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Everything posted by JaimeLynne

  1. Welcome, Trista! I also really like your logo. Glad to have you here!
  2. Hey Sabina, do you have a wedding packet or something like that from them? Also, have you been there? Does anyone know how the rooms are? From Trip Advisor they don't look so great or very updated... The ones in Cabo look way more modern and nice but also more expensive.
  3. just got back from visiting Iberostar Tucan/Quetzal, Maya/Lindo and saw the Grand next door. If you can afford it, go for the Grand or the Maya out of the Iberostars. I will post a full review once I recuperate
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine Jaime so great that you have photographs of your engagement, as you can see from my siggy my FI asked someone to take pics of him proposing and I am so happy to have those memories of it... Yeah, I thought this would be the next best thing!
  5. Oh, Maria - I got proposed to at the Iberostar Maya! I have Wedding Packet info for you. We'll have to do our get together soon so I can show you all the pics - I took tons of extras just for you! I made sure to get pics of a room on the Lindo side as well. I decided it just didn't feel right for me, but it is a beautiful resort! One of these days I'll get my stuff together and post a review...
  6. Ok, so I will post my reviews of Iberostar Tucan/Quetzal and Maya/Lindo later. They were beautiful hotels, but just didn't feel right to me for our wedding. Here's what I know I'm looking for so far: *Located in Mexico *Gazebo that overlooks the ocean/beach *Wedding area clear of beach chairs/rental boats/etc. *All Inclusive *Kid friendly, but not overrun by them! *Hotel that specializes in or is known for their weddings So far I am really leaning towards Dreams Cancun. The pics from Sarah and Edyta's wedding at Dreams Cabo were so beautiful! But if I remember correctly Cabo is more expensive than Cancun. If you picked Dreams Cancun over Dreams Cabo (and vice versa) why? Also, if you have any other ideas for me I'm all ears! I was pretty bummed that our site visit didn't turn up my dream hotel, but I know you all will be able to help me on this. Thanks in advance!
  7. Oooh, Shelley that dress is beautiful! Perfect for a beach wedding.
  8. Thanks for the photos! I'm actually really considering having my wedding here now.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by soulmates At the Moon Palace Resort and Spa in Riveria Maya! Can't wait to see the pics ~ we passed right by there on our way back to the airport. CONGRATS btw, and welcome home!!!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Awww Jaime you look so happy. You are seriously the cutest thing ever. I love the dessert. I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am for you!!! This is just so awesome. You must be on cloud nine right now. YAY! Let the official wedding planning begin! Haha, thanks Glenda! And thanks EVERYONE! Btw, I'm known for that ridiculously big smile - I've had it ever since I was a little Jaime, lol!
  11. I just saw the rest of the pics - Tammy you are beautiful, and Cain's eyes are piercing! The beer goggles pic is funny. Seriously, if those are the amateur pics I can't wait to see the "pro" ones!!!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Nini_Bride Woohoo!!! lol - haha Jaime, I love that there are like 10 pictures with you posing with your ring - and the biggest smile ever! Do you find that you look at your ring a lot?? I still do, I'll just sit there and look at it and smile! lol BTW -you look completely different than I imagined off your siggy picture. You know how you get to know someone (or hear about someone alot) and you get an image of what you think you look like? Ya... you look nothing like I thought you did! That's random, but there ya go! lol lol, I know whatcha mean! I think that a lot when I see different pics of people.
  13. Pre-Dinner Pic Flower Bouquet Dessert Happy Birthday Dessert Close Up, Just before he popped the question! First "Officially Engaged" Photo!!! Martin crying right after he asked me (Awwwww!) At the bar right after we got engaged. (Tequila Shots, anyone?!?) Very happy! Chillin' by the pool
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB I posted another thead "mass picture upload" (I Think) and their is a link in there with all our non pro wedding and vacation pictures. Oh jeez, now I gotta go fish for that! I'm working on getting my engagement pics uploaded so there should be a new thread w/those here soon...
  15. Ok Tammy, I finally got to this thread... YOU LOOK AMAZING & absolutely beautiful!!! Love the dress, and love LOVE your hair! It's so great to see finally these pics. It makes me really giddy now to see these wedding pics now that it's "officially" in my future! CONGRATS to you and Cain!
