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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. Welcome Jen! I got married in April in RM and the weather was absolutely perfect! You'll love it! There are SO many resorts though! My biggest suggestion would be to write a list of all the things you and Joel NEED/WANT at your wedding. Do you want it to be a large or small resort? Children allowed? Beach or garden wedding? Private reception or is public okay? Do you want a gazebo? What is your budget, not only for yourselves, but for your guests? Once you gather a bunch of information like that, it'll be a LOT easier to narrow down the resorts. Good luck!
  2. Welcome to the forum! Like mentioned above, many brides have been married at both locations, so you should find PLENTY of info. Personally, I love the Las Caletas brides. The location and setting is just amazing!!! Good luck!
  3. Welcome!!! I got married at the Akumal location. I too LOVED the resort (as did all of my guests) so i can easily see why you've visted five times in the past four years!! If you need any advice or help just let me know! Happy planning!
  4. I can completely see WHY you want that to be your cover pic! I love it!!! Hopefully we can get just a few more girls to commit and then we'll make sure to take a picture like that!
  5. You were a beautiful bride and your pictures are amazing!! Congratulations!
  6. Angel, you are hilarious! i'm 26 weeks and I'm pretty sure I'm just as big as you!! You look beautiufl! Jenn... a sweet little princess! How exciting!!! Did you go out and buy something pink? I would have! LOL
  7. I don't know how I'm going to keep this from Addison until June when I do the photo shoot! I will want to put it on her every day!!! Maybe I'll do it for our friend's baby whose birthday is June 28th... hmmm... yeah, this is going to be addicting. i'm going to need more!
  8. TATrisha

    New to site!

    Welcome to the forum Mikki! It will certainly be a great occasion to get out of the snow in NY in January for a beautiful wedding in the RM!! Best wishes and happy planning!
  9. I just ordered a tutu for my niece's third birthday!!! I'm SO excited to get it! She's going to look like a princess!!
  10. Skin care, ah yes! My sister and I both had this really bad during the later parts of trimester one and early parts of two. My sister went to the doctor and the recommened we use Clean & Clear. It's a clear bottle with a dark blue top. Pink juice. I actually use the blue stuff because it doesn't dry my skin out as much, but it also doesn't work as well. It's perfectly safe for the baby and it really works!! My back and my face thank me now... although sadly I learned about it too late and my face now has scars
  11. Okay, first of all, I just opened up the slideshow and it's still loading... but I must say that you looked GORGEOUS on your wedding day!!! So stunning. That dress looks like it was made just perfectly for you! Congratulations!! Okay... now I'm off to drool at your photos!
  12. What a relief!!! Too bad you had to stress all night about it, but thank goodness it was something so simple that you already know about!!
  13. I love feeling my baby move too! I just love it. I can sit there and stare at it for hours (well, if it'd kick for hours). It's just so amazing to me!! Plus, since it's still pretty little and the kicks are really low, it doesn't hurt yet!
  14. I just have to say that I was SOOOO mad at the producers of American Idol last night. We DVR the show. We tape it 2 minutes long... and we still didn't even get to see ADAM!! Not even his clip before he sings! They went to COMMERCIAL instead of letting Adam sing on time! How ridiculous is that! And then, it was one of the best performances (watched it on youtube) and even got the ONE AND ONLY standing ovation from Simon! That poor Adam! Hopefully enough people still vote for him, because AI REALLY screwed up by not letting people see him!!
  15. Oh she is SO adorable!!!! The dress is just so beautiful! What a cutie! And I think it'll look great with the pink parasols and your bouquet. I must say though... the socks really pull the bridesmaid outfit together!
  16. I'm sure it's nothing, but I'm just checking in to see if you've called them yet this morning and to make sure everything is okay. Update us when you can
  17. How fun! We'll definitely be there the same time! that's so exciting!
  18. Welcome to the forum!!! Not only is TCRAM there until the 19th, the other bride on the 6th, but I think there is ANOTHER bride on the 11th!!! Plus, myself and another member will be there too!! We should definitely all meet up and have a drink! Everyone loves a good BDW group photo!
  19. Welcome Kim!! Your wedding is quickly approaching! How super exciting!!!
  20. Welcome!!! Myself and another member will be there in november too!! We should meet for drinks!
  21. YIPPEE! i'm so glad that your placenta has shifted! What a relief! Now, if only she can calm down those crazy legs you'll be good to go!
  22. Shelley you look SO beautiful!!! Your dress is amazing on you and your hair looks just perfect!! i can't believe your day is finally here!! I can't wait to hear all about it!
  23. Good choice on going with #1! They are similar, but #1 had just a little more detail and the shorter train and I think it'll be perfect! Congratulations on finding THE ONE!
  24. You know, all men are "special," but the fact that he's hiding it from you and lying is concerning. It kind of reminds me of Desperate Housewives with Bre & her husband and his stealing problem. I think you really need to sit down with him and have a talk.
  25. Welcome!!! Bermuda!!! Now, that sounds awesome! Congratulations and happy planning!
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