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Everything posted by calyx6

  1. Ivory. I have one of those skintones that can wear either white or ivory but the dress came in ivory. -V-
  2. Annie, Does your DH have his outfit yet? Are you doing a TTD with Elizabeth and if so will you use your dress or another one? How about OOT bags for your 9 guests? (or are you 9 altogether? I forget..) I'm sure if you give me another hour or so I can think of more things for you to do. Et les autres filles ont raison: ce n'est pas gentil de ne pas nous montrer des photos de la robe! -V-
  3. $550 JUST for the FIRST set of alterations??!??!!! That's insane! First of all, that's a very high price for alterations period, but to say that you'll have to pay even more to finish the alterations is a scam. Definitely get some quotes from other tailors. -Vi-
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by soltamargo I go with the brazilian as well, when i first got it I told my self, O wow!, I'm 10 again!... haha!.. it's a nice feeling ! ... Ok, so I know a brazilian isn't all bare, but do you ever think about your husband making love to a "10 year old"? I know guys love it but somehow I can't get that thought out of my head. Men should make out with women, not girls. Even though the rest of the body is all woman, I just can't get past that. There's nothing wrong with trimming (is this TMI?) but that statement just reminded me of folks that take it all off. -V- PS. And yes, you can buy numbing creams OTC in the hemorrhoidal preps sections of pharmacies or have your doctor give you a prescription for some EMLA.
  5. Thanks for the update! One less thing to stress about before the wedding.. -Vi-
  6. I'm a traditionalist so I would leave out the cocoa powder. My favorite way to have them is one of the ways you've already mentionned: unsalted butter and granulated sugar. Yummmm!!! -Vi-
  7. I thought about translating my STDs in French for my family in France but they all know basic english and it was too much hassle to do an entire set just for them. "Reservez la Date" or "Reservez-nous Cette Date" was the closest translation I could come up with. It just sounds funny because it's not really done. If you and your DH only speak French to your families, it might be seen a little strange to be sending an english STD. Also, will you be doing your invitations in French or English or both? -Vi-
  8. Hmm.. What are "boom boom" shots? And what other drinks did you enjoy? -V-
  9. Beachy and classy? They have the beachy part down.. And the upscale price tag. But unfortunately, I don't think they fit into an elegant beachy wedding. However, if you're doing a whimsical beach wedding, they might be perfect. -Vi-
  10. Hi, Are you doing a beach wedding or a chapel wedding? For the beach wedding, I think the walk can be as short or long as you want it to be depending on how fast you walk. The questionnaire that Sandra sent to be filled out for reserving the date did have a place for reception requests I think (I filled it out so long ago I don't exactly remember) but I really liked the set-up in the Himitsu restaurant. But then again, it is really hard to tell unless you're there yourself. I'm not sure that November is as popular a time the year than spring or summer so there may not be any issues with another couple grabbing "your spot." If you ask Sandra I'm sure she'll tell you if there is another wedding happening that day. -V-
  11. Congratulations!!!!! You two look so cute together. Now you can "officially" start planning. Have you decided if you're going to stay in TX or move to ATL? -Vi-
  12. Hi Laura, I have to admit I haven't tried contacting Sandra since March when we reserved our date. She said to contact her again in August to start planning and I haven't yet! I have been getting some information from other brides on here. We're still working on suits for the groomsmen and waiting for the invitations to come in so I haven't stressed out too much about it. And I still need to figure out what to do about the aisle on the beach since they don't have something at the resort to put down. Sandra mentionned being able to rent a carpet but I'm wondering what I can bring down that's light and cheap (I'd like to wear heels.) At any rate, I hear she's excellent (and overworked.) -Vi-
  13. Welcome and congrats! You'll be married there the weekend before us! Have you got everything sorted out with Sandra yet? -Vi-
  14. I don't think it's odd to ask someone else to take her place. Just let them know what you've told us here. You really wanted to ask them in the first place but you had to limit your number of bridesmaids. They'd be helping you out a great deal and that feeling should override any "why didn't she ask me in the first place" resentments. -Vi-
  15. Yes, I agree with you! My mother called me recently and asked about other hotels since my aunt and her daughter want to save money by staying somewhere else. I had no problems mentionning that they would have to pay a day pass fee to get onto the resort and that it wouldn't really save any money to do that. And no, I'm not willing to pay the day pass fee for them. It really does defeat the purpose of having a DW where you can all vacation together and have quality time together for them to not stay at the same place. -Vi-
  16. We have Henckel's knives in both the Pro-S and Twin Cuisine lines. One thing to consider when choosing your knives is how you want to hold them. Apparently, knives are balanced differently for the "home" chef and "professional" chef. The balance point for a "professional" is near the point where the butt and blade meet - in general chefs want more control over their knives and will hold them there right at the blade. The balance point for a home cook is in the handle of the knife. Try holding different large chef's knives in the store and see what feels more comfortable to you. For example, I am more comfortable holding the knife near the blade (Pro-S), and my DH prefers holding the knife on the handle (Twin Cuisine). -Vi-
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by AmyInMI hmmmm..... hehehe.. I was wondering how long it would take for someone to comment on the French messages. -V-
  18. I printed my STDs on my laser printer and MercurioBrothers is letterpressing my invites. -V-
  19. I don't remember the post about turning the dress inside out. When I stuffed my dress in my carry on to get it home, I left all of the tissue paper on the inside of it, left it in its garment bag, and then carefully rolled it up before putting it in my rolley carry-on. I believe some other brides have mentionned packing the dress in a large sheet. You'll probably still have to get it steamed or pressed. -V-
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Julesr I do not want to do the boudoir pictures because what does he do with them after? Keep them in a photoalbum that he can't show anyone? I am just a little confused about that part, so while I think they look amazing, I don't think its really practical or something he will really care about. I gave my DH a nicely framed B-picture when he went away on business for several months. When he came home, he kept it on his desk. Now that we have moved and the office doubles as a guest room, we just have to remember to hide the pict when people come over to stay. As much as he says he doesn't understand why B-picts are such big things as wedding presents, he did enjoy the one I gave him. And I think he likes knowing that I did that for him. -V-
  21. You can do grand plies (ballet exercise); the key is keeping your back straight and not lean forward while doing those. They're great for toning up the thighs. There's also a variety of resistance/weight machines at the gym that are designed for the thighs. I have no idea what they're called though. For the inner and outer thighs, it's two machines on which you seat and spread your legs against resistance, and for the butt, it's an apparatus that you use standing up that reminds me of a wheel of torture. If you do lots of reps as opposed to lots of weight it should help tone up as opposed to bulk up. Someone at the gym should be able to point you in the right direction. And of course, there's always the DVD's of the "buns of steel" type. -V-
  22. Neiman's, Bloomies, and Saks 5th also have them. -V-
  23. We used them and had no problems whatsoever. My DH has also used them in the past for business cards and promotional postcards with no problems. -V-
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by mridgway Those turned out so cute! Thanks for sharing your info - I was just getting ready to buy a laminator but think these look much sturdier. One question, on the clear ones that you used, what does the back side look like? I was going to do our logo on one side and the guest contact information on the other. Can you see through the backside to see the information? Thanks! Melissa I have the same tags so I can answer this one. The tags are see through on both sides. However, the front piece that slides in and out is completely clear, and the rest of the tag is a tiny bit frosted. We printed lines for our guests to write their info so that the tags could function as real luggage tags. -V-
  25. Thanks for the review Laura! And Congrats! Where did you have your reception dinner and which menu did you pick? -Vi-
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