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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. Hi Shelly! Definitely list out what you and your fiance want out of your wedding. Do you need a resort with a beautiful beach? do you want to get married ON the beach or in a gazebo? do you want a church wedding? Do you want a private outdoor reception? Will kids be allowed? what is your price range for your guests? Once you start to answer all of these questions then you'll find it MUCH easier to narrow down your resorts. But the key is finding out what you and your fiance want out of YOUR wedding. Not what someone else wants.
  2. Coba is not a quick tour, by any means. You are talking about a FULL day tour... and I'm not sure doing Coba and Akumal beach in the same day is possible. Maybe Tulum and Akumal beach
  3. ANOTHER Wisconsin bride! Two in one day! This is so fun! Welcome to the forum! Hopefully you will find all kinds of information on here. Let me know if you need anything
  4. Welcome! I have never been to the Bahamas, so I can't really comment on that, but I see you are from Wisconsin! That's exciting! It's always nice to see additional cheese heads around here! Hopefully the forum will be able to answer many of your questions.
  5. I agree with the other ladies, I'd be upset... well, unless he was joking. I grew up in the household where if you didn't like what was being made, make a PB&J. End of story. Momma was NOT going to make me a special meal. No way!
  6. I love wedding dresses!!! Alright, here is how I feel about the dresses #40 is SO flattering on you. It makes you look super skinny and i think it's the most flattering and pretty. #46, pretty dress, but I just don't think it's quite right for you (based on how great you looked in other dresses) #50... very beautiful dress #51... not a fan #52, see #46 #23, I love this dress. I think it's very beachy and flowy. It has a unique neckline and although not TOO much detail, I think it's very beautiful. #36, gorgeous. Not the typical beach wedding dress, but who cares. Very pretty. #14, not a fan. So, My order of favorites would be #23, #40, #36. Those are my top three.
  7. I seriously can NOT believe that it's only two months until your wedding! I remember the day you announced you were engaged like it was yesterday! I can still vividly see the photos! This is just nuts!! Anyway, congratulations and don't stress!
  8. The WC took care of the material for my wedding. I brought my own material and they hung it and placed the flowers where I wanted them.
  9. Congratulations Evelyn!! We are SO excited to photograph your wedding at the Moon Palace this November! As for all of our other entrants, thank you guys so much for taking the time to write out your story and enter our contest. It was very difficult to choose a winner, and I hope you all know that.
  10. Sorry to keep everyone in such suspense! It's just we had a lot of great entries! Hopefully we will post tomorrow about our winner!
  11. I added blue fabric and I had to bring my own. She acted like it was the first time she'd ever had anyone request that actually. Otherwise it's the white fabric. But to bring my own only cost like $20 and was SOOO worth it.
  12. We always took ours with us. Not that I wanted to, and I probably would feel more safe with it on the ship, however we never book excursions through the ship itself, so if I were to ever need transportation back to the US or to the ship, I'd probably need it!
  13. I know! I can't even wait and it's partly my contest!!! Hopefully Tammy and I will be able to make up our minds really quickly, but we have a bunch of entries that we are considering, so this is going to be tough!!
  14. Welcome to the forum! I got married at the GBP Akumal and I LOVED it! I hope your vow renewal is just as amazing!
  15. HA! Those were my inspiration invitations too! And there was no way I was paying $10 a piece! I so loved mine though, and yours too. Totally worth it to do yourself, and my guests really loved them. So I'm sure yours will too! I didn't do the ribbon corners though. Too much work! Instead I did a slotted corner punch which fit the inserts perfectly and still gave it the same basic look.
  16. I like the little rubber duckies from Oriental Trading company. They are small and cute! As for the bubbles or the salts, I'd say salts. And the only reason I say that (because I'd really prefer bubbles) is because depending on how many guests you have, adding bubbles to your suitcase could take up a lot of weight.
  17. Yeah, I would have freaked out too. Even now if the baby doesn't do it's normal kick boxing class from 9:30-10:00 pm I get concerned. I can't even imagine not feeling it for a whole day. How scary. But thank goodness everything is okay!!! And along the lines of baby kicks, my husband finally agreed to try and feel the baby kick, and she walloped him a good one! So now he touches my belly constantly. It's so cute because he was SO anti belly before. And then last night he was trying to feel the baby and she was NOT moving (very sleepy apparently). Well, I ate dinner and five minutes later there was the aerobics class action. But this time I pulled up my shirt and looked... AH! That was hilarious! My stomach looked like a popcorn popping machine! It was so cool! Now i just sit here and stare at my stomach! So antiproductive, but cool all at the same time!
  18. TATrisha


    Welcome! I too was a not engaged lady when I first joined this forum, and I'm SO thankful for it! I had a very easy time planning once i was engaged because i had secretly done all of my research ahead of time! It was awesome! Not to mention, I found the photographer who shot our engagement photos (literally, when he went down on one knee) from this website! So it was VERY helpful through the whole process!
  19. Those look really great!! It just brings back memories of how terribly my hands hurt!!! But, trust me, your guests reactions will be worth the blisters!
  20. TATrisha


    Hi Jessica! welcome to the forum! You will find so much information on Puerto Vallarta weddings here! Where are you planning on getting married?
  21. Wow, that was an awesome review and everything looked so great! Congratulations!
  22. I just wanted to bump this thread since there is less than a week left to get your entries in!! Good luck everyone!
  23. I chose Akumal and if I went back I'd choose it again. However, it tends to be the most expensive. Tulum is the oldest of the three. Almost all the rooms are VERY close to the ocean, but i believe they are all standard rooms. Akumal is the next oldest and it has a few rooms on the ocean, but most are Junior Suites. Coba is the newest and is all suites, however it is NOT located on the beach. You have to take a tram or walk a good distance to get to the beach. However, because of this it tends to be cheaper. Now, in regards to which one to stay at... you must get married at the locations offered for the resort you stay at. So, if you like the gazebo, you should stay at the Tulum section. Akumal has the hammock beach area (where i got married) and then Coba might get to choose between those? Not sure. But there are other locations as well, but those two are the most popular.
  24. I think you should totally do it too! Tammy IS (regardless of what she might say! LOL) doing my maternity photos and I'm SO excited!!! I'm paying for her to come out here and then also for the session, but it's totally worth it. I trust her completely and I know I'll get great images! I'm actually super excited! i will be doing the photos on the lakeshore!! Plus, as an added bonus, hopefully we'll get to do some additional work together while she's out here!
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