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Everything posted by jmhein

  1. I didn't get breakfast in bed OR a fruit tray... I got some rum cream and a mug and that was all. But we did get an upgrade to the Jacuzzi suite so I wasnt going to complain!! I think it varies what kind of gifts you get depending on maybe what suite you end up with, etc. They try to make sure everyone has a good experience!
  2. Wow, the resort looks beautiful and so does Cabo. OK, that's next on my list of places I have to visit! Overall would you give the resort a thumbs up?
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Rainfall your wedding look so beautiful! Congrats! I have a quick question, did you bring and of your own decoration for your ceremony/reception? I notice that it matches your wedding party.. I love the lay out, do you mind if steal some ideas off you? Thank you! I actually didn't bring any decorations for the ceremony, I just told Chandlyn my colours were aqua and asked her to do her best to match it. And it worked perfectly! My decorations were an upgrade from the basic package, I had chosen them from some photos Chandlyn emailed me. Go ahead and steal away!
  4. The forecast will often say that for Ocho Rios and all the locals say you can't trust the forecast! They will forecast rain even if it will shower for 10 minutes the whole day. It was like that before we left too and we had beautiful sunny days, with the odd quick shower. One day there was a downpour but it was over in an hour and was in the morning! No Worries!!
  5. ! I have heard a lot of wonderful things about Sunset at the Palms so I will really look forward to your pictures when the time comes! You will love Jamaica, it is such a wonderful, beautiful place! As for a rehearsal, I say if there's no charge, might as well go for it. It helps to know where to walk, where to turn, how slow to walk, where to stand, etc!! Welcome again, this forum really is such a wonderful supportive place!
  6. As far as reviews... most brides who have come back and posted the review of their experience have included the reception venue in their reviews. So far brides have RAVED about each the Mammee Bay Semi-private dinner, the Plantation private booking, and the beach reception at the Seagrape bar. I have a link to my review in my signature and I did Mammee Bay and then the Disco and we had a fabulous time. I think just look at everyone's reviews and you will come away with lots of info!
  7. AWWW!! Congrats Heidi!! The one of you first arriving at the altar is so priceless, you both look SO excited and cute, it brought tears to my eyes! So glad you had a wonderful time! I want to go back tooooo!
  8. Here is an idea if anyone in the future is looking for one. We are going to greet every guest as they arrive with a lei. Once everyone has arrived, we will announce the rules of a little game we'll play. If anyone hears someone say the word "no", (And it can have the meaning of no or "know"), they get that person's lei. So you will get a lot of people trying to trick others into saying the word "no"! The person with the most lei's at the end of the night will win a prize - in our case we'll be giving away a bottle of Appleton Rum! I remembered this game from a Christmas Party I went to a few years ago and we had used beads then. It was a lot of fun and really got people mingling!
  9. That was one of the only disappointing aspects for me, was I had pictured everyone hanging out a lot together and getting to know eachother, but really everyone formed the same groups, with my dh's family in their tight (boring LOL!) group and my family off being rowdy, and then our friends forming their own group. We felt a little torn at first trying to hang out with everyone. Then at the end we realized it was OUR vacation too so we were just going to do what WE liked and that really made it much better... hope that helps!
  10. Do you have any resort photos of the Riu Negril you could post? I am very curious to see the resort!
  11. A question for the already married Riu Ocho Rios brides, how long did it take you to be mailed your marriage certificate? I was married Feb 12th and there is still no sign of it... I am sure Chandlyn is on top of it but I was just wondering how long it took everyone else's to arrive? I heard it takes about 2 months and I am now nearing the 2 month mark... if it doesnt show up soon I will probably email Chandlyn to see if it's on its way! I should get on the official name change stuff soon!
  12. They are all really pretty but I think #3 incorporates the best of the other 2!
  13. I LOVE the father/daughter surprise, that will be so cute! I would email Chandlyn to see if you can set up a rehearsal with her the night before. We did this, I set it up in advance with her, and it was really needed since we were all so clueless! Good luck, cant wait to see your pics once you're back!
  14. Everything looks amazing! I can't wait to see your pics once you're back! Have a wonderful time, and just remember to enjoy every second of it! I had never heard of a hand ceremony and wish I'd heard of that earlier, the words had me tearing up! Enjoy the day of your dreams!
  15. Grrr, my siggy pic is so small and I cant seem to get it to upload any bigger.
  16. Everything looks amazing! I love all your dresses, really like your TTD dress too!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Hez43 Snapfish: Share:Registration Above is the link to my honeymoon page and all of the sunset pics i took in Negril, if you're still interested. The sunsets there are just so beautiful! (And I live in Erie PA where the sunsets were once ranked #2 after Japan, who knew? LOL). Heather Awww, Heather, you had the same suite at the ROR as me! The Jacuzzi Suite overlooking the entertainment area! I miss it!!
  18. CONGRATULATIONS! I hope it's everything you dreamed about and more! I know it will be wonderful, I'm so happy for you guys!
  19. We didnt get our first dance on the DVD. We just got the videographer for one hour and that time went by SO quickly, it covered a bit of fh and the guests before the ceremony, me and my dad and my bm's walking down to the site, the ceremony, the signing of the register, the receiving line at the beach gazebo, and a bit of drinking champagne and rum punch afterward. I remember Gary the videographer telling me his time was up and I was surprised because it all went so quickly! He asked if I wanted to continue with extra time and I decided not to because we were getting Michael to stay for an extra hour and I didnt want to pay for both. I just looked at the Photography price list and Videographer prices are a few pages in. The first extra hour is $95, if you do 2-3 extra hours they are $85 each, etc. I think you would probably only need one extra hour and then have him stick around for a bit more time after the ceremony, then meet you again at the reception for your first dance, etc. I think you can split it up but you would have to discuss this with the PhotoShop once you arrive. He was a pretty good guy, he'd likely do it!
  20. Beautiful! Your flower girls are so cute! Sorry to hear about the electricity problem, yikes! Congrats to the latest ROR bride!
  21. Definitely in the wedding zone! Let's go back and meet up for our first anniversaries!!!
  22. Yes, when you stay in the Jr Suites you get access to the Sir Richard and the Tushima Japanese restaurant. The Japanese is really good! The Sir Richard is no big deal because the Sir John has the same menu!
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