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Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan that is your exact email? That is pretty funny. it was posted on a photography forum, but signed from someone else. I thought it might have originated on BDW, but I didn't have time to read through all the old posts. I really liked it so I wanted to share. Yes! lol But I already gave Elizabeth Medina & Nicole from LC permission to copy it It's my email just without some of the extras ~ here's my exact email: Quote: Dear friends & family, Hola! First off, we are very excited about our upcoming wedding! However, we do want to address the "elephant in the room" - the recent "Swine Flu" which has unfortunately hit Mexico City (as well as other parts of the world, including here in the U.S.). We want you all to know that we are on alert and are watching the situation closely. As you know, the U.S. media has a tendency to sensationalize these things. We have been in close contact with 1 person living in Mexico City (with a background in Biology), 1 person who lives in Puerto Vallarta as well as one friend who is down there right now celebrating her honeymoon (she just had a FABULOUS wedding at Las Caletas, by the way! . As of right now there is NOT a travel ban to Mexico. A fellow "Destination Wedding bride" personally contacted the CDC today and this is what she had to say: "Greetings All! I wanted to let all of you know that I just got off the phone with the CDC. I wanted them to clarify "non-essential travel" as it pertains to our situation. As of now they would NOT recommend that we cancel wedding plans as we have invested a lot of time and money in planning (therefore it is essential to us). I do understand that many of you have families that are your number one priority and that our wedding is not considered as essential to you as it is to us. Please know that we are monitoring this very closely. I will call the CDC back in a few days and will give you another update. A lot can change in 7 days. The CDC did make several recommendations for those that still plan on traveling: 1. Call your doctor and tell them you are traveling to Mexico. Request a prescription for Tamiflu for Relenza to take with you. You will have it on hand should you start to develop any symptoms which will drastically reduce your infection. If necessary ask for several disposable masks to take with you (these will be great for pictures!). 2. Take all regular precautionary flu measures (i.e. wash your hands often or use antibacterial lotion (with 60% alcohol or more), sneeze into your sleeve, not your hand and don't shake hands with a lot of people, etc). 3. Monitor your health for seven days after your return." Please understand that this is just another strain of the flu. Every year 300,000-500,000 people world wide die annually from the "regular flu". Mexico city is not very clean (for the most part) and is the 2nd largest city in the world with 22 MILLION people! It is of course sad that some fatalities have occurred, however 150 out of 22,000,000 is not to be unexpected from a flu outbreak like this (in other words, it is not out of the norm). Here is a good article from CNN: Regular flu has killed thousands since January - CNN.com Every single person outside of Mexico has survived this flu and in fact have only reported MILD strains. They are not sure why it hit Mexico City so hard, but that is currently under investigation. Puerto Vallarta is located over 800 KM away from Mexico City. Also, there have been NO reports of swine flu in the state of Jalisco (where Puerto Vallarta is located), nor the neighboring states of Nayarit or Colima. To put things into perspective a bit - we have more confirmed cases here in Texas than they do in the state of Jalisco (where we'll be traveling). It is reported that even in Mexico City, the flu is beginning to level out. Our contact in Mexico City states that they will re-open schools and other public places on May 6th. ** So, all in all - as long as there is not a travel ban imposed on Mexico, we plan on going! ** For further specific updates on Puerto Vallarta, you may visit this website: Puerto Vallarta/Jalisco Swine Flu Updates And as always, CNN is a great source for news. Please try and stay away from channels like FOX, etc. - they really feed off of sensationalizing these kinds of things. A lot can and is expected to happen in the next 7 days. We of course have all of you in our thoughts and in the end it is your decision. We will continue to keep ourselves educated and updated on the situation, and hope you will do the same. ***There are 2 anti-viral medications which have proven very effective in treating this strain of the flu: those are 1) Tamiflu and 2) Relenza*** These MAY BE TAKEN AS EFFECTIVE PREVENTATIVE MEASURES if you are concerned! Just go to your doctor and tell them you are visiting Mexico and request a prescription. And hey - we don't mind if you want to wear masks - would make for some interesting photo ops! We hope to have alleviated some of your fears, and let you know that we are thinking about everyone. We do not feel at this time that there is need for worry. Remember: "Fear" can be the worst 4 letter word out there! Please join us in channeling positive energy! Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you in Mexico!!! Love, Jaime & Martin I'll just take it as a compliment!!
Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I just saw this on another forum: "Greetings All! I wanted to let all of you know that I just got off the phone with the CDC. I wanted them to clarify "non-essential travel" as it pertains to our situation. As of now they would NOT recommending that we cancel wedding plans as we have invested a lot of time and money in planning (therefore it is essential to us). I do understand that many of you have families that are your number one priority and that our wedding is not considered as essential to you as it is to us. Please know that we are monitoring this very closely. I will call the CDC back in a few days and will give you another update. A lot can change in 7 days. The CDC did make several recommendations for those that still plan on traveling: 1. Call your doctor and tell them you are traveling to Mexico. Request a prescription for Tamiflu for Relenza to take with you. You will have it on hand should you start to develop any symptoms which will drastically reduce your infection. If necessary ask for several disposable masks to take with you (these will be great for pictures!). 2. Take all regular precautionary flu measures (i.e. wash your hands often or use antibacterial lotion (with 60% alcohol or more), sneeze into your sleeve, not your hand and don't shake hands with a lot of people, etc). 3. Monitor your health for seven days after your return." Please understand that this is just another strain of the flu. Every year 300,000-500,000 people world wide die annually from the "regular flu". Mexico City is not very clean (for the most part) and is the 2nd largest city in the world with 22 MILLION people! It is of course sad that some fatalities have occurred, however 150 out of 22,000,000 is not to be unexpected from a flu outbreak like this (in other words, it is not out of the norm). Here is a good article from CNN: Regular flu has killed thousands since January - CNN.com Every single person outside of Mexico has survived this flu and in fact has only reported MILD strains. They are not sure why it hit Mexico City so hard, but that is currently under investigation. Cancun is about a 30 hour driving trip to Mexico City. I checked with the resort on yesterday and business is running as normal. It is reported that even in Mexico City, the flu is beginning to level out. Our contact in Mexico City states that they will re-open schools and other public places on May 6th. ** So, all in all - as long as there is not a travel ban imposed on Mexico, we plan on going! ** And as always, CNN is a great source for news. Please try and stay away from channels like FOX, etc. - they really feed off of sensationalizing these kinds of things. A lot can and is expected to happen in the next 7 days. We of course have all of you in our thoughts and in the end it is your decision. We will continue to keep ourselves educated and updated on the situation, and hope you will do the same. If you choose to cancel I am aware that some of you have booked your trip on Expedia. We called Expedia on yesterday and they are willing to refund your hotel room fees but you will incur penalties on your airfare. ***There are 2 anti-viral medications which have proven very effective in treating this strain of the flu: those are 1) Tamiflu and 2) Relenza*** These MAY BE TAKEN AS EFFECTIVE PREVENTATIVE MEASURES if you are concerned! Just go to your doctor and tell them you are visiting Mexico and request a prescription. And hey - we don't mind if you want to wear masks - would make for some interesting photo ops! We hope to have alleviated some of your fears, and let you know that we are thinking about everyone. We do not feel at this time that there is need for worry. Remember: "Fear" can be the worst 4 letter word out there! Morgan ~ That's pretty funny because that is MY email to my guests!! (which I posted earlier in this thread ~ I did borrow the CDC part from another fellow BDW bride on here who had personally contacted the CDC) Glad to see it has spread!!!! Just out of curiosity, where did you find it? That's awesome Unfortunately only 2 of my guests responded to my email! Hoping they're all doing ok with this, but you know what - that's kind of out of our control for now! FYI wanted to keep y'all updated, this is what we just put up on our wedding website as of today: Quote: ***UPDATE APRIL 30th*** We wanted to let you all know that as far as we're concerned, the wedding is still ON! Operation P.V. is a GO! Please join us in channeling POSITIVE ENERGY! ~We sent out an email on Monday night, if you did not receive it please let us know and we'll be happy to forward it onto you! ~ We are monitoring the situation closely, however it does NOT look like they will ban travel to Mexico or close the borders. As President Obama said, "This is a cause for concern...NOT PANIC! Closing the borders now would be like closing the barn gate after the horse has already escaped" We are currently working on a Visionary Board, full of beautiful pictures of our hotel, Las Caletas, the beach and sun, Puerto Vallarta, and pictures of each and every one of you who have booked! We're currently setting them up in a Word Doc. and will send you each a copy. We hope it inspires you as it has us. We hope to see you all in Puerto Vallarta on May 24th! Stay tuned for further updates... LOVE, Martin & Jaime
Miranda, I feel the same way! I feel HAPPY again!!!! WOOHOOOOO!!!!! I just got off the phone with my Dad and he's all "Mexico, here I come!!!". Let's keep channeling this positive energy ~ I have faith it will all work out! Not to mention, looking at pictures of beaches and such is SO much better than laying around being sick and feeling sorry for myself in my boring, beige room! LOL Keep up the good, FUN work!!!!
