Quote: Originally Posted by SgtPepperette I was wondering if anyone has had just the two of you at your wedding would share their stories. Pros, cons, regret, no regret? We had a private wedding for two at Dreams Tulum and it was wonderful. Our ceremony was on the beach in the morning. Since it was just the two of us, it was very intimate. Our officient spoke directly to us and advised us on marriage. We spoke to each other from our hearts during our ceremony. I doubt either of us would do this with guests. After, we had photography and then called our families. We had a private luncheon on the beach in lieu of a reception. We also laid out for a while before going to a surprise wedding dinner at sunset that my husband planned for us. It was a perfectly beautiful and romantic day. I don't regret a thing.
I was married before and had done the big traditional wedding before. Plus I was 35 when I got married. If I was younger and this was my first wedding, I might not have chosen this. Our families would have loved to be there but were very supportive. We had a AHR for 30 when we returned.
Pros: Romance, Romance, Romance (You get to do it right after the ceremony...lol); Intimacy, Inexpensive, No Compromising (even with the most supportive family/ friends, you'll have to make compromises), Simplicity, less stress; you get to spoil yourselves with things you would otherwise could not afford i.e. plush suite, exotic location like Bali or a super long honeymoon (ours was 2 weeks)
Cons: No family/ friends surrounding you; No big party immediately after the wedding; There won't be as much hoopla (possibly no shower and not a lot of gifts); not a lot of details like OOT bags and favors; strange looks from some people when you tell them,
For me the pros outweighed the cons. I didn't have a shower but I had one before with my first marriage. My parents threw us an engagement party a month before our wedding. Some friends threw me a bachelorette party. Another friend treated me to a spa day a couple of weeks before our wedding, And actually the gifts we received were quite generous (not that this really mattered to us...we didn't expect any gifts). Neither of us felt lonely but Jay and I tend to have solitary natures. Bottom line, follow your heart. Be kind and respectful but don't let others' opinions sway you. This day will only be the most special to you and FH. Do what makes you happy. Feel free to PM me with any other questions.