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Everything posted by Karen

  1. OooooH those are so cute and along the lines of what I was thinking - bridal without being over the top.....and appropriate for the setting.
  2. Oh Amy that's ok. I got the general idea and it's such a cute idea. For some reason the pics still aren't coming up but thanks so much for trying again!
  3. Hi all! We are trying to go green and use recycled paper or alterative fibers for our announcements. However, I'm finding if you want to do the right thing and do this, you should be prepared to shell out the bucks. Please let me know if you know of affordable eco friendly announcements. Oh if anyone is interested in doing some good by just ordering your invites, check out WomanCraft Inc. Women who reside is a women's homeless shelter and have been trained as artisans create these beautiful invites and stationary made from recycled paper. Its a great way to help people to rebuild their lives. I might order my thank you notes from them i doubt I can afford their announcements.
  4. Maria, Amy, and Glenda, Thanks so much for the advice. The ideas are all wonderful and the advice echos what I was thinking and what Jay and I were discussing tonight. We just booked the mini reception tonight and I am just so excited. It is so wonderful to see everything coming together. The price is right, the food is wonderful, and the staff is so accomodating. They often have a guitarist stroll around the restaurant and serenade the guests. The manager is going to make sure he is booked for the night of our reception (for no extra cost- woo hoo). After looking at the place, i definiately agree that centerpieces would be overkill. Jay and I love the idea of displaying honeymoon/ wedding pics on the table instead. Amy, for some reason I couldn't link to the pics on the luminaria post you linked to this post. And I agree that the wedding dress is too much. There's a cute white summer "party" dress with oganza and a not too poofy crenolin (sp?) from Forever 21 that would be perfect and inexpensive. thanks again for all the advice!!!
  5. All those ideas are so cute. I love the bride and grom through the ages. You could use the names of land marks or activities related to the locale- table margarita, table mariachi, table la playa etc. I love the idea of famous couples too...romeo and juliet, rhett and scarlett, ross and rachel, minne and mickey
  6. So Jay and I are having a private weddingmoon in Tulum/ Cancun on 7/4/07. We are so excited and our family and friends have been so supportive and loving regarding this untraditional way for us to get hitched. This is my second time down the aisle and Jay's first. I had the big wedding the first time but that sort of thing isn't me any more and it's never been Jay's style. We decided that we our day just be about us. Jay and I have both been through a lot. Our families and friends know this and see how happy we make each other. I think that's why they have been so great and not given us much flack despite the fact they would love to see us get married. They are the best and mean the world to us. So anyhow, We are going to celebrate when we return on our one month wedding-versary (8/4/07) by having a mini-reception at a wonderful Mexican restaurant for our immediate family and closest friends (25 people). We are booking it today actually!! The food is great and the theme of our wedding will be carried through with the Mexican food and decor. We plan to set up a tv/dvd player to play a slide show of our wedding pics and maybe the video too. I'd like to give the parents and Jay's grandma framed wedding pics of us. The restaurant is in this quaint town Saratoga that is hopping at that time of year with some great bars and clubs, live street performers, etc. So I thought whoever is up for it can go bar hopping with us after. What i would like advice on is: Should we wear our wedding clothes or no? Every one might get a kick out of this but would it be weird to be in wedding regalia at a mexican restaurant (although very nice)? Our outfits are informal wedding ensembles. No ball gowns and tuxes. Favors or no? Our parents and grandmother will be getting special gifts (photos). Maybe gifts instead of favors for everyone else? We wont have a lot of money but both of us are quite artistic. we both paint, do crafts, and Jay is an incredible photographer. so maybe we could make something but thats so time consuming. So I'm a little stuck about this Do we need center pieces/ flowers? I'm thinking the decor of the place might be enough but i want a bridal feel without a gaudy over the top vibe. Wedding cake? We are having a small cake in Mexico for just the 2 of us. Everyone might enjoy a cake cutting of a small cake though I just really want everyone to feel happy and loved that day...and most of all I want to celebrate my husband and our new life. So please share some insights because there is very little info out there on stuff like this.
  7. I definately want to sleep in separate rooms the night before. Like everyone else says, it builds the anticipation and excitement. Thank goodness Dreams offers the separate room for Jay with the wedding package we have. We are getting married at 10 a.m. so we won't have too long to wait to see each other. We are getting massages the day before and most likely going to lay on the beach and hang out
  8. Karen

    Yep I'm a Newbie

    Whoa Whoa Whoa....I does believe my future hubby (AKA Mr. Popularity) has done hijacked me thread. lol. Anyhow, thanks for the welcome everyone. I am pretty lucky to be engaged to the magnificent Meester Jason (hence the screen name). And regarding the cowboy hat and speedo.....jeez..i thought that was supposed to be my wedding night surprise.
  9. Hi All, My fiance' (lambert13) has been posting here for a while now and he has nothing but wonderful things to say about this forum and the great people on it. So I thought I would check it out. We are getting married just the two of us in a beach ceremony on July 4, 2007 at Dreams Resort in Tulum, Mexico. I can't wait!!!! I get to marry the man of my dreams in one of the most beautiful places in the world. When we get back we are going to have dinner party with our closest family and friends at a popular Mexican restaurant to carry on the Mexican theme. Congrats to everyone planning their weddings and to those who already had their big day!!
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