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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. AWESOME! congratulations! I got married at the Akumal side and I can tell you it was one of the BEST decisions I ever made. I have never regretted it. Make sure you read the entire thread (like 100+ pages) about the resort. A lot of your information will be covered there, including booking your date. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t786 As for which resort is closer to the water... it depends. Akumal and Tulum are on the water. Almost all of Tulum is very close to the water, where only the suites of Akumal are on the water. One important thing is remembering that you can only get married on the side you are staying at. so if you want the gazebo wedding you'll have to get married on the Tulum side. If you want to get married underneath the hammock arches on the beach (that's where I got married) you'll have to stay at the Akumal side. Happy planning and please ask me any questions you'd like!
  2. There are some very small secluded ruins that if you can find, you can take pictures at. I believe they are in playa del carmen area. However, the Tulum ruins and places of the such will NOT allow you to take any photos with your wedding dress. There have been a few brides who were able to sneak it in, and with quick thinking on the part of their photographers they did not get their photos erased as they were escorted out of the ruins... but do you really want to chance that?
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by lm1984 The date is November 4, 2009. I am so relieved that I acutally have a date now. And we are the only wedding of the day so far. yay! That is so awesome! Congratulations!! And the only wedding of the day, that'd be really nice! Which location are you planning on getting married at?
  4. Yup, they will take it and steam it for you... I think $15? But we got my husband's suit from Men's Warehouse and carried it on the plan in a garment bag... and it was not ONE BIT wrinkled. Plus, with the humidity of the air down there we just hung it up as soon as we got there and it was perfect.
  5. Yeah, amazing shoes right? I think I told Josie that about 600 times!! I loved those shoes!!! i can't wait to edit the photos! Josie, did you happen to receive that paperwork I sent you? We can't send you any proofs until we get that back, so just checking!
  6. Cold? Ack, it was a heat wave! It was practically 12 degrees! That was warm considering the past couple days!!! But yes, it was freezing!!! Good thing I carry a lot of crap with me otherwise poor Woody's hands would have fallen off!!!
  7. oooo, I see... he he he. For the record... I love them! I think Tammy chose really good ones for all of the ladies!
  8. Overall I think this is a good idea, for shooters and tequila and things like that. However some items are WAY over priced in Mexico such as suntan lotion. So if you are planning on putting those types of items in your OOT bag I would bring them with you.
  9. LOVE it! Your pictures look great, I can't wait to see the professional ones!!! You must have had so much fun and you look so happy!
  10. I would actually make the pages slightly larger (works best in my experience) to make room for trimming. I often find that if I submit an 8x8 jpeg it gets cropped just slightly. If i do 8.25x8.25 then it's about perfect. Just something to consider.
  11. It's Sarah... and she is AMAZING and you should totally contact her. but just as an FYI, she JUST had a baby. So it might take just a little longer for her to respond to your inquiry.
  12. Tammy I love these pictures that you posted! I'm so excited for these ladies to see their pictures! They all are so good!!!
  13. TATrisha


    Welcome to the forum Yvonne! The Riviera Maya is a wonderful place for a wedding (of course I'm biased, but still). To help narrow down your resorts what I have always found works best is if you and your fiance make a list of everything that's important to you. Then with that knowledge you should be able to cross resorts off the HUGE list one by one until you find the perfect match! Good luck and happy planning!
  14. I have never seen it, but I too love the idea! Would you have to have the painter at the wedding or do you simply send them a photo and they recreate it?
  15. That is really sad. What is the reasoning? Is it monetary reasons? You are getting married in 14 months. How much is a trip for one person? Say it's $1400 for two or three nights. That's $100 a month. Could you save that much a perhaps pay for her way? Or what about $50 a month and meet her in the middle?
  16. Honestly, I have seen BEAUTIFUL weddings come out of both places. so you should make a list of things that you really want out of your wedding. Go through the amenities at each resort and what they offer for weddings and see who had everything on your list. If both resorts have everything you are looking for, then probably the cheapest one is the way to go. Plus, will you be having guests? If so, think of their cost for coming to your wedding. The cheaper the resort, the more guests you are likely to have.
  17. This weekend when we did our BD shoots for the BDW girls they had some AWESOME shoes!!!! But the best part is that just a simple pair of heels looks sexy with ANY BD pose! Trust me. And if the girls that we toook pictures of okay it, maybe we could share some pictures of the sweet shoes they brought along!
  18. Holy crap that's exciting!!! Congratulations!!!! Make sure you take pictures of the house, especially if it needs TLC. it'll be cool to look at the before and after photos later down the road.
  19. I didn't really have a huppah... it was actually a hammock contraption, but it was the same concept of a huppah. What i did was drapped blue satin cloth in kind of an M shape. Then I had a flower arrangement in the top to corners and holding the fabric up in the middle. I loved it.
  20. Morning Ladies!! Alright, let's see what questions I can try and answer today... I had my poolside reception at Akumal. It was expensive, but i wouldn't have changed it for the world. It really made my day super special and it was awesome. The DJ was provided to us... he certainly was not DJ Bob... however maybe that's a Tulum thing. It was $150 an hour PAID IN CASH THE DAY BEFORE!! We brought mixed CD's with the songs he needed to play, and then other random music that we would like played. He mixed his songs with our songs and he was absolutely perfect. For the ceremony we brought a burned CD from iTunes. Just make sure the CD plays in an older CD player before you go down there. When i burnt my first CD from iTunes it was the MP4s and it didn't play in some CD players. That would have sucked! Then on the CD label what songs go with what. Make sure you label the outside of the case too, since once the CD is inside the player it won't do much good to have it written on the CD! For our ceremony we had a song for seating of the guests. A song for Shawn to walk the mom's to their seat and the bridesmaids/groomsmen to walk into (we had four pairs... and our song was about 4 minutes long and it had to be repeated for 30 seconds). Then I had a song for myself and my dad. Then we had a song for signing of the documents. A song for the sand ceremony. And a recessional song. hope that helps!
  21. Trust me, I was there!!! I think I overwhelmed myself trying to think of all the little details that I just needed to get done and how I was going to do them, and then of course the wedding coordinator at the resort refused to e-mail me back, so that added stress. It all amounted to me being BURNED OUT! It was at about that point that I said forget it. I sent out my invitations and really stopped keeping track of stuff. I figured if they were coming to Mexico, it'd be pretty obvious (unlike a traditional wedding with people not RSVPing). And when I got to the resort it was the most beautiful thing ever and everyone was so helpful. My biggest regret is worrying so much about the small little details when the BIG thing I should have been excited for (the marriage, the trip, the friends & family who were coming) got pushed aside while I worried about stupid place cards. Trust me. Your wedding will be fantastic! The resort is amazing and you'll love every minute of it. You just need to take a step back and take a break. Don't worry, everything will be great!
  22. I really like these a lot. The color choices are great and I like the fonts too. The only suggestion that comes to mind is the invite possibly having the words (NOT your names) right aligned? Not sure if that would work, but the space on the right hand side looks just a little... I don't know... blank? BUT... I love them just the way they are too, so that certainly isn't a MUST make this change type thing!
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