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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. Congratulations Heidi!! That's awesome!!! My baby girl is almost 7 weeks old already! How ridiculous is that?!?!?! She's doing great though. She basically sleeps through the night and is a lot of fun. She smiles, "talks", and giggles and it's so much fun to watch her get so excited! Here are a few photos of her (please don't judge the photos... I really don't have time to edit my own family's photos! Doing my clients keeps me busy enough!) Her one month growth photo (I will take one with the same monkey every month): Because I'm a mean mom... her poopy face!!!: Super stretchy baby!: And our family's first vacation!
  2. Hola ladies!! It's been so long since I've been able to check in on this thread! Glad to see we have some new GBP brides and even more excited to see that a bunch of you will have your weddings soon! I'm so excited to see your reviews and pictures!! Janet, thanks for the shout out on your review! I'm glad that I could help you and it looks like your wedding was AMAZING! I can't wait to see more of your photos! make sure you post more when you get your disc!!
  3. Welcome Madison! You are getting married on my two year anniversary!! It's a great time of year to get married down in the Riviera, the weather is typically beautiful! Best wishes!
  4. Hmmm... I don't think I've ever seen a filter for a camera that could do that kind of work... because each image is a little differently done. It looks to me like post processing. I can actually almost name you some Photoshop Actions which would do the exact effects. So, hopefully he does have plain edits. If so, and he gives them to you and they are lack luster, feel free to send me a few of them and I can do some color pops to them. Then you could end up with some beautiful color photography like you wanted.
  5. I love little naked Gavin. What a cutie. And wow! rolling over! That's crazy! I would have woken up my husband too. I mean, I bother him now if Kora even attempts to make a cute noise!
  6. Natalie is SOO beautiful. What a little princess! as for the 3month old Gavin, we'll need some new photos please!
  7. Wow. That was really long. Sorry. Okay, so now Kora is 3 weeks old. She's great. She has been since day one. She sleeps very well and eats her bottle very quickly. So although we have to wake up twice with her during the night, she is back to bed within 15 minutes, so we are actually not tired or exhausted... which is AWESOME! During the last week she has really "woken up." She cries now, which sucks, but her little lip quiver is so freakin' cute that I still smile when she cries! But more importantly she's now awake for some periods of time during the day. So we play and she's alert and she's starting to try and coo, which is fun. So now to the important part... pictures! She HATES when I play photo session with her, so I shockingly don't have that many (BAD mommy!!), but I still think she's cute! Kora and Daddy
  8. I'm not sure what happened... I swear I posted my birth update here, but I don't see it! Nuts! So, here's the story! Okay, so my induction date was Friday... and of course that got cancelled and moved to Monday. Grrr. Very mad. But I made the best of it. I already had Friday off of work because I was supposed to have a baby, so I got all last minute things done. I went grocery shopping, got my oil changed, put gas in my car, bought the last touches for Kora's nursery, decorated her wooden name letters and hung them above her crib (however, nobody knew her name so I had hung them so Shawn could tell me if he liked them and then fully planned on taking them down... apparently that would never happen). Anyway. Shawn got home from work around 5:30 and I told him I'd like to go out to dinner one last time. So we went to my favorite resturant. MMM. Delicious. Then I was in the middle of a photography scavanger hunt contest, so we went to his mom's house to get some items I needed (8 track tape, clothes line, grandma with a tatoo...). After that we needed to go to my parent's house to get additional items on the list. As I stood up to leave Shawn's mom's house i got a contraction, however at the time I just thought it was one of the many cramps that I would randomly get from Kora moving. She saw my face and asked if I was okay. I said yes and goodnight. Went to my parent's house. Had a lot of fun taking crazy pictures which were required and laughing a lot. At 9:30 my mom brought out my baby book and was telling Shawn and I about her birth experience with me and reading all of my stats and my developement milestones for the first month. I started to get contractions. They were not painful at all and only lasted 30 seconds though, so I didn't think anything of them. My father, however, thought it was funny and so he started timing them. They were 5 minutes appart. Finally around 11 we went home. They were still 5 minutes apart, still not hurting, and still only 30 seconds long. At 11:30 Shawn and I went to bed. When we were laying there I asked him if he thought i should call the doctor. he said no, because they weren't getting worse and that i should just get some sleep. I agreed. We said our I love yous and goodnights. And i rolled over to go to bed... EXCEPT... I rolled over and my water broke! I ran to the bathroom. I then sat there for a few seconds staring at my soaked underwear. I eventually hollared to Shawn that I thought my water broke. He said I peed my pants. Well, quite honestly, that is a possibility. So I sat there for a little longer. Then I looked down. Hmm... apparently I didn't make it to the toilet like i had thought I might have (well, minus the soaked undies). There was a huge puddle on our bathroom floor. So i again just sat and stared at it. Hmmm... hollared to Shawn again. You see, I had JUST gone to the bathroom before i went to bed, so how in the world could i have peed this much? Didn't make sense. But, Shawn was convinced I had just peed and stayed laying in bed. So I got up and grabbed a new pair of undies. Mmmm... yup, started gushing again. So I ran into the kitchen, grabbed the hospital's phone number and ran to the bathroom again. Called the nurse while on the toilet because... well... I was leaking for goodness! So I talked with the nurse. I live 45 minutes from West Bend so after talking with the doctor they agreed that I should drive to the hospital. I woke Shawn up. He still didn’t believe me and started slowly moving around the