We didnt get our first dance on the DVD. We just got the videographer for one hour and that time went by SO quickly, it covered a bit of fh and the guests before the ceremony, me and my dad and my bm's walking down to the site, the ceremony, the signing of the register, the receiving line at the beach gazebo, and a bit of drinking champagne and rum punch afterward. I remember Gary the videographer telling me his time was up and I was surprised because it all went so quickly! He asked if I wanted to continue with extra time and I decided not to because we were getting Michael to stay for an extra hour and I didnt want to pay for both.
I just looked at the Photography price list and Videographer prices are a few pages in. The first extra hour is $95, if you do 2-3 extra hours they are $85 each, etc. I think you would probably only need one extra hour and then have him stick around for a bit more time after the ceremony, then meet you again at the reception for your first dance, etc. I think you can split it up but you would have to discuss this with the PhotoShop once you arrive. He was a pretty good guy, he'd likely do it!