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Everything posted by MarryingMyLove

  1. I've heard that RIU doesn't allow outside photographers, and over $1000 seems expensive for the resort photographer (more normally around $500-$800) so you would want to look into that and at least make sure you can see the work of the actual photographer and they aren't giving you a bad deal bc its your only option. I could be wrong, but we didn't really look at RIU because of we heard of their photographer rule. Also resort photographers generally do not have a reputation to uphold so you might not get someone that is putting their heart into it, as they probably are getting paid much less than the money you are paying the resort. Anyway, we are paying $3500 for coverage with the files. It's probably cheaper if you don't want an album but we wanted one. The photographer is traveling down for us and that price included travel. Heres the website if interested Tait Fine Art Photography
  2. In our case, our wedding party is just a BM and MofH and they are our brother and sister respectively so we know they are coming and didn't have to worry about them saying no bc of money cause they HAVE to be there lol. Since they don't live nearby, we sent them a package with tour books, maps etc along with a card that said will you be our best man/ maid of honor. We had them open it while were on the phone with them. I think it got them excited for the trip.
  3. I really love the blue brocade background you picked, its classic. Very cute album,
  4. Great idea. Let us know how it goes, I'd love to see more pics so I can get an idea of how to do it as well! Thanks.
  5. Titanium is also an option. We saw some when looking at the local mall jewelers. It is nice for men and some are available in darker colors and it is also not a super expensive metal. It's also a pretty lightweight metal so since he wouldn't be wearing it all the time and getting use to a ring, when he did put it on it probably would feel less awkward and heavy on his finger. Here's some from online Titanium Rings Studio - Titanium Rings - Titanium Rings Studio
  6. Thanks for the warning, I didn't know there was a vaccine. I never had chicken pox as a child so I have been always worried about getting it as an adult because I know it is much worse. I hope you have a quick recovery!
  7. That's scary! I think its real.. maybe they think they are funny...probably a 5th marriage or something.
  8. I think chocolate brown and pink.. brown is the base color like for he linens, pink for everything else.. like flowers, bm dresses, placecards, ribbon etc
  9. I wouldn't take their plans to attend your wedding into account when deciding what to get them you never know if they are really going to come. I would get them something off their registry. I think about 100 dollar gift is appropiate.
  10. We will probably give at dinner the night before - for BM pearl necklaces and for GM silver flasks with their name engraved.. one GM doesnt drink so a silver money clip instead
  11. I could not get anything from that link, do you know where that article moved to?
  12. That's good that you are getting a legal wedding outside Mexico, the whole blood withdrawal in another country really freaks me out. Must it really be done on the morning of your wedding? I hate needles so I could never do it let alone on the morning of the wedding. I hope you find a good alternative for the certificate, I'd love to see one since you called it a gift certificate lol.
  13. I saw a TV program online recently that featured Disney weddings, it was pretty cool if you are into Disney. They were so extravagant, must be expensive!
  14. That dress looks cute, probably only meant for the super skinny.. maybe without tight waistband you wouldn't look pregnant, don't they have real people try those on first! Disappointing but I still love Old Navy.
  15. Good to know the ups and downs of Spirit. I'll check them out when I am not taking time sensitive flights.
  16. Congats on your engagement! Happy planning.
  17. I am glad you were able to find love again in a non-abusive relationship.
  18. We are not doing a AHR.. if our families want one then they can organize and pay for it. I don't really see a need to have one of us, hopefully people will come to the wedding, we are giving enough notice. I'd rather spend our budget on making the DW the best it can be rather than something at home. We hired a pro photog for our DW so really want everything to be perfect, we probably wouldn't pay for a photog for an AHR anyway since the big day has passed.
  19. My FI and I will stay together the night before. I think I would be too nervous to be alone. Plus we already live together so I can't imagine a night apart especially on the eve of our wedding. After we wake up we will go our separate ways and see eachother again before the ceremony in a special first meeting so we can talk and then take pics.
  20. Isn't this color scheme amazing? I got this pic from someones bio on another board. I thought it was perfect... she even said she made all the boquets herself from flowers at a craft store... pretty amazing, I thought they were real.
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