Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB Do you remember back in high school, when once a year you would vote on the class clown, most likely to become president, or most popular person? Well we though it might be fun to run a BDW superlatives contest.
Here are the categories:
Most supportive member
Most helpful
Most chatty
Always on
Most likely to welcome newbie's
Funniest member
Most likely want to go to their house for dinner
Member you would most want to show up at your bachelorette party.
The wedding you would most love to attend (or would've like to attend)
Most likely to show up at your wedding
Steamiest BD photos
Steamiest TTD photos
Biggest post whore
Biggest photo whore
DIY queen
MIA member, you want to see more of
Most computer literate
Most likely to tell their In-laws off
Most likely to have the most babies
Most likely to win a keg stand competition
Most likely to attempt free-jumping off a cliff forgot me tammyb eternal unofficial bride