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Everything posted by Karen

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride I'm so sorry Michelle I really don't know. It does kind of sound like a pre-nup. Maybe Maura or Anny or one of the other spanish speaking girls can jump in and explain what it means. As far as not signing it with your new name I just got my license last week and I was told that I have to sign it with my new name or I will have problems with the SS office. But that's here in NY. If Rachel signed her old name and didn't have a problem then maybe it won't be a problem. Why don't you call the SS office in your county and ask your questions. They will give you the best idea as to what you need to change your name and make your marriage valid. Thanks for the info. Although I never plan on using it. lol.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 That must be that document...but how come they didn't ask me...so I guess that means if we get divorced then we want to separate everything...hope that doesn't hold to... Hmmmm. I don't know. Our wedding planner had us fill out documents and we had to check a box regarding division of property. I forgot what I said. Hopefully none of us will ever have to worry about that. But that brings another question to my mind.....If a couple who were legally married in a foreign country want to divorce, do they have to go back to that country or can they just get divorced in the US?
  3. I got legally married in Mexico and I live in NY. I never had the marriage cert translated or apostilized. I was able to change my name on SS and other documents no problem. I can't remember which name I signed. With my driver's license I had a tad more difficulty. NY DMV doesn't accept foreign marriage certs so I had to wait to accumulate other documents in my new name (ss card, credit card, my social work license) as proof of name change. But it wasn't as horrible as i thought it would be. Oh and in mexico before you get married they ask you how you want to divy up belongings and money in case of divorce. I believe that other "pre nup" document you were referring to is that document.
  4. June 23 You're not good at any one thing, and that's the problem. You're good at so much - you never know what to do. Change is in your blood, and you don't stick to much for long. You are destined for a life of travel and fun. Your strength: Your likeability Your weakness: You never feel satisfied Your power color: Bright yellow Your power symbol: Asterisk Your power month: May
  5. Happy 1st Anniversary Tammy & Cain!!!! Have a beautiful day!
  6. Awww! Your parents sound so sweet. Yeah, I would let them do what they want and if the decor isn't to your liking, just don't say anything. They obviously love you so much and want to do something special for you. Your situation kind of reminds me of when my parents threw Jay and i an enagement party. Things weren't done the way I would do them but I didn't have the heart to say anything. They just love us so much and are such great parents. So yeah...as hard as it may be..just smile pretty and say thank you.
  7. I didn't have my veil for any of my fittings. I think as long as you have your undies and shoes, your'e all set.
  8. Picture that friends episode when Monica's hair blew up when she went to the Carribean. That's the way my hair is in Mexico and it can't hold a curl for anything. So I wore my hair up and heavily sprayed to try to prevent any mishaps like frizz or the hair blowing in my face. I think half up and half down could work well.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by froggie1013 Whoa, same clown joke. Weird. Great minds think alike or watch the Today show. the joke was on it yesterday.
  10. Rachel. I'm sorry your'e in a funk. I know what you mean. Sometimes I just sit and stew for no particular reason. Here's a joke to cheer you up. Two canibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says.."Does this taste funny to you?". A ha ha ha ha ha!
  11. Congrats Mo that's awsome!
  12. And I gotta say I can't stop thinking about those blue Manolos. Those are the most beautiful friggin shoes I have ever seen. And I'm not a shoe girl. I'm more about the hand bags. That's why I felt a special bond to the Jennifer Hudson character lol. Anyone ever rent from Bag Borrow Steal?
  13. I would send invites to friends and family that you would love to attend but can't. However, do not send invites to people you wouldn't invite normally thinking they won't go anyhow. Believe me, people have a way of surprising you and being able to come even though you didn't think there would be any way they would intend.
  14. Heidi, Congrats to you and Reggie on your new home!
  15. Saw it yesterday and loved it!!!! I feel like I have to see it again.
  16. Happy First anniversary Jamy & Will! I hope you guys have a beautiful and romantic day!
  17. So believe or not my 65 year old mother is a huge SATC fan from watching the reruns on regular edited TV. I had a hard time believing it myself when she started talking to me about plot lines and relationships. Anyhow, I promised her a while ago that I would go with her when the movie came out so we are going tomorrow at 3:20 p.m. I am very excited!!! I'm ashamed to say I haven't watched my SATC DVDs in a while. But going with a cleansed mind might be good.
  18. We stayed in separate rooms the night before and our ceremony was at 10 a.m. I had room service for breakfast, went to the spa for hair and makeup, got dressed in the room and then was brought to the ceremony site via golf cart. I stood off a distance away and then our WC gave me a signal when to start down the aisle. Jay went to breakfast by himself, hung out, and got dressed before heading down. I really wouldn't worry about seeing your FI before hand. The WC deals with this kind of stuff all the time.
  19. Happy Birthday Alyssa!!!! Enjoy your day!!!
  20. Gwen looks and sounds adorable...explosive poo and all...lol. I'm so glad she is doing so well.
  21. Congrats! That's awesome. I did a half marathon 4 years ago. It's an amazing feeling when you cross that finish line isn't it? Hope you partied after! Good Job again!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian We're a bunch of cradle robbers over here! We are totally preying on the young and innocent. lol. Roar! (that's my cougar roar...lol). Seriously though...there are quite a few of us who are older than our DHs/FIs. Very cool.
  23. TA's are invaluable especially for something as important as a wedding. It's not like it costs any more to use one and why wouldn't you want to delegate some of the travel arranging to a professional. Before I met Jay, I never used one now I wouldn't think of booking a major trip without our TA. Ours help us out big time last year when we had to change travel plans and had no ravel insurance.
  24. Great Review Lizz! Glad you had a wonderful wedding. Congrats!
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