Quote: Originally Posted by Elizabeth Medina Jaime, this is a wonderful idea for channeling positive energy to balance the negative that is coming at us from the media. I think that getting absorbed in a creative activity can't be beat for chasing away worried thoughts in an uncertain situation! Pass the scissors and glue stick amiga! Let's DO 'DIS! hahaha!
I already posted this in the crazy swine flu thread. So many of us are under tremendous amounts of stress, so I propose a BDW challenge! (Unofficial of course, but still fun and worthwhile!) Quote: I just decided I'm going to go make a "Visionary Board" RIGHT NOW! I'm putting out good thoughts, and sealing them on paper/in writing! I encourage you all to do the same! Get a big poster board, markers and lots of magazines and photos. Cut out pics of the beautiful sun, beach, your hotel, location, you and your FI, your families/friends, etc. Maybe this will help us all to get through this and REALLY channel our positive energy!! WHO'S WITH ME!? This can go for anyone! If you're not dealing with stress from an upcoming wedding, maybe it's from pregnancy, or maybe you're having personal problems.... WHATEVER it is, I challenge YOU to create your reality as best you can! I am about to get to work on mine, and will ask Martin to do one also. If you decide to accept the challenge, when you're through - post your "Visionary Boards" here! Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!!!
Oh, and also - I just decided I'm going to go make a "Visionary Board" RIGHT NOW! I'm putting out good thoughts, and sealing them on paper/in writing! I encourage you all to do the same! Get a big poster board, markers and lots of magazines and photos. Cut out pics of the beautiful sun, beach, your hotel, location, you and your FI, your families/friends, etc. Maybe this will help us all to get through this and REALLY channel our positive energy!! WHO'S WITH ME!? *Edit* Go here if you want to do this challenge, and post your own Visionary Boards! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...757#post784496
Quote: Originally Posted by latown9958 A little inspiration I received from my father via email this morning. ( Mind you my father is a 56 yr old white male/Chemical Engineer.) Bring 'em out, bring 'em out, it's hard to talk wif' da swine flu in yo' mouf................. HAHAHA god love him..... OMG!!!! I LOVE HIM!!!! Sounds like something my Dad would say - he's the same age and I woke up to a VM from him grumbling about "what's up with this f'ing bullshit swine flu?". He's so pissed at the U.S. fear and how the media is blowing everything out of proportion. Gotta love our Dads! I honestly can say I know my Dad would be the one person who would be there in a HEARTBEAT if we decide to go on! That makes me tear up... love him! Quote: Originally Posted by PlayaWeddings To MarieSam and all the BDW brides who have booked photo and/or video with us (PlayaWeddings). We're going to do backflips to make sure you get the best coverage for your wedding day. We're going to put extra effort into all of our weddings. We'll send extra copies of the DVDs so you have a great wedding video to give to anyone who decides not to come. I think I can speak for all the vendors in the Riviera Maya. You can expect extra special attention and "above-and-beyond" service from all of us down in the Riviera Maya. I can promise it for all our PlayaWedding clients. KUDDOS TO YOU!!!!! I think this is a FANTASTIC attitude! I love it! Thanks for bringing some bright light to the situation, I know your brides will thank you!!! I hope if we continue on with our wedding that the people we work with will be half as nice and wonderful as you. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa ladies - i just wanted to post and let you all know that when i was planning my wedding i had to deal with a similar situation - my wedding location was cancelled due to reasons out of my control and we had to scramble and re-plan, re-book and re-do almost everything here is the thread http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t17979 while it was VERY shocking and upsetting - it only took a couple of hours before DH and I realized that everything happens for a reason and it was not the end of the world - that whatever we wound up planning / finding would probably be even better (and it was) and the way it was meant to be. i know that while you are going through this it is hard to keep perspective but i hope i can serve as a reminder that what really matters here is how you and your FI get through this -as a team, a couple, a partnership. and that as hard as it may seem right now, don't let the bitterness or anger take over - the better your attitude is, the more good things will come to you! xoxo alyssa Thanks Alyssa! This is soooooooooooo hard. I think what's really hard for us is that most of us are hanging on the line. I know I will probably have to wait another week or so to see how developments are going. I almost wish it were a direct "YES or NO", KWIM?! The suspense is what's really irking me right now! You planned a MAGNIFICENT wedding, and you're