  16. Tammy - thanks! I'm still trying to find your pics and see how your wedding went (how did it go?!?). It's amazing when you've been gone for a week how far behind you can get on here!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by redwards So did you spend the rest of your trip staring at your ring and realizing that you really are getting married?!?! I was glad that David and I got engaged while we were out of town...it gave us time to be irritatingly happy and sappy and all that good stuff! :-) Haha, yes we BOTH spent a lot of time staring at the ring! Quote: Originally Posted by Nini_Bride AHHH!!! Why did you have to post your story when BDW wouldn't let me read or post?! SO MAD!! lol, but I'm so happy for you So when you were out to dinner, you were starting to feel like all of this was just for your birthday, or did you still feel like this was it?? Hey Jaime.... You have a FIANCE!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! lol. I kept going back and forth. Before dinner I thought "this is it!" then when I saw the "Happy birthday" note on the bouquet I thought "ok, maybe this is not it". I knew it was it when desert was over and he said he needed to think about what to do next...
  18. Thanks Tara & Christine! P.S. The ring is already posted on the "Show us your rings" thread. BUT NOW I have real pics of it on my hand!!!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Nini_Bride AHH! So when are you going to tell us the awesome story?!?!? lol, ok I'll do the story now and then the reviews later... Sooooooooooooooooo, it all happened the day of my birthday on Sunday June 10th. First off we both got sick down there (I had finally gotten over my ear infection but Martin had caught a respiratory infection from my Dad which I then contracted while down there, bleh!) so needless to say I wasn't feeling too hot that day. But Martin said that he had something special planned for me that night so I had to go out of the hotel room and "do everything he had planned". (This was a fairly big hint to me, so I made myself get out when I normally would have totally just stayed in the room. Still wasn't sure, but thought I'd better go! lol) Anyways, he made reservations at this beautiful gourmet restaurant and had a gorgeous bouquet of flowers w/calla lilies, stargazer lilies, roses, etc. all set up at our table upon our arrival. There was a note that said "Happy birthday sweetheart!!!!!!". It was so sweet. At that point I thought all this might still just be for my birthday... Then we got through dinner but our desert was taking a long time and he had mentioned wanting to go for a walk on the beach. Just as we were about to take off, they came out with our desert which said Happy Birthday on it and they sang to me. I was already floating on a cloud. Then after desert Martin was like "Hmmm, well it's almost dark already so let me figure out what to do next". I just sat there and let him think cause at this point I was kind of thinking "Oooooh, this might be IT!". Then he said "Well, there is one more reason why I brought you out - I have something to ask you..." Then he pulled out the ring and popped the question "Will you marry me?". It was so cute. I squealed, he cried - it was great! I'm pretty tired right now so I dunno how poetic that was, but I have some really cute pics that I'll have to post soon. I am soooo happy to be his fiancee (is that how you spell it??)!!! He absolutely is my rock and I adore him. To reinforce all that tonight I was having some issues with my boss at work and he was completely supportive of me and totally helped me work through it. So far his mom has been great, she has offered to make my dress (she's made several wedding dresses before) which is sweet of her - not sure if I'll take her up on that but it is still a very nice gesture. And she's also said that this is our wedding and she doesn't want to be a "butt-insky" FMIL (lol) Also my family has reacted great so far with both the engagement as well as the DW idea - most of them seem pretty excited about it. Thanks for being here for me thus far, and I'm sure you'll be there for me even more as I jump into the planning phase and go through the inevitable ups and downs of DW planning! Oh, btw we have been telling people Summer of '09, a semi-long engagement but it gives us and those going plenty of time to plan and save.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by redwards Yeah, but how awesome and BDW loyal to take the time out in freakin' Cabo to tell us about it!! Lol! I LOVE how we're all so addicted! Heck, only like 3 people got calls from me when I got engaged...and I was only in San Antonio! LoL! Quote: Originally Posted by Nini_Bride That's true, 50 posts later and we're still talking about it! lol, I called my parents when I got engaged... that's it! lol. I wonder if Jaime even called anyone, or if she just told us!! haha Hahaha, you guys are so funny! Yes, I am obviously addicted to these boards since you ladies were the FIRST ones I told! LOL I did try to call my grandparents but they were on vacation in Russia and the call didn't get through. Anyways, we're back and I've been busy making calls all day! SO EXCITED!!!! So far everyone is so excited for us, and down for the wedding in Mexico! I'm pooped right now but I have so much to tell you guys (re: engagement story, site reviews, etc!). OH, and THANKS to everyone for all the awesome comments and gifts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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