Hi everyone! I brought my sweetie Jason home today from the hospital. The hospital is 3 hours away from us in Long Island, NY. I stayed in a hotel near the hospital for the past 6 days. Jay iis still sore but doing fine. He will be out of work for the next 1 1/2 weeks. Thank you so much for your prayers and well wishes. Jay needed surgery because he had Trigeminal Neurolgia which is a condition that is caused when a blood vessel/ artery is too close to the trigeminal nerve (located near the brain stem). The blood vessel/ artery "beats up" the nerve with every pulse which damages the nerve causing horrendous pain. TN used to be called the "suicide disease" because many people in the past would kill themselves to escape the pain. It is that bad. Jay's pain was chronic and severe, 24/7, for the past 2 years. He was just diagnosed a couple of months ago after our very own Glenda referred Jay to his neurosurgeon Dr. Brown, an expert in TN. We are sooooo grateful to Glenda. No one in our area could or would help. He was misdiagnosed and had to go through unnecessary treatments/ medications for 2 years. Jay had a complicated case of TN. A vein was growing along side the trigeminal nerve and an artery further up was under the nerve. Dr. Brown burned away the vein at the bottom of the nerve, inserted a teflon cushion between the nerve and vein, and inserted a teflon cushion between the artery and nerve. Right now (fingers crossed) Jay's TN pain seems to be resolved!!! He has some pain but it is surgery related and should go away in a few days. We are just so happy that this is over and Jay can be pain free! Thanks again everyone for everything.