right - things do happen for a reason! Quote: Originally Posted by LSUangel25 By the way, I've been trying to stay strong throughout this whole fiasco. So far we've only lost one couple and a toddler out of 56 guests. Everyone else is waiting until Sunday to make a final decision on canceling. I just got an email from a friend of a friend that is at the Royal now. She is freaking out since Canada implemented their travel ban. Apparently they are sending flights to pick everyone up and if they're not out by May 4th they may be stuck in Mexico until June. What if the US does this? I'm not necessarily worried about catching the SF, but I am worried about being quarantined in Mexico. I hope the US would do the same thing and give us a few days to get out. I mean, they have news in Mexico so we can stay updated. Any thoughts? I am also afraid of being quarantined, because of my previous Lyme symptoms (which include random fevers). I'm anxiously awaiting my very first Lyme visit with a new specialist... boy is he going to have his hands full with ME! And FI is going with me. Luckily they've reserved 2-3 hrs for us... they're SO gonna need it! lmao Can we the Swine Flu? Media! If we go on with our wedding I want to make some sort of cute t-shirts with a smart/clever saying on them for our guests!
Quote: Originally Posted by tylersgirl I am so mad right now!!! I am upset/furious! First of all I found out that about 8 people had backed out of my RM wedding in 3 months because of the swine or whatever its called flu (we don't have that many going as is). Three months away!!!! Not only that, one of the guests is my only brother and his bitch of a wife that I can't stand. I really want my brother and cousin to be there and all of the ones that canceled said that if I move it somewhere else that is safe from the swine flu, they will come. Soooo after crying, constantly staying on the computer searching, FI and I decided to change our wedding to Jamaica. While I was on the phone with my TA this morning telling her about our possible switch and getting rates I said don't worry about my best friend and her husband-that I will talk to them about everything today and let them know about the switch myself instead of letting the TA call them. Well, the TA then informed me that my friend and her husband have called and talked to her, but NEVER BOOKED. Not even $1. These are friends that have LIED to us. They said that they booked months ago and I never checked up on it because I believed them. They called Tyler and I the day they "booked" and said that they were soooo excited and they had just dropped off the money and fully paid. They lied to us. I am so sad. I was wondering why my friend hadn't called me freaked out yet (she is a panic type person)-it is because they never booked. I am speechless. Okay getting back to my brother and wife and close cousin and her husband....they said that they would go ANYWHERE-but just not Mexico. I spent all that time and energy and tears and decided on Jamaica and my mom called and told them the good news and my SIL said that they are NOT GOING AT ALL. That Jamaica is "dirty" and "she has never heard anything good about it" -her words not mine. I am beyond pissed. She told my mom that if we move it to Florida that they will go (they aren't from Florida, i guess that is just where she picked for me to have my own wedding). WTF!!! She also stupidly said that Jamaica "will be hit by a hurricane along with Cuba" WTF? Where does she think Florida is? Does she think its immune from hurricanes! Whoever gave her two degrees is retarded. So them. I don't even care anymore. My wonderful parents, sister, and Tyler's wonderful parents and brother are going to Jamaica in all our glory!! I don't care who is there! Screw the liars and negative Nancy's! Thanks for listening. My eyes are red from tears and it feels so good to vent to y'all. I'm REALLY sorry about that!!!!!!!!! Quote: Originally Posted by bumbles A friend said that she'll be in Mexico "rain or swine" lol! Quote: Originally Posted by MikenAZ Thanks Jamie (or Martin) ... I apprecaite the words of support and the advice. I am also wondering if they'll require a vaccination by the time we go (Departing 5/23). If they do, that will alleviate any concerns that I might have from a health risk perspective. Thanks again! Hope you have a wonderful wedding! There is no vaccine for this type of flu - DO NOT take a "regular flu vaccine"! As someone posted earlier it lowers your immune system for like the first 3 weeks or something... do more research on it. That is my advice! Good luck! Quote: Originally Posted by Outdoor_girl1010 I am sorry all of you Ladys are having to deal with this, but it must be pretty bad becuase they are even closing school here in TX. And I'm in Houston which is about 8 hour from Mexico. Richardson schools were closed as of either Monday or yesterday I believe - for the week, I think? FI goes to school in Dallas near the airport and they said anyone showing symptoms is relieved from school - I said he should say he has it and just take a vacay! But they have to have proof, so.... darnit!
