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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. Welcome and congratulations on your Valentine's Engagement!!! That must have been so much fun!!! As for Punta Cana... gorgeous. And there are a lot of Dreams brides on this forum so you should do a search (in the upper right hand corner) and start planning your dream wedding!!
  2. Welcome Madelyn! Where are you thinking for your wedding??
  3. Welcome Jenna!! this site is amazing!! You will find so much information! I actually got married very near Tulum (I did my trash the dress session in Tulum), so if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask!! Best wishes!
  4. Welcome to the forum!!! Cabo is a beautiful place to get married! Gorgeous!!! Check out this thread. if you scroll through the whole thing there are a few links to Mango. I hope that helps! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t34865
  5. i LOVE your photos! You must be so beyond happy!! WOW! You looked amazing and your photographer did an amazing job capturing it! Congratulations!
  6. I just wore it the whole time! But I brought along a backpack with a swimsuit top (I had on the bottom) and a coverup dress in it. Then after the dress was wet my mom & I went out into the ocean about chest deep. She took off my dress while I put my swimsuit top on and then we "washed" the dress a little in the ocean and then carried it high above our heads out of the water (otherwise sand from the waves would get in it). Then I just wore my coverup back to the hotel and carried my soaking wet dress! Going to two locations... you'd have to take it off inbetween I think because the cabs/collectivos do not like you being wet on their seats.
  7. We used "Walking on Sunshine" by Aly & AJ. We wanted something upbeat and fun.
  8. We waited 6 months. But, we already lived together for four years so we had that "alone" time and we are both financially stable and ready. Not to mention, I've been given a small window of opportunity by my doctors. So there's that.
  9. We too wrote thank you in the sand. I love the photo, sadly I don't have a copy at work to share. I'll try to remember tonight.
  10. I have sailed as a group, and yes we got comps. We all got $50 in room credits (I think we had 6 rooms). We also got slightly upgraded rooms.
  11. Shea, Jada is so cute!!! What a precious little princess!! Congratulations again!
  12. Not an ipod dock. There might be a radio, but I never even checked. But you are right, music would have been a blessing!!!
  13. I'm not sure I necessarily agree with the cheaper portion of Abbie's e-mail, but they definitely are easier to pack! I did the raffia fans. I did love them, but I spent a lot of time wrapping ribbon around the handles and then attaching my programs to them... and then people only used them to block the sun, not to fan off...
  14. Those are really beautiful shoes!!! You aren't getting married on the beach though are you But seriously, you'll wear those shoes again. I would wear them all the time after my wedding. With cute jeans, sun dresses... love them.
  15. We didn't want to ruin my husband's suit either, it's totally something he'll wear again. So instead he bought nice pants which matched his suit and then just wore his white shirt. It worked out perfect!!
  16. Congratulations Shea!!! that's amazing! I can't wait to see cute pictures of little Jada!!
  17. I'm going to agree that you'll need something with some substance to it. A taco station would be really fun. And although your guests might be enjoying tacos throughout the week at the resort, I think the whole vibe of your wedding will be completely different than the resort buffets. Also... I LOVE the smores idea!!!
  18. We paid for our photographer to stay at the resort, so we did not pay a fee.
  19. My band was around $5000, Shawns was around $2500, and then my "second band" (plain, no diamonds, used when I don't want to wear my bling) it was $900
  20. I've had to eat every 1.5-2 hours because of "morning" sickness. But now that that is over (knocking on wood) I was fine for about 3 days with my normal eating schedule, and now i have to eat constantly again! I just try to make them healthier snacks. since you are only supposed to eat 300 extra cals a day, I try to keep that in mind. So, for my first breakfast (7am) i have two pieces of toast and a half a glass of milk. Second breakfast (9:30) I have a bowl of fruit and a hard boiled egg (I only eat the white). Then for elevensies (which today is at 10:30!) i eat a 100 calorie pack or a treat (today is banana nut bread). Then I'll have lunch. Then I'm usually good from lunch until dinner... but I sometimes need a 3pm snack so i try to eat another type of 100 calorie pack or a banana or something simple.
  21. There are many threads about this, however I'm not sure what you would search under which would make them pop up the fastest, so I'll just answer. Most brides report that their dresses were actually more CLEAN than when they were done with the wedding. Mine included. The only thing with my dress was that there was a lot of sand in it. I didn't rinse it out very well, I just packed it up and then took it to the dry cleaners. I hope that helps.
  22. There are many threads about this, however I'm not sure what you would search under which would make them pop up the fastest, so I'll just answer. Most brides report that their dresses were actually more CLEAN than when they were done with the wedding. Mine included. The only thing with my dress was that there was a lot of sand in it. I didn't rinse it out very well, I just packed it up and then took it to the dry cleaners. I hope that helps.
  23. Congratulations Mrs!! And welcome back! I can't wait to hear more details... and of course, see pictures!!!
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