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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. OMG they are just precious! I just want to smooch them all!!!
  2. Congratulations Summer!!! I can't wait to hear more about Mikka's arrival and see pictures of her chubby little cheeks!! If I remember correctly you are quite small... so that should be an interesting story! kev's girl... congratulations on the little girl!! As for when morning sickness started, HA. Yeah, week 7... and it hasn't gone away. All other symptoms I felt right away around 5 or 6 weeks, but I don't know if I really had symptoms or if I just knew I was pregnant so I attributed everything to it. KWIM?
  3. You guys did an amazing job!! Such beautiful photos! Andrea, you were a gorgeous bride!!
  4. Technically, yes. You do need a work permit. However, there are many ways of getting around this. As long as your photographer is fully informed on what the regulations are, you should be okay though.
  5. Carla, if you already have the tacky 80's sunglasses in the bag you could just attach a cute little card to them with ribbon that says "Farewell party 80's style on Saturday night." Or something to that effect. That'd be fun!
  6. Yeah, I definitely have all three strollers. The jogging strollers typically don't compact down very much. So i have the travel stroller for big trips. I have the jogging stroller for jogging/walking/gravel trips. And then I have a Jeep Umbrella stroller (only one I ever found with high enough handles so my back doesn't hurt) to just throw in the trunk just in case. Because it folds up so small and easy it's really nice. especially if you're just going somewhere like the park or to the neighbors house or something. It's light weight, easy to travel with, and little to no fuss.
  7. Hey, at least you're dealing with the travel agent problems NOW! For our wedding we dealt with them while at the airport (the babies didn't have seats... yeah, that was fun) and then at the resort (got put in wrong rooms and in wrong sections). So consider yourself lucky to be taking care of that 16 days in advance. LOL!!! Oh I'm SO envious of you right now. Have a wonderful trip!
  8. 17 days Joanna! That's insane!!! I'm so thrilled for you! I hope you guys have an AMAZING time! And I cannot wait to see photos!!!
  9. Here ya go! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t933 If you go to the search function and type in Budget... but then change it so that it seaches post TITLES instead of the stuff within the posts it'll help you out! Good luck!
  10. Oh Angel, I'm sorry. I actually think that my little one might be breech too. She only kicks down in my pelvic bone... and the hiccups are up near my rib cage. So, I might be in the same boat as you are. Is there any way that YOU can tell that she's upside down?
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by lil_miss_frogg But I did a total of 6 hours of shooting. I was hoping for at least double the 31 that I was shown. I don't really remember what the verbal agreement was between you guys, but didn't he clearly say he was doing this for portfolio reasons? 6 hours of shooting really means nothing. Especially if he's just starting out in BD shooting. And if he doesn't have a studio and is just learning the lighting and things like that. Plus, it seriously takes FOREVER to edit BD photos if you are going to REALLY edit them. So, if I were to offer a complete free session just for my portfolio, I would only edit the photos I needed as well. It would be the best 30 out of the 400 I might have taken, but I wouldn't spend an extra 6 hours of my time editing a few extra photos. If you paid me $400 for the CD... okay, then I'll do it.
  12. Just coming from a photographers stand point on this, Mesita getting her book in 10 days is quite ridiculous! AWESOME for her, but pratically unheard of. I don't even promise proofs of the photos in less than 14 days... especially BD pictures which take FOREVER to edit. If she is indeed getting her book, which I hope you do BTW, but if she is, I'm going to guess that he had to pay some crazy rush delivery and processing fees to get it done. Your book, which was ordered the 27th... so 7 business days ago... probably isn't even done printing yet! I would say your book will probably be here by the end of the week, maybe next week. As for the 30 prints, for a portfolio shoot, that actually sounds about right.
  13. Welcome to the forum! I've been the Cayman's twice and I LOVE it. So beautiful. Where are you holding your wedding?
  14. Welcome to the forum! Where in Florida are you thinking?
  15. I'd be upset too, actually. my sister is due two weeks after me, so I definitely know what you mean. I'm sure, although the same theme, the rooms will look completely different. That'll be nice. Do you guys already have your bedding?
  16. Oh crap! I'm sorry emme! I really can't provide very much detail. I have NO idea what his name was. All I know is he was the normal DJ that played at the activity pool for Akumal. It was $150 cash per hour (paid ahead of time). He played a mixture of my music which I brought on CD and his own music. He danced with our group, which was so much fun. He's REALLY good at Michael Jackson dances!! Super hilarious! (which were on MY play list... so it's not like he played it just so he could dance). Ummm... I don't think I really have much else. I could probably find a photo of him?!?
  17. How awesome Bisha!!! You look so great! And I too love the chair shot... that's awesome! I might have to recreate that for a maternity shoot I"m doing this weekend actually!
  18. Mrs Martin - first off, you look FANTASTIC!!! Such a beautiful pregnant mommy! And it looks like you got some awesome stuff from the shower! And I agree about the bedding, it's super cute and will make for a great little boy's room!
  19. I'm pretty positive that I paid with my debit card because my credit card limit isn't high enough... so I'm almost 10000% sure. My debit card is mastercard backed, so I think as long as you have that they won't even know the difference.
  20. Thanks for sharing your story Bisha!! he's such a little darling boy!! But dang, that epi better darn well work for me! That just freaked me out a little, I won't lie. Good to hear that things are okay for right now Summer. Hopefully she'll come on her own soon enough and your blood pressure will stay down. Good luck and keep us updated!!!
  21. I did not use Cecilia Dumas, however in my price compare spread sheet from when I was searching this is what I have listed for her prices: PhotographerPriceHoursPictures Cecilia Dumas550133 Cecilia Dumas1000275 Cecilia Dumas18004110 Cecilia Dumas26006165 Cecilia Dumas30008220
  22. Welcome Joy!!! Being from Wisconsin, I COMPLETELY understand your need for a beach wedding during January (and that's my birthday too... so I KNOW how cold it is, yearly!). I have heard things such as vivrant posted up above where they won't allow a Catholic service outside of a church, but hopefully you can find exactly what you are looking for. Best wishes!
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