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Posts posted by amym567

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by beachbride View Post
    that's a really nice shell, I haven't seen one like that before...
    Someone on here had some like it- can't remember who. Anyway, we went to Cozumel on Monday and I searched high and low for shells like that (we also used them for our sand ceremony). Finally found them at a little shell shop across the street from our resort (I did have a back-up shell from home, but didn't like it as much)!! I couldn't believe it! In fact, on my wedding day, I went back to buy the ones for the sand ceremony- nothing like the last minute! Then, I was afraid they'd take them from me on the way home (animal product). I had them all wrapped in a little bag I carried, and nobody even looked at them!!! I did have my receipts though, just in case! I need to find a nice place to display them where my cats can't get them!
  2. I had 4 children at my wedding- my goddaughter 7, her sister 8, and brother 4 (who were my flowergirls and ring bearer), and my 2 month-old niece. When I talked to my friend, the mother of the 3 kids (who was a bridesmaid), I knew she and her husband wanted to go, but I didn't know if they'd want to bring their kids (expenses, or a chance to get away, etc.). She told me, "It's your wedding, if you want my kids there, they're there. If you want them left home, they're home." I have so much respect for her leaving it up to me! I heard so many comments from our other guests throughout the week about how well-behaved those kids were! They fit in great with everyone.


    As for my brother, it worked out fine having the baby there! I was happy to that my new niece was included in our family pictures!


    Now for my AHR, I put "adults only" on the invite, but will have the wedding party kids, and a few out-of-town "older" kids. The reason we did this was strictly numbers. We have quite a few friends with 3 or 4 kids, and there's no way our venue could accommodate that many extra people. So far, I haven't heard any complaints about it- but, like mentioned by another poster, it's close to home.


    I think you need to do what's best for you!


  3. In the middle of the airport we had to change some things around in suitcases because they were overweight! Needless to say, my husband was not happy!!!! However, everyone LOVED their bags and the things in them! The biggest hit with my group was the large plastic bottles I got at the dollar store~ they were great to put your own Corona in (there was a self-serve tap in the buffet area!), and the bartenders were always filling them with Miami Vices (the drink of choice for most of my guests~ half pina colada, half strawberry daquiri!).


  4. For those who are thinking about getting married at home because of the paperwork and/or blood test, I have to tell you that it wasn't that bad at all for us. I am a HUGE baby, but the doctor came to our room and was in and out in 5 minutes. It was a small needle, and I barely felt it. Everything was also very sterile and safe. Also, there really wasn't too much for the paperwork either. Now, I haven't started the change-my-name-process yet, so I may have a different opinion later, but one of the main reasons we got married there, was because of the dilemma of do you tell your guests, or don't you, and what day is our "real" anniversary. Just my 2 cents!


  5. Hello Everyone!


    We had a WONDERFUL time! Glad to be home and getting back into the swing of things! Once I make a dent in the laundry and mail, I'll be sure to post pix and a review.




    P.S. Congrats to the all of the other new brides (and grooms)!

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tlseege View Post
    The way I like to think of it is, if you didn't have REAL things to worry about, you'd worry about the possibility of things. So you'd stress yourself out about things that COULD possibly go wrong. This way you have something else to divert your attention and when the day comes you will enjoy every minute of it! :)
    Good way to think about it!

  7. An update on my brother's passport- seems they have the last number of his SS# wrong! My mom called and they traced it, and that was the problem. Since he doesn't have to show his SS card, it will be OK this time. He should get his in the mail Thursday, and he doesn't leave until next Tuesday.


    Jamy~ I can't believe all of those people bailed at the last minute! Kevin's brother told him yesterday that he's not going- My future in-laws are not happy with their son at all right now! He's known all this time and said he was going, but all of a sudden he's moving and getting a new job next week (which is true, but could've been scheduled differently!)! Good thing my brother and step-brother are in the wedding- Kevin is closer to them anyway, but he's still hurt.


    Thanks for all the good thoughts!


  8. We leave on Saturday, and there are so many things that are annoying me right now!!!!! First, my Grandpa was supposed to go, but Grandma is sick so he's staying home. So, my mom asked my aunt to go (mom had ins. on grandpa's trip, but had him booked as a double, so was still going to lose a lot of money). Anyway, go to get Aunt's passport today, because with new laws, she should be able to, they tell her it's too late- WTFhuh.gif The website says all those who "apply by September 30 only need to show proof of application". So, the travel agent calls my mom and leaves an e-mail "call me by 4:30, I have info for you, or call first thing Thurs. morning cuz I'm off tomorrow". Mom didn't get either message cuz she was helping sick grandma. So, now we're supposed to wait until Thurs. to see if she found a way aunt can go, who by-the-way would need to pack and get a dress by SATURDAY!!!!! Why did my travel agent not try to call me, or leave more details about her "info"!!!!! My travel agent is great, but mom is not a fan of hers right now (more to the story there).


    Also, mom told me to print off brother and niece's proof of application- MY BROTHER'S IS NOT FOUND!!!!! His 6 week old daughter's is, but his isn't!!!! Mom's calling on that right now.


    And, my groomsmen's pants- UGH!!!! I got all the guys' sizes and bought them so they'd be the same as Kevin's and our dads'. My brother and 1 groomsman have weird measurements I guess, so I get pants that are too short (32 instead of 34), and ask if they can wear them low cuz white linen shirts will be untucked and cover waistline). THEIR WASTE SIZES DIDN'T FIT!!!! So, just passed brother's onto groomsman, then had to go buy yet another pair of these darn pants for brother!!!


    Please tell me things will be great when I get there!!!!


    Thanks for listening!!!



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