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Everything posted by Karen

  1. I ran in one half marathon and it was so awesome. Have fun and good luck!!!
  2. Actually I think Laura had posted about her necklace some time last summer. I think I remeber her saying it was a mish mosh of inexpensive strands of beads from Claire's believe it or not that she layered.
  3. Karen


    So awesome!!! Just savor every moment because it goes by so quick. Before you know it you'll be an old married lady like me. lol
  4. I find the old adage "if it's too good to be true, it probally is" is very true and most of the time applies to lose weight quick. I agree with Jamy losing weight is all about behavioral changes, healthy diet, and exercise. I think it was my WW leader who said it didn't take a few days to gain the weight so it's going to take time to lose it.
  5. Woo Hoo! I just put it on my calendar. And ladies, one ice cream cone is not going to ruin your diet if you spend the rest of your time eating right. Jay and I were talking about Friendly's reeses peanut butter cup sundae with glowing affection and trying to figure out how we can fit it into our diets. We checked it out on CalorieKing.com. It's like 953 calories and 8 million grams of fat. I toured the Ben & Jerry's factory once...very cool.
  6. I am crying!!! that is so beautiful....and true. = )
  7. I was the MOH in two weddings and the only female attendant both times. I probally spent a thousand with each. But it isn't always because the bride demanded anything. I didn't want either bride to go without special things so I spendt a little more. When I was married the first time, I had a traditional wedding and 4 bridesmaids. The only requirement I had was the BM dress. I didn't care about anything else. Maybe you can sit down with the bride, explain your situation, and see what expenses are negotiable like hair makeup nails etc. P.S. As much as I love my friends and family I don't think I ever want to do the BM thing again. I'd rather be a guest so all I have to do is eat drink and party. lol.
  8. Announcements are for anyone. We sent them to all our friends, associates, and family including those who were invited to the AHR. We eloped so Jay and I were the only ones at our wedding lol.
  9. Here is the wording for our announcemnt: With Great Joy and Happiness Karen Louise Skorupski and Jason Kenneth Lambert announce their marriage Wednesday the Fourth of July Two Thousand Seven Dreams Tulum Resort and Spa Tulum, Mexico My mom sent out the announcement and our AHR invites on our wedding day. Perhaps you can include an insert in your AHR invite saying that the bride and Groom consider your presence at their celebration as a wonderful gift and that no other gift is required or something to that extent. But i got to tell you I would feel funny going to a AHR empty handed. So you probally will get gifts anyhow.
  10. Destination Weddings aren't like regular weddings. Guests have to do a great deal such as take time off at work (which can be difficult), save money, make other arrangements, make plans to go somewhere they might not ordinarily go at a time of year they might not ordinarily take a vacation. Univiting someone to a DW isn't just telling them they can't come to a party. It can be screwing with people's finances and plans. Some travel expenses are nonrefundable. Generally uninviting guests is a major etiquitte no-no and is pretty much looked at as rude. Of course there are exceptions to changing plans (illness, death, family crisis) which are acceptable and understood. I guess changing things depends on how far away from the wedding you are and if people have already put down deposits. If you are say 1 1/2 years away fronm the wedding and no plans have been made then you might be able to change your plans. What ever you do, treat your family and friends with kindness and respect.
  11. OK! This has nothing to do with candy bars, coffee bars, etc. This is about power and power struggles. I have seen this time and time again. Everybody is sweet and then weddings just do something wacky to families. She's trying to show you who the alpha female in her family. If it wasn't a candy bar it would be something else. Like the girls said let FI handle this. And I say you should now go to the bar!!!
  12. I am Caspar the friendly ghost so I had to be very careful. Two weeks prior to the wedding I started using that mild tanner Jergens makes so I wasn't translucent on wedding day. But Yeah I used lots of SPF 50 and stayed in the shade when laying out. But then on wedding day I forgot to put sun screen on and I looked like a lobster after photos. lol. It didn't show in the pics though.
  13. Jill! lol! you too It's like when you meet someone every once in a while who doesn't like chocloate or ice cream. It's difficult to fathom. Yep we pretty much onlu have baked, boiled,or roasted potatoes in Casa Lambert. It's ok. He's worth it.
  14. I love yukon Gold for mashed potatoes!!! They come out so creamy. Of course I leave the skins on and put in parmesan cheese, butter, cream, and garlic. For sweet potatoes I use lots of brown sugar, some cream, and butter. Everybody's ideas sound soooooo good. Believe it or not Jay is the one person in the universe who hates mashed potatoes. When he first told me, I just stared at him in amazement.
  15. Michelle I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my Grandma almost 9 years ago and I miss her everyday. I hope you and your family can find some peace and comfort in knowing she is finally at peace.