Am I crazy?? Re: Bachelorette Party
JaimeLynne replied to JaimeLynne's topic in Wedding Etiquette, Traditions, to dos
Kat - it's Saturday. The WHO just raised the swine flu to a level 5, so this is finally starting to get to me. With my already compromised immune system I'm not sure going out to crowded places is the best thing for me to do right now... I see my doc on Monday. Maybe it's better just to put this on hold, because I don't even know if we will be able to have our upcoming wedding! Geez.... I don't know what to do.... I'm just numb right now and I feel like crud. -
welllll, shit. i don't know what else to say. looks like the U.S. is going to be the next big hit. i don't think i want to go out to clubs this weekend (for our bach parties) ~ there are more cases here where I live than where we're "planning" on getting married! i wasn't worried about mexico, but now i'm kind of worried about just going out in my own city! my immune system is not too great... i've been feeling ill for a few days. gotta hang in there until my doc appt on monday!
Am I crazy?? Re: Bachelorette Party
JaimeLynne replied to JaimeLynne's topic in Wedding Etiquette, Traditions, to dos
Thanks girls. I appreciate each of your thoughts and input very much. I am just seriously so stressed over everything. I am actually considering just staying home and working on wedding stuff that night - how lame is that?! From a strip club to staying home doing wedding stuff.... yeahhhhhhhhhh.... LOL But at least it wouldn't be stressful and drama filled! HA! That's not a bad idea about us just going and putting the place and time. Even if it were just us it would still be fun. Kinda weird, but still fun. Kat - of course, COME ON!!!! Oh, and Rachel - down to days, not months!! -
Am I crazy?? Re: Bachelorette Party
JaimeLynne replied to JaimeLynne's topic in Wedding Etiquette, Traditions, to dos
You know what, I never thought I would not have a bachelorette party, but looks like that is how it's going to be! And yeah, the Lyme is hard and overwhelming in itself. But I'm taking care of it. -
Am I crazy?? Re: Bachelorette Party
JaimeLynne replied to JaimeLynne's topic in Wedding Etiquette, Traditions, to dos
everyone's already bought the presents that they're so freaking concerned about. i don't wanna plan my own party! -
Am I crazy?? Re: Bachelorette Party
JaimeLynne replied to JaimeLynne's topic in Wedding Etiquette, Traditions, to dos
I don't know if it even makes sense to have the lingerie party anymore. The Evite was sent out late and FBIL obviously convinced his wife not to go (in protest??), so the only ones who are gonna go to the shower are my MOH and 1 BM (who's "throwing" it). 2 other girls were gonna meet us out later hopefully (they have a wedding that night). @*!(!#*#&*#W()#)(#*%)(@%& -
Am I crazy?? Re: Bachelorette Party
JaimeLynne replied to JaimeLynne's topic in Wedding Etiquette, Traditions, to dos
Quote: Originally Posted by miss di jaime - a coed beach party at a strip club sounds freaking awesome and SO FUN!! that right there says a lot about you guys as a couple - you must like to party! screw the brother and his opinions - this is all about you guys, and i bet the second you get to the strip club the brother's gonna have a huge *you know what* looking at all the hotties in panties so he'll be happy either way. about the BM - she's totally outta line to back out like that and i think you really need to have a talk with her and tell her that the best gift you could get is to have a great night out with martin and all of your friends...coed beach party at a strip club sounds so much more memorable than a quickie lingerie party. that's just my $.02 and i am so sorry you are dealing with all of this drama. hell, if i lived near you, i'd step in and coordinate all the strip club happenings for sure! your philosophy of "screw it and move on" is a good one, but in this situation, fight for it, lady. your BM sounds like she's being just a bit selfish...the bro sounds a little disappointing. i dunno if this helps, but i'm behind you! That DOES help. THank you. I wish you were here too! LOL My head is just still spinning.... -
Am I crazy?? Re: Bachelorette Party
JaimeLynne replied to JaimeLynne's topic in Wedding Etiquette, Traditions, to dos
