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Everything posted by amym567

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv They look great! Where did you get your TTD ... it's simple but beautiful! My dress is actually a bridesmaid dress in white. It was $100. I think the brand is "Roberta Bridal". The reason we did it at 6, was because our friend Nicki, who we brought to take pictures, was leaving early that morning and she wanted to be a part of it. (We used the resort photog and Nicki for everything.) I am SO not a morning person, but it wasn't too bad to get up for that reason! Thanks for all of the nice comments! Amy
  2. And the last one! I had tanlines in this dress, but planned ahead for my "real" dress! Amy
  3. I need to preface this by saying that my hubby did not have the best time doing this!!! It was 6 a.m., he'd had a pedicure before we left that made his feet sensitive in the sand (or so he said!), and he wasn't happy with the sand and water going up his pants!!! Needless to say, I'm happy with the results, given his attitude (and surprised there are some of him smiling!)! Also, the pictures were taken by 2 friends, not a pro photog. There were only 4 other people on the beach, so we should've had a lot more "sexier" shots than we did! Our friends kept saying, "C'mon, Kevin, give us some beach porn!" But he wasn't cooperating!!! Here they are! This first one is very blurry, but I love my hair in it! I posted in another thread that one of my bridesmaids is also my hairstylist, so she told me to sleep with my hair up, then she took it out and put some loose curls in. More to come!
  4. A few more... Mom and me Dad, Me, Brother, Mom (I'm so lucky that my divorced parents get along so well!) And some fun ones with the girls! My dad was the only one tall enough to take these (while standing on a chair and holding the camera up above his head!)
  5. I am lucky enough to be great friends with my hairstylist (she was one of my bridesmaids!). So, she told me to sleep in my hair (it was up), then she got up at 6, came to our room, took my hair out, and put a few loose curls in it. I'm going to post my TTD pix in a few minutes in a new thread. Amy
  6. Hello~ I had a few minutes and realized I hadn't posted any pro pix yet!
  7. That's a great list! I do have to admit, however, that there was a little JT playing at my reception Saturday night. And of course the song can't play without my husband asking someone if they have their receipt, because he's bringing sexy back!!!! Amy
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs.B 2008 right? and it's a quick flight from the East Coast! i am researching but haven't found anywhere in P.R. that looks fabulous! I've flown into PR to board a cruise ship, and I didn't see any pretty places there. I, of course, can't say there aren't beautiful beaches/resorts there, but a lot of times the cruise ships are near the pretty part of town. Just my opinion! Amy
  9. Beautiful pictures, Lisa! I tried that dress on too! It looked great on you! Amy
  10. Beautiful pictures, Lisa! I tried that dress on too! It looked great! Amy
  11. I got a wedding band on Saturday! Every time I tried to look for one, I couldn't find one that I liked with my e-ring, so I just wasn't going to get one (my e-ring looks almost like 2 bands anyway). On Saturday, I took my ring to be cleaned before our AHR and found this band! Our jeweler let me take it home to see what Kevin thought, and he loved it! So, this is my reception and birthday gift! Just had to share! Amy
  12. I was married at the RIU Playacar and LOVED it!!! I haven't done an actual review yet, but I would definitely recommend it! Amy
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB Happy belated Birthday you two.. So tell us what you guys did to celebrate? Thanks for the birthday wishes! I had a busy weekend because our AHR was held on Saturday! It's so sad that all my wedding events are over now! Anyway, we had a WONDERFUL time with our 270 guests!!! On Sunday, we had brunch at my in-law's house (Kevin's grandma, aunt, and cousins were in town for the reception), then they (and my parents) came over to our house to watch us open our gifts, then Kevin and I went to Chili's with my brother, his girlfriend, and my beautiful 3-month old niece, Baela, for dinner! It was a great day! Amy
  14. Great pix! Thanks for sharing! Andrea~ the front of your dress looks just like my TTD dress! I love your dress! Amy
  15. I ended up giving them their money back. They paid initially, then, when I got a $400 check for selling lia sophia, it was easy to just use that to pay them back (since that's not my "real job", I never think of that money for any specific purpose). Their dresses were $100 each, and my mom and step-dad paid for my step-sister's. We also paid for all the GM's clothes. Amy
  16. Good song, Tami! I've never heard it before. Amy
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Susan101207 We are using "My Wish" by Rascal Flatts That's what Kevin and his mom are dancing to. My DJ was setting up tonight while we were decorating, so I asked him to change it to "You've Got a Friend". I did tell him that he HAS to play "Remember When" sometime in the night though! Amy
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB Oh is that the story your sticking to Erik? "It's a halloween outfit" Umm yea, remind me to not go to your house for dinner, I'd be affraid I'd make the wrong turn on the to the bathroom and end up in the Sex room with swings and all kinds of crazy stuff... lol LOLOLOL!!!! Yep, me being a teacher too- I might worry a little about that pic!!!! But hey, thanks for sharing- it's a good one! Amy
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by playagirl Great job Amy. Your ideas are very cute. I like how you displayed your program fan at the AHR. I may have to borrow that idea. What font did you use on your advice cards? Thanks The font is called "Scriptina". I also used it for our names and the words "Wedding Party" on that display board. I love that font and use it every chance I get! Amy
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