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Everything posted by calyx6

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by hln321 I am LOVING this website!!! Thanks so much for posting it! Isn't it great? I'm going to have to make a whole bunch of pseudo invites to download just so I can save the artwork on my computer (just in case they decide to take it down someday.) -V-
  2. Just came across this and thought I would share: Beautiful designs that will enhance the memories of your unforgettable day. They have an online ap that lets you create invites, programs, envelopes, and matching labels from their templates. -V-
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege I actually don't know of a dentist smell. I guess it's only one of those smells you notice when you hate the dentist There is definitely a dentist's office smell. I think it has to do with some of the solutions they use; and it's definitely more noticeable when you're there for longer than the average cleaning. Just thinking about it makes me cringe. -V-
  4. Yeah! Another Dreams Tulum couple! Welcome! -V-
  5. The wedding ring should be worn closer to the heart (I would think.) So that would make the e-ring closer to the knuckle. During the ceremony, the e-ring can be moved to the right hand. Oooh, and have the kids call you "mrs" more often! It's good practice and might avoid some situations. (I almost sent my movers away several months ago when I opened the door and a random guy asked for a Mrs. Hudson. Then he said something about a moving company and I realized he was asking for me!) -V- PS. Congratulations on the elopment!!!
  6. If she's really serious about going to your wedding, she should apply for her passport ASAP! In addition to all the horror stories that have been posted here, the passport delays have made it to the USA Today Travel page. Maybe you should send her this link: Travelers face frustrating passport delays - USATODAY.com -V-
  7. Those might be glass wand bubbles. I looked around at the site and they didn't have any warnings on the other bubble favors. If they're glass and it's an airtight seal (it would have to be to keep the bubble solution in), the glass won't be able to expand to accommodate the change in air volume in the wand and so will crack. The bubble solution will still work whether or not it has flown. Why don't you try buying a the bubble wands in plastic tubes? -V-
  8. It's 1 carry-on and 1 "personal" item. That "personal" item could be a very large purse. I've seen purses larger than my luggage! I flew Air France with my wedding dress rolled up in a rolling duffel then stuffed my real purse and other misc. into a satchel and called that one my purse. I've never seen them be real picky about it at the airline counter or at the gate. You might, however, run into some overzealous TSA people. Once my carry-on got weighed (it was too heavy so I had to shift some items to my checked-in luggage), and once a TSA person had an issue with my brown paper lunch bag. She actually had me stuff my lunch bag into my carry on. (Hello, they don't serve food on domestic flights anymore in coach!). -V- PS. Men can have a "personal" bag too so between the two of you, it should be ok.
  9. Does she not even have a sliver of it left inside the case? If she does, then you can get it custom matched. If not, you could try getting in touch with the company that makes it to see what they suggest is comparable. You might also try at the outlet malls in the cosmetic stores. Finding the right red is so hard, good luck! -V-
  10. Hmm.... In my emails with Sandra, she answered my questions line by line or said she didn't understand the question. I eventually had the Best Woman who speaks fluent spanish call her to get some things clarified. She had no problems reaching her. When we were picking our dates, she said all those days were open and asked us to pick one and pick a time. I haven't asked her but I am under the impression that we are the only wedding that day. However, I think for Laura B's wedding in July, there are two weddings that day. If Sandra specified only 3PM, there may be another wedding in the morning or if you're using the church, maybe something else is going on in there. The only way to know for sure is to ask! -V-
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by lavalos Re: buying liquor at the airport...We were in Cabo in April and bought a couple of bottles of tequila. They tagged and carried onto the plane for us, however, because we had a connecting flight the tag and carry rule did not apply when we got into the states. If you plan to buy in Mexico, be sure you're on a nonstop flight into the states. Or be sure you can put your liquor in your checked luggage at your connection point. Normally you have to pass US customs at your entry point (ie, connecting airport) and have to collect your luggage to do so, then recheck luggage on connecting flight. You should be able to stow any liquor bought into your luggage before rechecking it so make sure you have room (and lots of plastic bags in case of leakage/breakage.) -V-
  12. 100 ml is actually 3.3 oz (30ml = 1 oz). I've seen little kits in Bed Bath and Beyond with empty plastic containers that will pass regulations. But aren't most of us going to be checking in luggage? -V-
  13. Welcome Amber! I'm also living in San Jose. Good luck deciding on where to have your nuptials. Maybe you can do both locations! Have the legal ceremony here and involve your friends/family not willing/able to travel, then have an AwayHR (Away from Home Reception?) - best of both worlds! -V-
  14. I've seen Veuve Clicquot at Costco. Not sure of the pricing though. And yes, you should be able to use your costco card even at a costco in MX. I was at an event in MX where we had to get a CD player last minute and that's what the DJ did, hoped into a taxi and hightailed it to Costco. All of the warehouses don't always have the same exact products so I would follow Merryme's advice and call. -V-
  15. I believe LauraB ordered a dress online so you could do a search through her threads. If you're concerned about fit and fabric, I'm not sure ordering online is the best way to go because you won't be able to feel the fabric and even though they ask for your measurements, you'll probably still have to get it altered. It is a good price though! Maybe if you order it and it doesn't work out, you could use it for a "trash the dress" session. -V-
