Thanks Tammy! Anyone know how much 100ml is in oz.??
Also, does anyone know what the deal is with bringing liquor back from Mexico??
Last time we were informed that if you bought it in the airport they would carry it onto the plane for you. However, when we went to buy our liquor they said we couldn't buy it for our particular plane - something like the time limit had expired. There were signs saying that you had to buy it no more than an hour before (or something like that) but when we went to the counter (well within our time frame) they told us we couldn't buy it. Martin was totally bummed that he couldn't get his Johnny Walker Black. So this time we want to make sure we are within whatever limits there are so we can bring back our liquor, damnit! ;P
Also, what is the total amount of alcohol you can bring back - 2L? And does this 2L combine both your carry-on and checked luggage? Do they actually check this?