  16. It's kind of weird not having any life events immediately on the horizon. two of our good friends just got engaged this weekend and i lit up like a christmas tree. I do love wedding stuff. Probally part of the reason I'm still on this forum 9 months after being married. We are always planning our next vacation so that's keeping my planning fix satisfied for now.
  17. Just wondering how the rest of you newlyweds are adjusting to not having to dedicate your lives to seating charts, OOT bags, and other wedding plan stuff? Jay and I have been married for 9 months now and wer'e just chillin. There's no new projects going on. I kinda miss all the wedding hoopla a little but it really is nice just to have some downtime.
  18. OMG Tammy! I see why you are soooo sad. She is such a sweet pumpkin!! Her new mom and dad look so nice. Just know you have done such a good thing and made that little pup's life better!
  19. I was married before so I know both sides of the coin. When Jay & I got engaged I was older and wiser. I was over wanting the big party and being the pretty princess. I just wanted a happy marriage with Jay. I didn't want our wedding to be about anyone else but us. We didn't have to think about any one else's limitations or desires. We got to spoil ourselves. Our ceremony was sweet because our officient was speaking to us and advising us about marriage. All too often people tend to get distracted by everything that goes along with a wedding and not realize what a serious and solemn promise you are about to take. Getting married this way alowed me to focus on this and at the same time be relaxed and have fun. Jay & I even had separate rooms the night before the wedding. I was worried about being lonely before the wedding but I wasn't. I had some quiet time to reflect and I gabbed with our photographer. I really didn't miss the stuff that goes along with a traditional wedding. We had a small reception when we got home and it was great. You can have it both ways by doing this. I read in a book about elopement that people who elope never regret it and that romance rarely includes large groups. It's so exciting too that the world is your oyster re: the planning and location. Enjoy!!
  20. My Hubby and I got married just the two of us last year at Dreams Tulum. It was wonderful, intimate, and beautiful. We had a morning ceremony followed by pics, champange (and tequila shots), cake, and private lunch on the beach. We then called friends and family, and went to lay out on the beach before our candlelit wedding dinner on the beach that was arranged by my husband. Most resorts have no problem adjusting their wedding packages to fit two instead of a group. It was just so great and I highly recommend it.
  21. 1. How's your heart lately? peaceful and happy 2. Do you find these surveys silly but take them anyway? Never! I love them! 3. What was the last movie you saw? Juno 4. The last place you went? Rafferty's for my first dinner and drinks on the deck for 2008 5. Miss someone? My Grandma who pssed away some time ago. Been thinking about her a lot. 6. What made you laugh today? My 22 month old nephew 7. Are you scared to fall in love? no 8. You get in the car and drive 2 hours in any direction you want - where did you go? NYC! 9. Have you ever peed in a pool? probally when I was a kid 10. Ever have someone bring you breakfast in bed? Yes 11. Did you dream last night? can't remember 12. What were you doing yesterday at 7 am? waking up 13. What were you doing yesterday at 10 am? washing dishes 14. What were you doing yesterday at 12 p.m.? getting ready to go for a run 15. Name a country you want to visit: Italy 16. How many piercings do you have? just my ears 17. Are all of your piercings visible? yes 18. Do you have a tatoo? no 19. What was the last thing you drank? coffee 20. Favorite author? Madelin E'lengele 21. Do you have a nick name? K, kare, 22. Which do you prefer - a or a rainy day and movies on the couch? sunny day and popcorn at the zoo 23. Are you a type of person who easily gets hurt? no 24. The last person who called you? my friend Erica 25. What beauty product could you not live without? hair dye! 26. Anything exciting happen yesterday? I got to have to day off and catch up with an old friend 27. What color is your underwear right now? blue 28. Do you ever lie about your age? Nope! 29. How many things in your past do you regret? Nothing really 30. Do you have a best friend? several 31. What do you want to be when you grow up? still figuring that out 32. Who was the last person you hugged? my husband 33. Have you ever had your heart broken? yeah 34. Whos the last person you called? my friend Lisa 35. Do you like your life? Very much so 36. White or wheat? wheat 37. Has one of your friends ever stabbed you in the back? yup 38. Did you forgive them? yes 39. Would you ever join the military? nope 40. Do you regret the last person you kissed? no 41. Have you ever slapped a girl in the face? no 42. Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party? yes! 43. You just won a cruise for 4....who do you bring? Jay and a couple of friends 44. Are you supposed to be doing something else right now? Si! __________________
  22. Tammy, you and Cain should be soooooo proud of yourselves. Fostering is so important. I would liove to do it but I think we would have about 10 dogs and cats if we did.
  23. I think you are fine with the fans and candy. No worries.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by LisaG ROFL!!!! You responded to showing your ta-ta's in public...lol!!! Guilty as charged there. One of those alcohol induced "Wooooo Hooooo!" moments. lol
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