If this excites you - go for it!
I was kind of the same way in imagining my own wedding. The classic church/reception scene just didn't quite do it for me. Then I remembered that my Dad (on his 3rd marriage, lol) had gotten married in PV when I was about 12. It was SO MUCH FUN! There were around 50 of us that went down there, and everyone had a blast. It was a great experience.
My sister also did a wedding away from home in Aspen, CO. That was a lot of fun too.
I love the excitement of something different. Yes, we have already been called "selfish" by Martin's older bro and told by his Mom that "Grandma won't agree w/this" but we know in our hearts that we want to do this. It's a very special dream for us and I think the people that really care the most about us and visa versa will be there (even after all the things they might say along the way).
Haha, I really need to remember this post - I think it's good advice that I need to remember myself!