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Everything posted by JaimeLynne

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by gkashmira Do you think it's weird if FI's boutinere is a gerber daisy? Maybe I should do a matching rose instead... hmmm.... Honestly I think a daisy would look weird to me. I'd go for the rose...
  2. I want to put "You're my rock" The story behind this: One evening my Dad and I were sitting in the art gallery my family owns waiting for customers (we do that every Fri. from 6-9pm). It was a rainy night, and not a single person had been in. Out of the blue, this lovely couple comes in and we end up talking to them for hours. The guy is a little older and French and she is Spanish. They both speak a ton of languages and are extremely cultured and well traveled - very interesting people. Well, the man asks me if I am in love - and I reply "yes" (At this time I was dating my ex-boyfriend of 3 1/2 years). He says, "Is he your rock?" and I say "I think so" and he replied "You will know it's real when he is your rock, and you are his." So later that night I go over to my ex-bf's apartment and I ask him if I am his rock and he says "No". "NO?!?", I say, and again he says "No". I told him the story and he said that was silly. Well needless to say we ended up breaking up. Fast forward a few years to me and Martin. I ask him the same question and without hesitation he says "Yes. I am your rock and you are mine.". I was so excited to hear this ~ I had found my rock! I told him the story and he loved it. The rest, as they say, is history...
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by lryates76 I really hope I have good news too! I LOVE HER TO DEATH!!!! I really want her to be there to share this with us. Maybe once the pressure is off of her she will be able to relax and ENJOY the trip - it sounds like she really wants to be there just maybe can't handle the MOH title...
  4. OOOOOH, on that note / ... I just officially became a SENIOR MEMBER!!!!!!
  5. Sounds like maybe she wasn't up for the job to begin with - just scared of you! haha ;P I'm glad y'all talked, and I hope everything works out for the best! I expect to hear good news during our Dallas BDW meetup next week.
  6. Oh jeez, the dinner this weekend should be interesting... (eek, it makes me cringe just thinking about it!) Hang in there, sounds like you're doing a good job so far!
  7. Plum Island, just outside of Newburyport, MA is a really cute little town. I have family in Newburyport. That whole area is super cute. Also, there are some really quaint little bed n' breakfasts in Salem, MA. Don't know if you wanna go that route tho, lol.
  8. That sounds so awesome - I can't wait to check it out! I did hear that it is really expensive, but it sounds like it's worth it.
  9. I like the idea of the roses being very special, so that's the one I chose. Plus the colors of the rose bouquet match the colors of the Gerbers so I think it will work out well.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by lryates76 She works from a Dermo..they make alot of $$ and don't have kids. They are always paying for her kids to do things. She's worked for them for like 15 years. What a sweet gig...
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by mellibean no its called the grand paraiso, it just opened up in march of this year and its adults only. i also believe that they only allow gest from the lindo and another hotel (most expensive one) to come use this property and i also heard the property is really big and there is always lots of room on the beach. That hotel is supposed to be spectacular and very luxurious! We may consider honeymooning there for a few days after the wedding. I read that they have a butler and private concierge for every building. I didn't realize they let guests from any of the other hotels on the grounds at the Grand. If so, that's a big plus to staying at the Maya (I think that's the more expensive out of Lindo/Maya...)
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by lryates76 But no, now she wants me to do research for her to find a cheap hotel because she doesn't have access to the internet at work. Seriously, I already did my research and it's called Dreams Tulum....take it or leave it missy. That's nuts! You shouldn't be having to do all this extra work. I strongly agree with the last sentence to that quote! *Side note* Why is her boss paying for her kids to go...?
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 I think its not a good sign that she hasn't applied for her passport, what are the chances that she's going to want to pay the expedited fee for 3 people? ! Good point. Can you imagine how stressed you will be if this goes on much longer, especially in the weeks leading up to your wedding? I'd say that Courtney came up with a great way of talking with her. Seriously, if she can't step up then she needs to be honest with you. You need someone to support you and not to add stress!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by GalitInNY Steve (my soon to be hubby ) is already in touch with the "group rates" person from the Xcaret trying to coordinate a package deal for all our guests (my inlaws are insisting on paying for every single guest). We are just waiting for a final package. My job is to figure out the airfare and I have NO idea where to start. Do I get a TA to just coordinate the airfare for our guests? Does anyone know how that works as far as using multiple airlines, group discounts, etc? First off, HOW COOL that your in laws are paying for everyone!!! WOW!! Second, I would go to a TA to coordinate the airfare. I'm pretty sure they can do it cause that's their job, and if not they can point you in the right direction. They will have a lot more info!
  15. YIKES! Well, I'd say if it is really stressing you out this much then do it!
  16. Oh no Lisa! Why does she want to stay at a different hotel - because it's cheaper? If so, have you told her about the $100/day Day Pass?? The money she'd be spending for the 3 of them to come over every day could well equal any savings she may get at another hotel. But I agree, she is your MOH and she should totally be staying with you at her hotel, kids or not!
  17. We are going down there June 9-13th to check out all of the Iberostar resorts. We will be staying specifically in the Tucan/Quetzal. I'm getting very excited, and will post reviews when I return.
  18. How exciting for you all!!! I'll be in Mexico June 9-13 so I will be thinking of y'all around that time. HAVE A BLAST LADIES!!!!!!!!!
  19. Congratulations, the preview pics look great - can't wait to see more!
  20. I would agree with both emailing as well as getting a TA to help you set everything up. Do you have a Travel Agent yet? It can be really nice because whenever your guests have questions they can talk to the TA instead of you! Anyways, welcome! There is so much information on here and the ladies are very willing to help and share.
  21. Hi, I'm not a Cabo bride but there are plenty of them here! I just wanted to say welcome!
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