and driving me a little crazy. I know at least one of you (can't remember who without scrolling through here...) used to work in this area so if you or anyone has any info on this I'd appreciate it!
  9. Haven't been on here the past few days cause I've been having some bouts of bad pain and the meds have been knocking me out (thankfully). Today is Day 5. Does anyone know how long the pain is supposed to last? I'm trying to figure out if there is something wrong with the lower right one that was impacted. It is the only one that hurts very badly. It's weird though, it only seems to hurt (so far) in the morning hours and then by early afternoon it's fine. Sat. night I felt a stitch poking out (sorry if it's TMI ;P) of that tooth and it's been oozing a little still. The stitches are supposed to be dissolvable but it almost feels like one popped. It's poking me in my cheek and driving me a little crazy. I know at least one of you (can't remember who without scrolling through here...) used to work in this area so if you or anyone has any info on this I'd appreciate it!
  10. Thought I'd repost these in here for any ladies interested in this hotel. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne These are from my personal trip there last August. Keep in mind it was during the rainy season. Garden View 1 Garden View 2 Garden View 3 Garden View 4 Pool View Beach 1 Beach 2 Beach 3
  11. Hey ladies, Well, it's OVER!!!! The actual surgery wasn't bad at all. The medicine they put in intravenously was great. I just remember telling them how great the medicine was and trying to hold a convo and then I don't remember anything until I woke up and the doc was sitting in the chair filling out paper work. I snapped out of it really quick. Didn't sleep at all yesterday, I was very alert. I didn't get to take the first pain med until about an hour or two afterwards since we had to drive to Denton to my Grandparent's and I had to get something in my belly first. Well, that went great for about an hour. Then it started hurting pretty badly and we called the doc and he said I could take another pill (Hydrocone, 5mg/500mg) which I did and that helped. Since then I've been taking 1 1/2 at a time every 4 hrs which has helped to manage the pain. I went to bed around 11:30-12 last night but then just woke up around 2:30 kinda miserable because the last meds I took were at 7:30pm. So I just took another one but I can't seem to go to sleep which is why I'm typing this synopsis so late (it's 3:30 AM here...) Overall it wasn't so bad, not as bad as I thought anyway. To be completely honest it does hurt and it's slightly miserable, but if you get your medication dosage right eventually it's not so bad. I've been trying to do everything they said, including ice for 1 hr, then off for 1/2 hr. I do have a pretty big chipmunk cheek on the right side but it's pretty cute looking since I don't have to leave the house. ;P Now hopefully I will get to catch up on some sleep here soon... Thanks again for all your support! Courtney, I hope it doesn't freak you out too bad for getting yours done.
  12. Yikes, it's tomorrow!!!!!! Starting to get very nervous now!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by pyrenese331 Also look into the Iberostar Tucan/Queztal. It is one of the few resorts that has a decent beach left. They also have a jungle like atmosphere which I find appealing. Ditto on the Iberostar Tucan/Quetzal! And I think one of the sister resorts has a wave pool. I'm going there in June to check it out. Will post more after I return.
  14. Most resorts and resort towns are very safe. The hotel we are looking at for our wedding is actually located in a gated community so that none of the "outsiders" (odd to call them that in their own country!) can get in. Now Mexico City is a whole 'nother thing...
  15. I'm sure you'll find some on here. You may try doing a search for Playacar Palace. Welcome to the forum!
  16. How weird! I run into my ex's sometimes cause most of them still live in the same city and it always gives me shivers - and NOT in a good way, bleh!!
  17. Hi Sally, welcome to the forum!
  18. Courtney, sounds like you've got a plan! I like what you girls have come up with.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly I the am so glad that this is my second wedding, and so the father daughter dance would not have been an issue. My son is walking me down the isle, it is going to be hard enough not having my dad with me, that I am grateful I don't have to be sad about missing out on the traditional father/daughter stuff. We will be away at our wedding on the anniversary of my dads death (1 year) I kind of planned it that way, it will be my way to celebrate what my father had dreamt for me and Everton. Kelly" Awwwe, that is beautiful! Kelly, your son is absolutely ADORABLE btw!!!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP There is also decaf green tea Yeah, but when I drink tea I'm usually looking for a boost.
  21. Thanks for the review Laura! Especially about the photographer. That is one thing I want to discuss with them while I'm down there - their policy on outside vendors because (if we have the money) we'd love to fly out one of the ones from these boards.
  22. Mmmm, I love green tea! I'm sensitive to caffeine so it definitely gives me a jolt. My two favorites right now are Davidson's Lemon Green Tea w/Ginseng and Lipton's Green Tea w/Mandarin Orange (it comes in this cute little pyramid bag and it tastes great!!). I love just about any type of flavored green tea. I just tried some w/mint at the coffee shop yesterday and it was delish!
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