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Everything posted by amym567

  1. Congratulations! You'll be coming home on my wedding day! Amy
  2. I love them! What are you doing with them Amy
  3. My mom is wanting to know if she'll have internet access at The RIU. I was wondering the same thing, and debated taking my laptop until it was brought to my attention that I should so I can upload photos as I go, or if needed (we're bringing a family friend for our photographer). I have enough memory cards for over 2000 pix, but don't want to come up short!!! Thanks! Amy
  4. Congratulations and have a great time! Amy
  5. Congratulations! I'm sure it was wonderful!! Amy
  6. Congratulations, Jessalyn! I'm sure everything was wonderful!!!
  7. Congratulations, Stephanie! I'm sure with all of your details, everything was GREAT!!! Amy
  8. Thanks for sharing your book, Tammy. I think it turned out great! Amy
  9. Happy Birthday, Sarah! I hope your day is great! Amy
  10. I am SO glad the forum is back up!!!! I leave a week from tomorrow, and I know there's still a lot I need from here!! I was thinking about the fact that I don't post too many times, and how much I hated the forum being down- I can just imagine how those of you who post tons were feeling!!! Amy
  11. This is probably a stupid question, but is it OK to bring a knife and server for your cake as long as it's in your checked luggage? Obviously I know you can't put it in your carry-on!! Amy
  12. Sarah~ Would you please tell me the info you included on your program fans? I can kind of see the tops of each page (General info, wedding party, ?, ceremony). I'm working on mine now and think I'm missing things!!! Also, if you and hubby have grandparents (and they didn't attend), did you still include their names in the program? We have 4 grandmas and 1 grandpa (still living) and 1 grandma and (maybe) 1 grandpa are going to Mexico. Would like to honor deceased, but still mention the others even if they aren't in Mexico- not sure how though. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks! Amy
  13. Best Wishes, Jessalyn! I know with all of your planning, everything will be wonderful!!! Amy
  14. Jessalyn~ Thanks so much for posting everything! It all looks great!!! I need to post away so I can open your welcome brochure (need more points!!). Have a great time! Amy
  15. I'm working on my reception wording today and need help! Mine is a formal reception, and I'm debating on putting the date of our wedding on there so I don't confuse people (since these will be sent out in the next week, and we won't be married yet). Also, it's being hosted by my parents who are divorced and both re-married. Here's my start: Mr. and Mrs. James Michalsen And Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kowalewski Request the honour of your presence at a Reception to celebrate the marriage of their daughter, Amy Elaine To Mr. Kevin Michael Lindell, Son of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lindell. The reception will be held at Hawk’s View Banquet Hall, 2217 Forest Hills Road, Machesney Park, Illinois on Saturday, the Fourth of August, Two-Thousand Seven at 6:00 p.m. I also like the wording from the above post about "We're getting ready to depart", but then I need to work on the rest of the wording so I can get our parents' names there- then I WOULD put the date and place of the actual wedding. I know these thoughts are jumbled- I'm going on not much sleep since I'm babysitting my 7 week-old niece all weekend!!! Thanks for any help you can give! Amy
  16. This was done at a wedding that I went to. It seemed to work out well. How many people are you having? I think if you have a designated person doing the taping who will make sure to get everyone, it will be great. You could also mention at some point that people should make sure to see "Joe" at some point during the night to videotape some advice/wishes for the new couple! Amy
  17. Great ideas, Christine! I have a digital frame that my brother got me for Christmas, but I haven't used it yet. That would be great. Amy
  18. I love that dress! I tried it on, but it was cut too low on top for my comfort! Thanks for sharing! Amy
  19. Loreta~ Your pictures are beautiful! Everyone looked so happy! Thanks for sharing! Amy
  20. Two Peas Message Board It's a scrapbooking site that I go to: Two Peas in a Bucket. I couldn't believe it when I saw this there! Very interesting opinions! If you can get past all the negatives, there are a lot of positives, and a lot of married women who wished they'd done it. Amy
  21. Hello~ Just wanted to share that I'm getting some things checked off of my list with people who can relate! I got my shoes for the ceremony- they're also my "something blue". They're actually some small-heeled slides from Avon! The picture looks cheesy, but they look really pretty IRL. They're the ones in the top pic, "Dainty Cat's Eye Slide". They're shown with an anklet (that's not part of the shoe). AVON- Search ETA: THIS LINK ISN'T WORKING- YOU CAN SEARCH BY "DAINTY CAT'S EYE SLIDE" IF YOU WANT TO SEE THEM, SORRY!!!! I also got my shoes for after the ceremony and my AHR. I got them yesterday at David's Bridal. Again, the pic doesn't do them justice. They're the white ones (in case the red ones show up on the link!), and they have rhinestones across all the straps. David's Bridal - Accessory Marly Dyeable Satin thong shoe with rhinestones. I also ordered my TTD dress! I think it's this exact one- (except it's white). It only cost me $130 ($15 for the regular shipping to the store and an extra $10 for them to send it out tomorrow). I wanted to spend under $100, but REALLY like it! Anyway, it's the second row, second from the left. Isn't it weird how they block the faces? Just The Beginning I thought I had Kevin's ring, but the size isn't working! He's getting a Tungsten ring, and I saw that Kohl's has them! He won't be able to wear it working, so I can't see spending a ton on it. The one at Kohl's was regularly $250, on sale for $90! Unfortunately they only have whole sizes, and we think he needs a 10 1/2. So, tomorrow we're going to our jeweler where we got my ring, and getting it there. Thanks for reading! Like I said, just wanted to share with others who are going through the same things! Amy P.S. I'm hoping to post some DIY's next week! I work best under pressure, so I'm not too worried since I still have over 2 weeks!!! Tomorrow I'm working on a rough version of my AHR invites that need to go out PRONTO! I'm also planning to make program fans, tissue holders, OOT bags, welcome letter, etc., etc., etc.!!! I figure if I post this here, you guys will keep me on track!!!
  22. Those look great, Christine! My wedding is 15 days before yours and I have yet to start the DIY's that I want to do!!!! Next week is my crunch time! Amy
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by RAENJAY I'm gonna agree - totally tacky! Why doesn't she just post a list of Aunt Sue - Buy me a TV Uncle Bill - You'll get us a new washer It's almost the same thing. And it's not like you can't return something if you don't like what people have given you. It's supposed to be the thought that counts. That cracked me up, Stephanie! I agree- VERY TACKY!!! Amy
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