I am pissed because she tells me this THREE days before the freaking party!! SHE is the one who originally wanted everyone to go out to dinner first, then to our gallery (that's where we're having the girls lingerie party), then out to the club(s)! And *I* was the one who said no to dinner beforehand because people are having money issues!!! SERIOUSLY?!? It is all piling up... first all the B.S. with dealing with drug wars, now swine flu, finding out I have Lyme disease, trying to finish school... and now this, which has caused HUGE flareups. Martin and I are livid. In a calm, scary sort of way. lol -
Ok, there has been so much drama surrounding this. First off, we want to do a co-ed bach party at a strip club. Is this crazy? FI's bro thinks so ~ he has been DRAMA CITY since Monday night. There's SO much else going on there but I don't want to go into it because I already had a meltdown last night. Then today I get an email from my "in-town BM" who is supposed to be throwing it and she *JUST* told me she will not be going out afterwards because her parents are in town and she doesn't have any money. I'm sorry, but she JUMPED at throwing this and now to back out is just shitty. She's still planning on throwing me a quick lingerie shower, but the whole point was to have a party. I don't care about the damn gifts! People are so concerned over getting me gifts! Screw the gifts! Just come out! I am beyond pissed that I'm almost going completely numb. When things get too complicated, I've learned to say "screw it, move on". I'm pretty pissed at this situation, and Martin and I have been so stressed over this party that is supposed to be FUN... it's just not worth it... RIGHT?!
Bachlorette party pix!
JaimeLynne replied to Jacqueline's topic in Wedding Etiquette, Traditions, to dos
Jac, you are gorgeous!!! Looks like so much fun! Love the "RESERVED" sign on your boo-tay! Ms. Hottt Stuff -
Got a hold of Andi (who is in PV right now) and she says hotels there are NOT closed, just schools. She says it's business as usual there, just pretty dead - they keep seeing the same 15 ppl around the hotel They are planning on going into town later today and she's gonna report back to me. She wanted me to send the message to the other PV brides to "chill!" and not to be jealous, you will be here soon! Still NO cases in Jalisco or Nayarit! Right now she's headed off to the pool. Ahhhhhh, sounds like a blast
Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl omg.... bwahahahah, love it! Just posted it on FB Quote: Originally Posted by Yanell Just curios as to how everyone is handling this news... I had my guests email me and tell me that they heard hotels in Puerto Vallarta were closing, along with all schools. Anyone experience any problems yet I have not heard... I will try and get into contact with Andi since she is down there and is supposed to be through Friday. Quote: Originally Posted by sgbrown Our wedding is now cancelled. We made the decision yesterday, and then a few hours later, our vacation company stopped all flights to Cancun so it looks like we made the right decision. We are moving our wedding to another resort and currently working on finding a date that works for our guests. Regardless, we will be losing some guests since the new date may not work for everyone. Sigh. One funny thing is that my FI and I will be taking our (non-refundable) European honeymoon BEFORE our wedding! We leave on May 11th! I'm so sorry We know that if for whatever reason *knock on wood* there was a travel ban to MX we would still take our kick-ass HM to Jamaica!!! Quote: Originally Posted by MarieSam Forgot to add....there is now 1 confirmed fatality in the U.S. as a result of the swine flu -- a 23-month old toddler in Texas. *sigh* Can't even imagine what that family is going through. At the same time, this also means the media will once again be all over this because now we've got a death in the country and it's an infant...God I don't think this is gonna be a good day..... Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie update, in case anyone wonders, the confirmed death in the US was a 23 month old child from mexico, who was being treated in texas. if that matters to you. Texas flu fatality was from Mexico, officials say - CNN.com Oh sh!t. This can't be good, especially for us TX brides. My heart goes out to the little girl and her family...