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Everything posted by Karen

  1. OMG!!!! I just read the thread over and it looked like i responded to being paid for bonking. I responded before to never being on a train. Just for the record..I've never been paid for sex lol.
  2. Never have I skinnydipped
  3. Never have I done body shots off anyone's tummy.
  4. I really really hope that marriage wasn't consumated in any way.
  5. Sorry for your loss. I hope you and your family finds comfort in all the blessings your Pa brought to your lives.
  6. Hi everyone! I was just scrolling threw the posts and saw my old thread was ressurected. I'm sad you girls can't get onto the website. They did a great job with our stamp. There has to be someone else out there that does this.
  7. I sprinted lol. I think it took like 20 seconds. It was just the two of us and we didn't have any music. We just wanted to hear the ocean and birds when we saw each other for the first time. It was perfect. Anyhoo..I would just have the wedding coordinator or someone fade the music when you reach the alter so you don't have to worry about timing your walk on top of everything else.
  8. The NY Harbor cruise leaves out of the South St. Seaport. So i figured that ir would only make sense to look for somewhere near by for lunch and drinks after the cruise. It's really a nice area of the city too.
  9. Here's a link to restaurants and bars in the Seaport area. South Street Seaport Dining & Entertainment Cabanna and Heartland Brewery & Beer Hall sound good to me.
  10. We are going to have so much fun!!! I can't wait!
  11. Congrats and Welcome Home!
  12. Please do not get yourself crazy over this stuff. Trust me, in a couple of years you are going to wonder what you were so upset over. We used Vista Print for our announcements and AHR invites that we designed ourselves and loved the job they did. You can upload your own designs and formats. They are also super cheap. I would highly recommend them. As for your FMIL, get your FI to field that one and get her off your back. I find if you just smile pretty, say you will take her thoughts into consideration, and do what want to do regardless, everything works out fine. Good Luck!
  13. Best- I like my arms and face Worst- my butt and thighs
  14. My miracle would be that my husband would be pain free and I would never have to see him wincing with tears in his eyes ever again. We wouldn't have to deal with this ever again.
  15. Thanks for the awesome review Heidi!! Jay and I are going to ROR 6/30-7/8/08 and your review has gotten me so so excited. Thanks for including excursion info too. We have never been to Jamaica before and looking forward to discovering it.
  16. Oh Heidi Congrats! Congrats! Congrats! I'm so happy you and Reggie had a wonderful day. You two look so happpy and beautiful. I love Reggie's hat! lol. Welcome home!
  17. I'm so glad your doc eased your mind some. The Elivis poster on the ceiling is awesome. I think my doc has a picture of a sunset or puppies or something. Seriously, I wish you nothing but the best and hope all your dreams come true.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly In all honesty I am not a big fan of games, I think a few drinks in everyone will relax and havee fun without the games. I am the wrong person to ask however, because I really hate being asked to play games, it makes me feel like I am at a kids party, jmho, I also find it awkward getting them organized. Now ask me about drinking games, and I will have a whole other opinion, hehehe:) I concur with Kelly. I hate to say it but I'm one of those people who roll their eyes and try to hide under the table when there is game playing. I find music and alcohol are wonderful social stimulators. lol. Are you having a DJ? they are usually well versed in getting the party started. BTW this is all my humble opinion. I may just be socially retarded. lol.
  19. Your jitters are totally normal and in a way a good thing. It shows that you know what a huge step this is and what an incredibly big commitment you are about to take. You also sound like you are felling a little vulnerable. Again very normal. Of course if you have any serious concerns now is the time to discuss them with your FI. As much as I love Jay and can't imagine my life without him, I was scared and nervous. Then our wedding day came and I felt absolute peace and certainty that he was who I wanted to spend my life with. Good Luck and try to relax.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Were they filming "My Big Fat Redneck Wedding" by any chance? Not to hijack, but I love that show! It was priceless when the one bride wore camo and her groom gave her a pink shotgun as a wedding present.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by MelissaH Groom Tasered, Bride Arrested On Wedding Night VALLEJO (AP) ― A weekend wedding turned into an unforgettable first night for these two newlyweds. Police say a bride and groom spent their first night as a married couple in jail after their wedding party at a Vallejo home got out of hand. When police had to return a second time to the home Saturday night, officers stunned both the groom and his cousin with a Taser when they both became aggressive towards the officers. The groom and cousin were arrested for allegedly resisting arrest. The bride was taken into custody on suspicion of public intoxication. Now that's a PARTAYYYYYY! Very Classy!
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