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Everything posted by JaimeLynne

  1. Have you checked out the Royal Porto Real in Playa del Carmen? (I think it's called something else now, maybe just "The Royal"?) They have jacuzzi tubs in every room, the rooms are spacious and gorgeous. Definitely upgrade to an Ocean View or Ocean Front room. They do allow kids but they're not running the place - I'd say it's mostly adults, and a lot of foreigners (Europeans, etc.) The beach is ok - not great but not bad either.
  2. Hey Courtney, here's an article I found from Smarter Travel: Renting a car under age 25 is possible, but pricey - SmarterTravel.com Hope this helps, it seems to have some decent info...
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt All through highschool and what not I never got zits. It wasn't until I was in my 20s that I started breaking out. I really thing the water is the trick. I drink TONS, and I mean TONS of it everyday. Same thing happened to me. I think it had to do w/ BC though. I took it for about 5 years and then went off of it and my hormones went bezerk. I didn't get a period for 5 months and my skin went CRAZY! I finally went on Pro Activ and that really helped. Now I just drink a TON of water like you and use Pro Activ here and there. I find the easiest way for me to drink my water is to keep a 1L bottle around. I almost make a game of it to see how many liters I can drink a day. I'd say I average 2.5/day
  4. Happy birthday ~ Vegas sounds like a great way to celebrate!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Chicago80 Jamie your dog is adorable! Thanks! He has one of those faces where he can do something really bad and then give you a "look" that makes you melt and he just ends up getting away with it.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Well, at least you have the adorable hot dog! Ha, that picture is so cute! He is a cutie. Sunday there is a Dachshund meet up at the local dog park that I want to take him to since he hasn't gotten out much either. Weenie dogs everywhere!
  7. As some of you know I had my wisdom teeth out last Thursday and then I got a dry socket. I'm still healing so I've been stuck in doors a lot. Also my right cheek/jaw is still kind of swollen and numb so it makes it kind of weird to talk. I was supposed to go into work tomorrow but I do sales and I'm kind of awkward and self conscious with the whole talking thing right now. I'm tired of sitting at home though away from people Booo, anyways that's my self pity rant for today
  8. Oh wow - those rooms are gorgeous! Kinda makes me wanna get married there... *doh!*
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly I actually have two engagement rings. Everton gave me a small pretty diamond ring when Liam was born. Years later when we finally set our date, he gave me a beautiful (read bigger,hehe) ring, he did a great job picked exactly what I liked. Awe, that's great! I still can't get over how freaking CUTE your son is btw!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by soulmates I love the ring that you picked out!!! Hopefully you wont have to wait to long. Thanks! I love it too. I will be so excited to have it on when the time comes!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP Atleast it worked for someone. How is your "quest" (for lack of a better word, sorry lol) going? I haven't really read anything about it since that initial advice... I hope you are doing better!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak Here's a website dedicated to messages about the Iberostar resorts. I've found some good wedding reviews there: IBEROSTAR HOTELS & RESORTS MESSAGE BOARD | IBEROSTAR REVIEWS & PHOTOS - Index Ooooh, cool!
  13. Oh wow - I think the 2nd and the 2nd to last are my favs! I love that little white cotton Bride tank! Very sexy, he's gonna flip!
  14. How much fun - the resort looks beautiful as do the 3 of you ladies! Makes me REALLY want to be in Mexico!!!!
  15. Well, it was a bit of a dry socket after all. They put a medicated dressing w/clove oil in the hole. The pain has gone down some but the clove oil tastes AWFUL! Those of you who have had this know what I mean. Is there anything to get rid of that horrible taste?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP Isnt this the same advice you gave me? And she is right I still have not gotten my ring. Congratulations on knowing that the ring is on its way Yup, I remember this advice when it was given to you and I took it as well! haha Thanks btw.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Nini_Bride Woohoo!! Doesn't it make you giddy just thinking about it? It's silly because the smallest wedding related decisions make me really giddy now lol... not that this is small. Ok, I'm just digging myself a hole! I'm just going to be a jerk to you in every one of your threads today, ok?! So, any idea as to when it might happen? (it = proposal!) Haha, you're so cute Courtney. I dunno when it will happen but I'm still *secretly* kinda hoping and wondering about when we're in Mexico this June... We'll see though - it conflicts with my birthday so I dunno. The way we've been talking it looks like by the end of the year, most likely sometime this Summer I think... He says he knows when and where but he's really good at throwing me off with these kinds of things when he wants to. It'll be fun to get into the planning stage but right now I'm just trying to relax and set my mind on other things ya know? Besides I'll have like 2 years to go planning crazy since we're planning on Summer of '09! I hope some of you gals are still around then...!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Susan101207 How exciting! And I definitely think you are doing the right thing by giving him space to do things on his own terms. Guys tend to buckle under pressure. I bet if you totally let him off the hook (no bugging or nagging...I know it's hard!), you'll have that ring on your finger real soon! Yeah, I'm glad he shared with me how he was feeling. I had already started backing off awhile back (I even stopped checking these boards for a few weeks, lol). He knows now that I'm cool and I really want him to feel "ready". Now the only hard thing is trying not to spill the beans to my family! I swear, it has *almost* slipped out so many times... *doh!* ;P
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