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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. I actually have run into the same problem. Not only did the room rates go up, but so did airfare. Apparently the swine flu had prices really nice and low... and now they are high again and they are sold out of the Junior Suites and only have Junior Deluxe Suites (we aren't using FunJet). What a bummer.
  2. Such a cute idea! Don't forget though, the GBP keys are literally KEYS!!! They aren't credit card like.
  3. HEIDI!!!!! HOLY CRAP!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I cannot wait to see more of you in this thread!! Everyone else, dang, i have so much to comment on but i just keep forgetting! kerrington sounds like the perfect little sweet heart! Hurry up and load those pictures!!! Mrs. Martin - you look freakin' amazing! Nice tummy!! I haven't uploaded my 39 week photos yet, but when I do I'll try and remember to post. As for me, I'm still pregnant! Just a few more days until my due date, but I'm sure I'll go over. I think it'd be better explained if I lived in higher altitudes. Baking times are always longer up there! LOL. But nope. My little girl is just quite comfy in her little nest. Ah well. I'm doing quite well. Comfortable still and very active still. So that's nice. I actually would say this is the best I've felt all pregnancy.
  4. Oh I want to have a baby too... like, right now would be nice! LOL But seriously, there really isn't ever a "right" time. My husband and I have been married just over a year and we had said we would wait a year to start trying. YEAH... that didn't happen! LOL. I got the itch too. And then I also have "issues" and we were told it'd be very hard to get pregnant or to maintain a pregnancy. Well, first month we started trying was October... do the math... and TA DA! So, what I would do is start saving. Put away a certain amount every month. Perhaps go to the store and calculate how much diapers and formula will cost. Then add on some extra for child care and start saving that now. See if you can do it. If you can, then it should help your fiance's fears ease away, and you can try for a honeymoon baby! Plus, you'll have built up a nice little nest egg that will be awesome for decorating your nursery!
  5. I agree with Tammy. I flew my own photographer in for a variety of reasons. But one of the biggest ones was when I looked at how expensive the resort photographs were. They were OUTRAGEOUSLY priced. And you typically get a hard copy photo in a weird size (usually 6x7 or something odd). So what in the world do you do with that? I wanted the full resolution disc of photos, so that would have cost me an additional $500 on top of the $500 for the 1 hour of photos. Obviously, i wanted more than 1 hour of photos, so that was MORE money. And then I wanted a trash the dress session the next day. In the end, it was CHEAPER for me to bring in my own photographer as a guest at my wedding and as result I received three days worth of coverage and well over 1,000 images! It was perfect and one of the best decisions I made.
  6. i chose the second pair of shoes. Your dress is SO amazing, that I think the simple shoes would work best, especially for photos. But, you can't go wrong either way.
  7. TATrisha


    Welcome Nicole!! Cabo is such a beautiful place to get married! Congratulations!
  8. Welcome! A cruise wedding in Bermuda sounds awesome!! I know I've seen both of those resorts on this website, so try using the search function and you should be able to come up with some stuff! Congratulations and best wishes!
  9. Welcome and congratulations! That is SO awesome that you and your friend are combining your trips! Your guests must appreciate that... plus, HOW FUN!!!
  10. OOO, I LOVE that dress you just posted. I hope it looks just as fabulous on you!
  11. So glad you made it safely and that things seem to be going well! I hope Gwen keeps sleeping like a rockstar! that's pretty awesome!!! Take care and take LOTS of pictures. Eventually you'll have fast enough internet to share!
  12. TATrisha


    Hi Ashley! Congratulations and welcome to the forum! I LOVE cruises! which line are you sailing? Which ports? Are you getting married before you leave or at one of the ports?
  13. Hi ladies, just checking in! Less than two weeks left for me! The end is in sight! I must say, I'm terrified... but hopefully I'll look as freakin' fantastic as Angel and then I'll be happy!!! Otherwise the doctor says finger tip dialated, fully engaged and fully effaced. So... the end is definitely coming, but this little girl has been an unpredictible one the entire pregnancy so I fully plan on labor being the same! She'll probably be forced to come out. She seems quite comfortable with her hinder buns under my ribs!!
  14. Check out this thread: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...159#post863354 It has all kinds of information on the receptions after dinner. I personally did a private reception by the pool. We had dinner and dancing out there with a DJ so we had speeches/cake cutting/etc right there. I know a bunch of ladies are doing just a cocktail reception by the pool after dinner, so that's also an option. The drinks I believe are $5 a person per hour for this and the DJ is $150 an hour. Good luck!
  15. Welcome to the forum! How was the scouting trip? What places did you all look at? isn't it gorgeous down there Best of luck with the planning!
  16. Oh Angel! Zariah is SOOO cute!!! what a little peanut!! And everything went well with delivery? You look great!!!
  17. Welcome and congratulations!! i got married on the AKumal side and I LOVED it!! As did all of my guests! I can't wait to hear more about your planning!
  18. Welcome to the forum!!! The GBP was where I got married and I absolutely loved it!!! I have seen that you already made your way to the GBP thread and I hope that you find all the information that you need and have a wonderful wedding! Best wishes!
  19. Welcome! Mexico and Jamaica are so different. I would suggest making a list of what's most important to you and your fiance, including budget and start looking at some resorts from each area. i would also check out the reviews on this forum. Good Luck!
  20. OMG could Kerrington be ANY cuter?!?!?!!? Seriously, precious!! and I just bought that headband and a bunch of flowers for it too! I'm so excited. My poor child is going to HATE the camera by the time I'm done with her
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