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Everything posted by Karen

  1. OMG!! I love love love Cosmo Radio. I rarely listen to anything else. I love Taylor. The only martha Stewart channel show I like a lot is Alexis Stewart's show- "Whatever". It's very raw and funny. The miusic channels are great too. I like Reggae, all the oldies channels, the coffee house, margaritavill radio, etc.
  2. All I can say is We don't have any Aveda Institutes around here but I just checked out our local version's web site. I can't believe how cheeeeeeeeep it is! I have gel nails and they can get pricy but I'm addicted. Anyhow, their nail services and waxing is very cheap. Might have to give them a try. Thanks for the tip Alyssa!
  3. I'm so glad you girls are ok!!!!
  4. Yikes!! I hope everyone is OK!! Jamy are you out there? Anyone hear from her?
  5. That was so adorable. Thank you!
  6. Hey everybody. Jay and I are going to Old Timers Day at Yankee Stadium on Saturday. We wil probally tailgate beforehand. I'd like to do something a little bit more special/ inventive then sandwiches and chips. Ideally, I need a menu that travels well and can be eaten while sitting in folding chairs on top of a parking garage. Any ideas are appreciated!!! Thanks ladies!
  7. 1. Where is your cell phone? desk 2. Your significant other? sweet 3. Your hair? blonde 4. Your mother? caring 5. Your father? artistic 6. Your favorite thing? love 7. Your dream last night? forgot 8. Your favorite drink? beer 9. Your dream/goal? happiness 10. The room you're in? big 11. Your ex? over 12. Your fear? loss 13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? motherhood 14. Where were you last night? home 15. What you're not? mean 16. Muffins? cranberry 17. One of your wish list items? house 18. Where you grew up? busy 19. The last thing you did? type 20. What are you wearing? clothing 21. Your TV? color 22. Your pets? lovies 23. Your computer? old 24. Your life? happy 25. Your mood? good 26. Missing someone? yes 27. Your vehicle? dented 28. something your not wearing? socks 29. Favorite Store? macy's 30. Your summer? fast 31. Like someone? sure 32. favorite color? blue 33. When is the last time you laughed? one 34. Last time you cried? yesterday __________________
  8. = ( Poor pup! Well hopefully she is at peace and playing in the big dog park in the sky. I'm glad our donations can still help other pups.
  9. I agree with # 4 or some jewelry. My husband gave me a beautiful necklace and earrings for our wedding gift. What I love is that it's personal and I think of our wedding day and him every time I wear them.
  10. Here you go. Found this on the internet. Five candied almonds for each guest to eat To remind us that life is both bitter and sweet Five wishes they hold for the new man and wife: Love, happiness, health, children, and a long life!
  11. OK I can't believe how much time I spent playing with Lumapix and making this collage. Here's mine. Keep in mind this is my first collage ever!
  12. Before we got married in Mexico, We scanned and e-mailed the scanned images of our documents to our WC. We brought the originals with us to Mexico. You might want to try this as the postal systems in other countries can be unpredictable.
  13. Glenda! Love the wagon...sooooo cute! I was trying to think of some of my favortie gifts. Hmmm. Of course champange and flutes are a must. bubble bath. Soon to be Mrs. Shirt w/ matching shorts. Digital frame. spa gift cards for two. photo frames. I don't have all the info regarding these books but "The story of Us" (a couples journal Jay got us for our anniversary), and there were these cute quiz books Jay got us on how well you know your groom and how well you know your bride. I had gotten my friend Chicken Soup for the Bride's soul. Oh and Yankee Candle makes a candle named "Wedding Day". OK sorry for the ramble..hope some of that made sense.
  14. Happy Birthday!!! Have a great day!!
  15. Welcome! I was a second time bride as well when my husband and I got married last year. I'm 36 and would be happy to chat or answer any questions.
  16. My favorite BDW crush is Jason (lambert13). As his wife, I'm legally obligated to say that. lol. All of you girls are awesome and have a place in my heart. I can't pick just one. Of course Glenda will have all our graditude forever for shining the light at the end of Jay's health problem tunnel.
  17. Congrats and have a wonderful time!!!
  18. When we flew to Mexico for our wedding, we had no problem hanging my dress and Jay's suit in the closet on the plane. We just vacationed at ROR earlier this month. They do have a laundry service so I bet having the dress steamed and pressed will be no problem. I would give them a call to be sure. The resort is wonderful by the way. You are going to have a great time!
  19. I know I had to have my BC authenticated by my count clerk's office in order to get an apostile for it from the dept. of state. I live in NY and got legally married in Mexico. Not sure if this is helpful but figured that I would share.
  20. We spend a lot of time together and text each other a few times during the day. But I wouldn't say we are joined at the hip. We both like to have alone time and encourage each other to have alone time as well as time with friends.
  21. That sounds yummy!!! I bet it's core too. Thanks for sharing.
  22. Hi everyone! I brought my sweetie Jason home today from the hospital. The hospital is 3 hours away from us in Long Island, NY. I stayed in a hotel near the hospital for the past 6 days. Jay iis still sore but doing fine. He will be out of work for the next 1 1/2 weeks. Thank you so much for your prayers and well wishes. Jay needed surgery because he had Trigeminal Neurolgia which is a condition that is caused when a blood vessel/ artery is too close to the trigeminal nerve (located near the brain stem). The blood vessel/ artery "beats up" the nerve with every pulse which damages the nerve causing horrendous pain. TN used to be called the "suicide disease" because many people in the past would kill themselves to escape the pain. It is that bad. Jay's pain was chronic and severe, 24/7, for the past 2 years. He was just diagnosed a couple of months ago after our very own Glenda referred Jay to his neurosurgeon Dr. Brown, an expert in TN. We are sooooo grateful to Glenda. No one in our area could or would help. He was misdiagnosed and had to go through unnecessary treatments/ medications for 2 years. Jay had a complicated case of TN. A vein was growing along side the trigeminal nerve and an artery further up was under the nerve. Dr. Brown burned away the vein at the bottom of the nerve, inserted a teflon cushion between the nerve and vein, and inserted a teflon cushion between the artery and nerve. Right now (fingers crossed) Jay's TN pain seems to be resolved!!! He has some pain but it is surgery related and should go away in a few days. We are just so happy that this is over and Jay can be pain free! Thanks again everyone for everything.
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