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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. Hi Tiffany! Where in Kentucky?!
  2. Welcome Danielle!! I did the same thing you are doing right now, so don't worry about that! This forum is awesome for ideas and inspiration!!
  3. TATrisha


    Welcome Elizabeth!! I love cruises! where will you be sailing to? Are you getting married in Gavelston before you board the cruise or at a port somewhere?
  4. I had room service deliver me chicken nuggets. MMM, delicious. Oh, and watermelon! Yummy.
  5. Here, this thread should help you out: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t31771
  6. Congratulations!!! what an exciting year this is for you guys!! And you look just stunning. I love your signature picture. You are just beautiful!
  7. Oh that is scary! I'm glad you are emailing your doctor. Hopefully they'll have some answers for you! That'd freak me out!
  8. That review made me want to be there! It sounds like you guys had so much fun and the fact that you could rent that club for your group only sounds AMAZING!!! Congratulations!!
  9. Yup, I was going to suggest you make them yourself. Then you get tank tops that fit too! I ordered a rather expensive Bride rhinestone tank online in a medium and it's more like an XS!! So, I think making them not only will allow you to save a bunch of money, but also make sure that the fit is just right!
  10. Welcome to the forum! I LOVE cruises! Which ship will you be sailing and to what ports??
  11. Welcome to the forum Melissa! Dreams Cancun is a BEAUTIFUL location and what a fun way to end the year!!! Congratulations!
  12. Welcome to the forum! I got married at the Gran Bahia Principe Akumal, and I LOVED my wedding. It was everything I've ever dreamt of and more... so naturally I push in that direction! But, this forum is FULL of information to help you. Hopefully you've already found the GBP thread but if not, here is the link: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t786 It's a lot of information (a lot of pages) but it should be very helpful in deciding if the resort is for you!
  13. TATrisha


    HI Maria!! May 4th is my parent's anniversary, and they've been married over 30 years... so you've picked a great day! Plus, the DR... gorgeous!! Congratulations and welcome!
  14. Welcome to the forum Julie!! I hope you find all kinds of useful information here!
  15. Alyssa that is such an AWESOME book!!! I really wish I had something like that! It's amazing! Maybe I'll have to make one... hmmm...
  16. Congratulations!!! Officially deciding and booking the resort was one of the biggest reliefs for me! I'm sure you are super excited!!!
  17. Yup! We just chose a resort which had pretty pictures and was in our budget. I actually chose our resort when there wasn't much information on it on this forum too, so that was scary! I doubted it many times, but in the end... we LOVED it! It was also nice that we didn't have built up expectations. Like if we had gone to a resort and it was fabulous and the food was amazing and the service top notch, I'd be so nervous that I would tell all of our guests that and then they'd have high expectations and it'd be an "off week" or something and it wouldn't live up to their expectations. By going in site unseen we were all excited and everything was new and awesome.
  18. Nina I think that's a really fun idea actually! Plus, that way if someone spots it they won't immediately feel the need to open it to see your hottness! LOL!! And by the way... I totally want to see your finished book!!
  19. OOO, tough choice. Since you like all of their work, why don't you make a spread sheet. In that sheet list out each photographer, how many hours their package offers, how many prints you get, how much you have to pay for the full resolution disc, how much a TTD session would cost, any expenses... things like that. Perhaps that will help make one stand out more?
  20. OOO, I love the concept of your nursery! I can't wait for you to get it done and take pictures for us!! As for having the stuff... don't worry. May 2nd is only four weeks away and if your bouncy little boy decides he wants to make his appearance, people will bring you stuff. Plus, what do you REALLY need right away? Diapers, wipes, formula (if you're going that route), onesie and a blanket. All the big fancy stuff can wait.
  21. Welcome Jessica! It's never too early to start planning the wedding of your dreams!! This forum has so much information on Dreams Tulum you must be so excited!! Such a gorgeous location!! Good luck with all your planning!
  22. I actually really like this dress! I think it has that little bit of glam to it, yet it's flowy and beautiful for a beach!
  23. I actually just started my nursery this weekend!! We painted a light brown, toffeeish color on the walls. Then the furniture is all white. The cribing set is Monkey Vine at Babies R Us. i just love the little monkey!! We also put together the crib on Monday, so that was really exciting. Now if only I had a mattress! So now it's time to decorate and accent. I really didn't want a theme (that's why I went with Monkey Vine instead of other bedding... it's just ONE little monkey, not monkeypaloosa!). So hopefully it'll all come together very nicely in the end!
  24. Happy wedding day! I hope it's everything you've ever dreamed of, and more!
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