  16. Welcome Morgan! I lived in Atlanta for 9 years and tremendously miss it. I only moved away from there 6 months ago. I completely understand your hesitation to move before you get a ring. We were already cohabiting when Jim finished his Ph.D. and started job interviews all over the place. Of course, he thought I would go with him wherever he got a job which is actually not that simple for me since I have to be relicensed in whatever state I work. I actually decided that I wouldn't move until he made a greater leap in commitment but didn't tell him that. Luckily he proposed 2 months before receiving his first real job offer so we did not have to have that conversation. So I moved across the country and still do not have new hairdresser/nail place/dentist/job/etc... Do whatever you feel is right and it'll turn out just fine Two years of separation is hard but maybe he'll realize how much he misses you and cough up that ring! There are tons of direct flights between ATL and Dallas. Anyways, you'll find tons of info on this forum. One of the things that'll help you narrow down a location is whether you want to use an AI or not. -V-
  17. Yeaaaah! I'm really happy for you that he stepped up to the plate and stood up to his mom. Is Erik normally non-confrontational? -V-
  18. Ok, so it's been 45 minutes since our last update. This is like a mini soap opera. I am so addicted. But seriously, I'm glad he stepped up and is talking to his mom. That's the way it should be since it is his mother and it shouldn't be your responsibility. I'm really hoping things will be easier for you after this convo. -V-
  19. You may want to double-check with American Airlines about the luggage allowance. We flew our dog from GA to CA on Delta and even though we had to pay to have the dog in cargo hold, their policy is that it counts as luggage. I mean, if you pay for the dog to fly, why should that count against your allowance? It doesn't even go in the same space! But anyways, yes, the temperature at any of your layover points does matter. While it never really gets hot up in the air, you never know what might happen on the ground, how long they'll be on a hot tarmac, etc... Do you know if you'll have to do anything special to get the dogs through customs? -V-
  20. I assume this will be in June after the wedding? The odds of it being 85 or over in Dallas, TX are probably pretty high in June. A lot of airlines actually just don't allow at all the transporting of dogs in the cargo hold during summer months. You run a high risk of them deciding they will not allow you to transport the dogs after all. I assume these are larger dogs that have to go in cargo? If they're not and can fit in a carry on that will fit under the seat, then it shouldn't matter what the outside temperature is but you do have to reserve a space for the dogs since they only allow a certain number of pets in the cabin per flight. Oh, and if you do take the dogs, their pet crate will count against your baggage allowance (so unfair.) -V-
  21. I just went to their website (getmarried.com) and they have their feature on the Dreams Cancun resort online on the main page. It also looks like they have all of their episodes available to watch as well. -V- PS. I highly recommend the couples massage! But I wouldn't do it at night, I would do it in the daytime because afterwards you can stay in the spa area as long as you want to.
  22. I think the show is actually "Get Married". I've been to their site and there wasn't much there. -V-
  23. You can put it on your homeowner's or renter's insurance or you can get your ring its own insurance policy. Our ring policy has a much lower deductible than the home policy, and the ring is covered under almost any circumstances including plain old lost it! The only thing it won't cover is loss due to flooding but instead of reporting it lost due to flooding, you could say you went swimming and lost it. I'm sure any insurance agent will be more than happy to advise you on which policy is better. -V-
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne How can they make you sign a waiver saying you won't get preggo Nothing (well, besides abstinence of course) is 100%. That seems strange to me. I guess they just really want you to know just how serious the complications could be... It's required by law. If you don't sign the waiver, they don't give you the prescription. Accutane is an extremely restricted drug and not only because of the horrific birth defects it can cause. The pharmacist before dispensing the drug has to get an authorization number before giving it to the patient. And no, we don't receive that authorization number until the patient has completed their quiz and the doctor has completed their lab/paperwork and submitted it. At least prescriptions can now be called in instead of being brought in by the patients. The point is, they can make you sign that waiver but they can't make you not get pregnant. However, they can do everything within their power to ensure you won't get pregnant like requiring you to be on birth control. And its a waiver - if you do get pregnant, they are not liable for the results. -V- PS. I'm a licensed pharmacist.
  25. Sorry Heidi, I think most everyone here can relate. We ran into a similar dilemna looking at doing a room block. Actually, we didn't even get as far as finding out how much exactly they were wanting for a room deposit because except for the wedding party and the parental units, no one could give us a definite yeah or nay as to whether or not they were coming. With the bridal party, we didn't meet the 10 room minimum. Eventually we decided that it was too much stress worrying about it and the whole point of doing a destination wedding was to make it less stressful for us. The people we really want to be there will be there (even if we have to help them a little financially) and we trust that if people really want to come, they'll make their arrangements in time (or ante up for higher room fees or a day pass for the resort.) And if some people don't really want to come, we don't want them there anyways because we don't need any party poopers. If it makes you feel any better, my brother's wife was complaining and saying they wouldn't be able to make it if we didn't have the wedding during a school vacation (she was saying even my brother wouldn't make it even though his job has nothing to do with academics) but we went ahead with the plans that were better for us anyways. She's now taking off a whole week to be there. -V-
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