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Everything posted by Karen

  1. I highly recommend Vanessa! Jason and I hired her for our weddding and we were blown away by her artistry, professionalism, and by how just plain sweet and nice she was! We eloped so I was by myself before the wedding. She and I girl talked while she took pictures and it really helped to calm my nerves. She's awesome! Here's Jason's photography review! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t7590
  2. Cool Jamy! Thanks for the tips. Wait you hitched rides w/ Terrance? Lol. That's awesome. I was talking about putting together a song playlist to get us ready and even more pumped for Jamaica. Jay was saying we should get suggestions from Jamy. You are the reggae queen after all!!!
  3. Rum Cream sounds so yummy!!!! Thanks for letting me know Christa! Jamy, sound like you and DH have the same traveling tastes that we have. I really love learning about and experiancing other cultures. And it's hard to do that if you stay in the confines of the resort. As weird as this may sound, I love it when Jay and I are the only Americans around. As much as i love my country, it's cool to "escape" America for a bit. I reallly wanted to get another country in before any little ones come along. Anyone ever got to Bob Marley's house in 9 mile? Is it worth the trip?
  4. We were dating 2 years 2 months when we got engaged and 2 years 8 months when we married. To date we've been together 3 years 4 months.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by PenMarie I think the very best thing both of you could do when she does this is to totally ignorer her...no response...nothing. She's looking for a reaction from her ex. If she gets none, most likely, she'll stop once she catches on. If she calls him after the fact, he can always play dumb and say he didn't get anything from her (little white lie)...so in addition to getting no response maybe she'll realize she's doing wrong, and it will cease. I completely agree. People like your FI's ex are attention seeking and will thrive from positive or negative attention. The less attention you pay to her the more she will realize how pathetic she is and she'll stop. Your FI is devoted to you and you should not be threatened by this. Seriously, the best revenge is no revenge at all. Just be happy and focus on planning your beautiful wedding!
  6. How funny is that Kelly? First we have similar rings now we are both going on vacation to Jamaica! Sorry we are going to miss you. I so can't wait! I have always wanted to go but always heard stories about how dangerous it was to go off the resort. So it scared me off. But the more I have read, I realize this isn't neccesarily the case. We've already strated the research I so want to go to a soundsystem party and dunn river is off course on my list. ROR looks beautiful and has an unusually high rating on trip advisor. We also noticed that it was right there with Dreams Tulum in terms of popularity on BDW. And we couldn't believe how budget friendly it is!! Our TA is going to mention it's our anniversary and see what they can do for us. Thanks everybody for you suggestions! Christa what's rum cream? Sounds yummy. Jamy, we'll be sure to find that sailing instructor! Oh boy oh boy! I am so excited!
  7. Welcome Josh! My husband Jay (lambert13) and I have vacationed in Rincon twice and love it there!!! We were last there in January. Where are you getting married there?
  8. :sm ile159: I am soooooo excited! Jay and I booked our summer vacation / 1st anniversary trip today! We will be spending 8 nights 9 days at RIU Ocho Rios from 6/30/08- 7/7/08. Neither of us have ever been to Jamaica before and can't wait. The resort looks incredible. Jay bought a Jamaica guide book today and we toasted our trip with red stripe. Just had to share the news!! P.S. If any one knows of any romantic ideas for our anniversary, please share. Oh and if anyone else is going to be there when we are and want to meet for a drink, let us know!!
  9. Ditto what everyone else has said. I hope you feel better and that your day is wonderful!!!!
  10. I've been eyeing that dress since last year but wondering how it translates in real life. Meaning I wonder how it looks in real life and if the dress is easy to convert or if you have to be skilled in oragami.
  11. OMG! This thread is too funny. I thought i was the only one that took special joy in certain lighting because it make the ring go bling! I really notice it in jewelry stores especially after i bring it in for a professional cleaning.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP He said as he gets older he begins to wonder if he is still attractive and sexually appealing. He said if another younger woman found him sexually attractive it would be a boost to his wavering male ego. [/color] I'm sorry but this is such BS. First of all, your feelings of self worth should come from with in not from relations with a younger woman. This guy should take pride in his 20 year marriage and not want to risk it for an "ego boost". I just could never see myself consenting to an open marriage. I know who I am, I am proud of who I am, and I know I am worthy of a full committment. I just can't see lowering my standards for anyone including my husband. Definately both spouses need to work to keep the fire burning in their relationship but there's no way I would consent to DH consorting with others. I'd rather be happy alone than miserable knowing DH is boinking others to give his ego a boost.
  13. Seriously, all you can do is just laugh this off. The best revenge is living well and being happy. Nothing would irritate this chick more than you going about your merry way and focusing on all the blessings and happy things in your life. She wants to affect you. Don't let her. Kill her with kindness.
  14. Sorry that happened to you today Martha. I had an adult client ask me if i was pregnant years ago. That made me feel like crap. I've recently gained a little weight. Recently a family member inquired as to whether or not i was prego because i have a little belly now. I said nope I'm just fat....thanks. Kids can be so friggin blunt too. I had a 4 year old client once tell me I had bad breath and a 9 yo student once told me I was badly in need of a manicure. Yeah...so your'e not alone. On a side note I love the new empire waist tops!!! They hide the muffin top so nicely!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by thomastaci22 San Diego (our wedding location!). But only if all of our family could be with us. Why did you choose your DW location? Jay has been in love with Mexico for some time and I fell in love with it during our 2006 trip to Cancun. During that trip, we stayed overnight in Tulum and had the most romantic and magical 24 hours of our lives. It only seemed natural to get married there. Jay heard so many good things about Dreams Tulum and the price was right so that's why we chose Dreams as our resort. If you could stay one age (or age group) forever, what age would it be?
