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Everything posted by LadyP

  1. LadyP

    Sad news

    my prayers are with you and your family
  2. Everything looks great and the sleeping babies make it priceless
  3. /that looks like fun would love to stampede but no sure what it is exactly. lol
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by DreaW Also, LadyP's elf I got your gift for her today, along with mine . I plan to see her on Sat. So I will have her open it and take a pic and post immediately. I will say thank you now to my secret elf and as Dreaw has said she will make me take pictures of it on Sat when I see her.
  5. wow large family looks like fun. Sorry your brother was not there.
  6. I am so happy to read the good news. Your mom's recovery will be slow but she is a fighter if you are a true reflection of her. One day at a time and being around family will be the best thing for her.
  7. As a teacher i can take off when ever i want to. they frown on the number but it is a warning she can not be fired just a nasty note. That is in PA. they say that all the time. What if you get sick or a family member or jury duty? That is what sick and personal days are for
  8. Everything sounds like you had a fantastic time. Congratulations
  9. Amir did that.. we went to a baby shower and I said this is Ms. Shelly's baby's birthday party. Amir says where is the baby I say in her stomach. Why would she eat her baby? Doesnt she love him? Try explaining babies to a 5 year old who thinks playing with his penis is a hobby
  10. umm chocolate and candy they weren't in the poll though. I can not decide because I eat candy depending on my mood. Yes there is a science to candy eating decision making.
  11. I got 2. hehehe. we went this morning and again just a few minutes ago.
  12. I say make everyone feel bad. tell them you cancelled it and that it was because you and /fh felt pressured to having something that you didnt want to have and then go ahead with the orginal plans but be quiet about it. Dont even have the 'aHR because they sound lliike they will complain no matter what so elope and send them a cd of teh ceremony
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian He takes things very literally, huh? That's cute. Kids like that are the best, because they will take what you say literally and will basically shut you up when they point out that they are indeed following your rules exactly as you stated them. Ah, kids! literally. I could not think of that word to save my life. Yes, we argue ALL the time over that. We are in Ca on auditions and he did that to the director and I was so embarrassed. but it worked we are scheduling a time to get together and sign his contract so it worked in his favor. Who knew being a wise ass works
  14. Yea we have to say exactly what we want because he will do exactly what you say.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 lmao clever boy wait till he gets older lmao you'll have to be on your toes lol Older that was weak in comparison. He is very quick witted, something i am not without being sassy. He is very (can't think of the word) you must say exactly what you mean. He was sent to his room and told not to turn on the tv to play with any toys or games. when we went up stairs he had about 5 books that he was reading. He looked up and as said "What you didnt say I couldnt read"
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 LMAO! "Mom, are we half cowboy?" that is funny. Amir would ask the same thing
  17. Ok as we all know today is free slurpee day. This and water ice are Amir's favorite past time. So I say ok we will get slurpees on the way to the Library. When we finish our homework for the week we can go to the park. Yippee was the words from his mouth Now we go to 7-11 get the slurpees no lid. I say to myself Amir will be wearing this slurpee in about 10 seconds as I put my slurpee to my mouth and spill it on my white shirt. Amir says "MOM, LOOK AT YOUR SHIRT!!! YOU LOOK A MESS. We can not go to the Library with slurpee on your shirt. Lets go the Hotel so you can change your shirt and we dont have to do homework today we can just go to the park." Ok I look a mess..... but how dare he tell me .. AND he had the nerve to yell at me. I should dot his eye. We are at the Library and I swear everyone is looking a my stain.
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