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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. TATrisha


    Congratulations and welcome to the forum!! You will find so much information, not only on the RIU, but also on Jamaica in general. Trust me, this website was a life saver for me! I hope it is for you too. Best wishes!
  2. How far along will you be in April? Could you make it into a boudoir and maternity session? Otherwise, I'd probably move it up. Not that you'll necessarily look pregnant already in April, however you'll be approximately how far along I am now, come April (i think)... and... honestly... it's the middle stages. Blah. Where you don't quite look pregnant... know what i mean? So i would see if she could move it up.
  3. Shelley, these are amazing!!! Sarah, as always, did an awesome job. Your guests are going to be SOOO impressed!!
  4. These look so great!! As for how to get them to your destination, what i did was i took the caps off of every one. Then I placed them all in the suitcase. Then I stuffed all of my OOT stuff, undies, swimsuits, bathroom supplies, etc into the cups. Then i put the caps on them. So although it took up a WHOLE suitcase, they at least served a purpose in transporting all of my other stuff down to Mexico without taking up more room in MY suitcase!! I wish I would have taken a picture. It looked pretty funny. I'm sure if anyone in the baggage area opened my suitcase they would have laughed when they opened a cup and pulled out my something blue undies!!
  5. Tobi you look gorgeous!!!! So beautiful! And i love your dress!! I cannot wait to see more pictures!!!!
  6. I got them for my guests in April, and we used them. It's not TOO chilly that you need a sweater or a jacket, so just a light wrap like that is perfect.
  7. Mine were kind of flexible, but I think as they dried out they became less and less.
  8. Welcome Karen! There are many peopple on this forum who have gotten married at Dreams, which I'm sure you've seen... so you must be thrilled to get married there! It is a beautiful location!
  9. I completely understand. When I got married I was planning on using a local photographer. However, it turned out that for the same price (or cheaper) I could fly a photographer in and have four DAYS worth of photos instead of four hours. For me, that was a no brainer. Plus, being in the states, it was a lot easier to communicate and I felt much more confident hiring someone who was on this forum and although I never met him, I felt comfortable with him. I know that probably doesn't make your decision much easier, but I would start contacting photographers that you admire their work and just ask for a price quote. I think I sent an email to about 10 photographers from this site. Then I just found the one that "meshed" my with personality and offered the right price, and away we went!
  10. Awesome! And you really were smiling all the time. You must have had such an amazing time. Congratulations! I cannot wait to see the pro pictures!!
  11. Don't worry. One of the best things about destination weddings are that they can be as easy or as hard as you'd like. Some people just show up and let the resort take care of everything, others plan every little detail themselves. It's completely up to you! Personally, I started out saying I was just going to let the resort do the work. Next thing you know, I made my own invitations, my own decorations, I hired my own photographer, and I designed all the little details. I just had a lot of extra time and since I wasn't planning on doing them, if I had time and I was bored, I figured that was one extra little touch. Definitely nothing to get stressed out about! Good luck!
  12. I am so excited to read your review and find out about your amazing time! I am so jealous and I can't believe it's been almost a year since I was at that resort. Have the best time ever, and just remember to NOT STRESS!!!! Best wishes!!!
  13. Congratulations!!! Tell us more about this cruise engagement! it sounds so amazing!! And be sure to check out the Jamaica section of the forum. You will find so much information, you're bound to have the perfect wedding!
  14. Welcome to the forum Lindsay, and congratulations on your engagement! This website is sure to help you get the most bang for your buck in regards to everything!! From decorations, to music, to invitations, and of course photography!! Good luck and happy planning!
  15. Welcome! April is a wonderful time to get married in Mexico! I couldn't have been happier with the weather. It was nice and warm, but not too hot, and at night it didn't cool off so much where we needed a jacket. It was perfect! Good luck with your planning!
  16. Please have some more fun with s'more treats Not sure... but you just officially made me hungry for smores!!!
  17. Happy Birthday Christine!!! I hope you had a great day!!
  18. Welcome!! According to what Maureen said, i would choose the Raddison. It sounds amazing for a beautiful wedding, and like it would really wow your guests. As far as wedding coordinators, some brides use them, some only use the resort. Personally, the only outside vendor that I had was my photographer, so I didn't feel the need to use a seperate wedding coordinator. Instead I spent the extra cash on flying my photographer in and having a private reception.
  19. TATrisha


    Welcome Megan! Aruba sounds like an amazing destination! i can't wait to hear more about your planning. best wishes!
  20. Congratulations on making the decision to have YOUR dream wedding! That's amazing!!! I think all three locations you are considering are amazing, of course I'm partial to Riviera Maya (that's where I was married), but I've seen some amazing weddings in Cozumel and Jamaica too! Good luck planning!!
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