  16. At this point, with 11 days to go, I would try to come up with a tablescape that is as simple as possible. I'm the kind of person who gets bogged down into minute details and I have to snap myself out of it. I don't know where you are having your reception or what you have in mind for vases....but if you are anything like me, you will go bonkers if you spend too much time worrying about center pieces. I know I calm down when I have a list of tasks that I can cross off. I broke into tears at my AHR because seating got screwed up. I gain my composure after having a margarita. lol. Just know as long as the people you love are there, everything will be fine. Sounds corny but it's true.
  17. I felt the same way when I came home from our DW. But don't worry, if you have all the big stuff done, everything else will fall into place or no one will miss it if it doesn't get done.
  18. A one to two pound weight loss per week is a desirable and healthy amount to lose. A lot of us want quick results (including me) but that's not how it works. There are some weeks that I do everything right and I gain a pound. Then there are other times I lose weight when I totally fell off the wagon. Tell DH to look at it this way.....if her loses a pound a week for a year, thats 52 pounds. I agree with Jay that he may want to look into the WW Core program. I was more successful with that then Flex because it forced me to eat healthier food then on Flex. I could get away with eating more junk on flex than I could on core. One guy in my group was losing 4 to 5 pounds a week but he was a pretty big guy. If your FH doesn't have that much to lose, that may account for what he is losing now. Besides, like my leader says.....it took time to put the weight on, it's going to take time to take the weight off.
  19. Moooooooove over girls....My name is Karen and I feel like a fat cow. I am 5'8" and weigh 169 pounds. I've strugggled with weight for most of my life. All through high school I was a size 16 or 18. In April 2003, I was 218 pounds and a size 18 moving to a size 20. At that time I broke up with my ex, lived on my own for the 1st time, and filled my time going to the gym By the time I met Jay in Oct. 2004, I was down to 167 and had lost 51 pounds. We started dating and ate out a lot!!! By Jan 2006, I was up to 178. I then joined Weight Watchers. On my wedding day, I weighed 158 and was wearing a size 10 to a size 8 and was 3 pounds away from making goal. I weighed in yesterday at 169. My leader had an intervention of sorts with me. Basicaly she was trying to get me to be positive and focus on my strengths. With me I think my biggest struggle is my thinking. For some reason, I get afraid of success and give up and lose my motivation. I'm just so tired of fighting and struggling with my weight. But I just have to focus on how I feel when I'm in shape and treat myself the way I deserve to be treated. Thanks for letting me vent girls. It's nice to know I'm not alone. BTW, Weight Watchers is awesome. The meetings really target mental blocks and help you problem solve. Lots of support too. I totally recommend it!
  20. I would just add your sisters on to your attendants. Have 2 MOH's! I've been on the receiving end of something like this and it's not fun. Nobody likes to feel like they are expendable and everyone should be treated with kindness and respect. I mean these girls were willing to travel a long ways and spend a lot of money to be there for you and honor you. So that should definately be honored. Being a bridesmaid isn't always fun and can be expensive, so if you think your friends would be ok with being honored guests then let them know but do so sweetly and kindly. But honestly, I think adding on is the best way to go. These girls were will to be there for you when your family could not.
  21. Our song was "Can't help Falling In Love" by Elvis.
  22. You poor thing! This situation is unacceptable!! If I were you I would be on the phone to the WC's supervisor and following it up with a letter to the general manager or CEO of Couples. These people should be kissing your ass right now not blaming you for their mistakes. It is not your resposibility to make sure these people are doing their jobs. The tens of thousands that you are dropping at the resort should insure a quality job is done. Do not settle for anything less than what you contracted for including the wedding date, time, and price per person. Keep on going up the supervisory chain until you get what you want and then get it on paper. Believe me..the squeaky wheel does get the oil. You may want to let the WC or manager know that you are a member of a DW message board that influences bridal couples all over the world. Good luck!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by xJuicyJx His thing is "every girl dreams of their wedding day.. he doesn't want to get in the way of that". Still sucks though. Translation: He doesn't want to do anything. That's just not fair. I'd understand a little if he didn't want a wedding or anything that's being planned, but if he wants this (even if he doesn't), he needs to get off his tush. I know I would be wondering if he is going to be this way throughout your marriage...."I know how every girl dreams of being a Mom so I don't want to get in the way of that by feeding the kid". That's really frustrating.
  24. As most you guys know, I'm married to the exception to the rule as far as this stuff goes. Jay is a planning addict like me and loves travel so planning a DW was right up his alley. He was very involved. In fact, he joined BDW and started looking for his wedding attire BEFORE me. I was calling myself the female groom because i didn't really care about a lot of the frilly details and basically just wanted to get married. Jay would always say he never really understood why a guy wouldn't be invested in planning one of the most important days of his life. I think a lot of guys feel out of the loop and that their opinions really don't matter. Maybe it's a mentality like...."I'm just going to be shot down or treated like a little helper so why should I bother." Or..some guys might want to benefits of a beautiful wedding and not willing to do any of the work. Maybe you guys should sit down and let him know that this wedding belongs to both of you so it should be something that you are both planning. Plus let him know that it's important that you both do the work involved. Maybe make a list of tasks and divy up the tasks between the both of you. good Luck.
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