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Everything posted by Karen

  1. Kelly I got all teary eyed. You two are such soul mates and it shows. Just the way you look at each other. So I'd say a long happy marriage is a lock if despite having to put up with a hurricane and a miserable resort experiance you still had a beautiful day. I am anxious to read your review. My friend Renee' who is also a BDW member plans to marry in the DR in Jan 2008. Congrats again!!! I am so happy for you guys!
  2. What is wrong with being selfish on your wedding day? All your life you have or will be thinking about other people's needs before your own. This day, your wedding day, is your opportunity to have the day youv'e always dreamed of. Do what you want to do!! Jay and I eloped and we don't regret it at all! What was most important to us was that we were able to focus totally on each other during the first day of our marriage and that got married where we wanted and how we wanted. That wasn't going to happen if we included everyone. Luckily we had very little drama and most of our family understoood and thought it was very romantic. Like an elopement book I read said...very rarely does romance include large groups. Plus...you can "do it" whenever you want on your wedding day!! lol. It's true though! Eloping is not for everyone though. You and your FI should figure out what is most important to you and go from there. Sounds like the location is very important and sounds like your folks are game so go for it! Stick to your guns and live your dream. Miserable people will be miserable no matter what you do. Good luck!
  3. Lord have mercy! Those have to be the sexiest wedding pictures I've ever seen! Jay is going to lick me later thanks to your pics! lol! So I take it the honeymoon was....ummmm...fun... ahem
  4. Karen

    Dreams Bride

    Welcome Amanda! My husband Jason (lambert13) and I are both BDW members. We were married at Dreams Tulum last month and had a wonderful experiance. Please let us know if we can be any assistance. Congrats on your engagement and Happy Plannning!
  5. Thank you all for your suggestions!!! So many good ideas!!! I've been friends with the Bride for over 30 years and she has seen me through so much. So I just want to do what I can to make sure her day is as special as she is.
  6. Thanks girls! Those lists are great! I was going to put together a bridal emergency kit too but I figured since every other couple gets an OOT bag with champagne and goodies why not the bridal couple?
  7. I'm the MOH for one of my dearest friends next month. She is having a small DW in Niagara Falls (Canadian side) and will be honeymooning in the Toronto area. She and her FI will be giving out OOT bags at the welcome dinner. I thought it would be a cute idea to put together a special Bridal OOT bag for them. Some of the things I was thinking of including were: Champagne Chocolates A tour book of Ontario bubble bath a book about marriage a CD of love songs So please let me know if you have any suggestions!!! Canadian girls, is there something distictively Canadian I should include? I also need suggestions for "something blue". Her theme is butterflies so I was going to see if I could find a little blue butterfly pin to pin. Thanks Everybody!!!
  8. Welcome Laura!! My husband Jason (lambert13) and I got married at Dreams Tulm last month. We are both on the forum so feel free to ask if you have any questions. Our reviews are under the Wedding Review section. Happy Planing!
  9. Karen

    Dreams Tulum

    Hey Tracy! My hubby Jason (Lambert13) and I got married at Dreams Tulum last month on the beach. The chapel is beautiful but small. You'll probally be able to fit 30 in there. Our wedding reviews are listed under the Wedding Review Section of this forum. We have links to our pics on there as well. Feel free to contact either of us for more info.
  10. I actually got my AHR dress from Macy's after a very long search that spanned 2 states and 2 months. The day before I found it, I prayed to find the dress and asked my Grandma (who died 9 years ag) to find my dress because I was so frustrated. The next day I walked into Macy's as an afterthought and found my AHR dress on a clearance rack. It was just what I wanted. It was oringinally $109 cut down to $19!!!!!! Then at the register it was cut down to 16!!! From 19 to 16. 19 to16. My Grandma was born in 1916!! So I figure she found my dress for me. I wore it to our wedding dinner in Mexico as well.
  11. Thanks everybody for the compliments. We did have a good time (when I wasn't worrying about details). The thank you notes are just about done. Then the only wedding related stuff left is just to put together the photo albums (wedding, honeymoon, & AHR/ engagement party/ bachelorette)
  12. Congratulations Kelly and Everton!! I hope your day was as special and beautiful as the the two of you are! May you have much happiness and love now and forever!! Can't wait to see your pics!
  13. My FIL and his wife got married 1 1/2 weeks before us. One of my best friends got engaged 2 days after we did and is getting married next month. I am her matron of honor. One of my other best friends got engaged in May and will be getting married in January. Not to mention, about 6 of us got engaged at the same time at work. It was a little crazy planning our wedding while still trying to be there for everyone else during this special time. Although I know the situation is a little different from yours, I never felt like my time wasn't special because other people I loved were plannning their weddings too. Actually, it turned out to be wonderful because I got an instant bridal support group. Bottom line your day is going to be incredible because you are marrying the love of your life at the right time in your life. Nothing else will matter. Like the other girls said....just by pass the waiting issue by footing the bill yourselves. And regarding making sure everyone has their share of attention, don't worry. I'm sure your family and friends have more than enough love to go around. Good Luck!
  14. Here we go this should work!! Click on this! jnklambert/At Home Reception - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
  15. Even though it says an error occurred, the link does work!!!
  16. Here are the most anticipated AHR pics!!! Enjoy! Here's the link: Shutterfly | An error has occurred
  17. Wonderful review Laura! The TTD photos are very cool. Can't get over the painted flowers. Well here's to married life and to the cocktails we will surely share in the future!
  18. Definately feel free to contact me and/or my husband Jason (lambert13) with any questions. We'd be happy to help.
  19. Karen

    I'm new!!!

    Welcome Martin! This is a great group and you are a great guy to be taking an active role in the planning. My hubby (lambert13) really enjoyed planning our DW. Its a lot more fun than most guys think. Enjoy!!
  20. OMG..so beautiful. I'm all teary! The both of you looked so beautiful!! I skipped ahead a little....who does that remake of that Cure song....it's so pretty!!!!
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