house and getting things ready. Okay, contractions now hurt, and were coming MUCH quicker. We finally got out of the house around 12. Got to the hospital at 12:45. Got up to L&D around 1 and then I finally was checked in triage at 1:15. I was already 7 centimeters and my contractions were every 2 minutes and lasting a minute. So they moved pretty quickly in getting me a room. At 2 am the epidural guy showed up. I was still simply breathing through my contractions and was able to handle them very well (although I did ask for a 2 minute break since I was only having about 30 seconds in-between them to breath… sadly, no 2 minute break. Oh well.). So the epidural guy makes me sit up. The moment I sit up, I have to push. I tell the nurse that. She laughs at me and tells me to sit still. Then she yells at me because I was breathing so heavily and she thought I would hyperventilate. Yup, crazy lady, I have to push. There is a little head coming out of my legs, and I don’t have any medications in me right now. I’m pretty darn positive I will need to breath heavily at this point. Regardless of what I say, they continued with the epi. Finally got it and got me laying down. The nurse reluctantly checks my dialation (they don’t want to check very often because my water broke and they don’t want to cause an infection). Oh… imagine that. I’m 10 cm and ready to push. Only problem… they just gave me a massive dose of epi! So I fall asleep!!! Goodness gracious. My husband had to wake me up for every contraction so I could push. Yeah, that didn’t work. I couldn’t feel crap so I basically was “pushing” just for fun. Finally at 4 am the epidural wore off and they gave me pitocin so I could really feel what I was doing. Three pushes after that she was out (okay, one push… then a long waiting period when I wasn’t allowed to push because they need to use the forceps (she was twisted and wouldn’t come out) and then a slight cut… and then two more pushes and she was out). So at 4:19 my baby girl, Kora Lynn, was born. She weighed 7 pounds 7 ounces and was 21 inches long. So it was a VERY short labor for me and I made it all the way to 10 cm without drugs, and I REALLY wish the epi guy would have been 10 minutes later because I would have had my baby by 2:15 and have been done. But, oh well. She is happy and healthy so that’s all I can ask for.
  9. Here is what my cake looked like. I picked the petals off of the side though because I didn't like how that looked!
  10. Oh I love the new picture of Kerrington!!! What a beach babe! SO cute! As for me... well, I'm starting to wonder if I should contact Discovery Channel. I figure I could start a new show. Instead of "I didn't know I was pregnant" it could be "I thought I was pregnant... but apparently there is just a large parasite living inside of me that is impossible to evacuate!!" And to make matters worse, my induction date of tomorrow has been bumped to Monday. Awesome. NOT! Don't tell a hormonal pregnant woman that the end is near and she'll have a baby by Friday, and then two days before say... "Whoops, I forgot to schedule it. You'll have to come in on Monday instead." Who does that? that's evil!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by KLee147 Ok pool works too. Did you get a DJ and all that good stuff for the reception too? I was thinking that we could just go to the hotel club if we wanted to party afterwards. I'm having and AHR too so at the risk of sounding cheep I'm trying to save where I can. Yup, DJ was $150 an hour. Just so you're aware... Thursdays are when there is a Mexican fiesta in the hacienda (unless something has changed) which means you cannot simply go to the hotel club after your wedding (which I believe is on a Thursday, correct?). So to get into the Hacienda will cost your guests $16 a person.... Quote: Originally Posted by Lou For those of you who have already had your weddings, did your guests organize their own travel? or did you have a travel agent book everyone? We have guests coming from Vancouver BC, Cairns Australia, Sacramento California and Dublin, Ireland so we are not sure what to do.... I have been looking at destinationweddings.com, a website where they book everything with you, contact the resort and set up a wedding website for you. has anyone used them or heard anything about it? Oh no, we definitely used a Travel Agent. HIGHLY RECOMMEND. during the planning process she was able to get much faster confirmation with the resort on all kinds of things which is what allowed me to have my private reception and the location for my wedding that I wanted. But when she TRULY came into play was when we got to the resort and they tried to move half of our group over to Coba even though we paid for upgraded rooms that were oceanside in Akumal. That was RIDICULOUS! Thankfully, because we booked with a travel agent, everything was taken care of. ALSO, Destinationweddings.com is a big no no. SO many people on this forum have tried them and you're wasting your time and money. I would HIGHLY recommend one of the TA's from this website actually. They are awesome and can coordinate travel from anywhere. Quote: Originally Posted by Lou Finally, we are trying to decide if we should stay at the akumel, tulum or coba section of the resort. any suggestions? Just like someone else said, if you want to get married at the gazebo you have to stay at either Tulum or Coba, but you better have your travel agent check and make sure it's not booked already... Also, obviously Tulum is on the water, but it's also older. Coba is newer but it's a hike or a trolley ride from the beach.
  12. WOW! that is really sad! i hope you're able to find an even BETTER photographer and still stick within your budget. Just like the ladies above have said, everything happens for a reason. Better to find out now than to find out the day of your wedding or something terrible like that.
  13. I don't think they do beach receptions, but the pool side is really awesome. As for the colored icing, I think that they can. Mine was just white with silver accents and flowers... but I'm sure they could do it.
  14. TATrisha


    Oh that is SOOO exciting! I've been to Germany and it is SO gorgeous! The churches there are simply amazing! Where in Germany will you have your ceremony?
  15. Yeah, when I checked their website they didn't have any normal junior suites... they were all the deluxe ones... BUMMER!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by courtneybgorman How far along did everyone book the reception ect? We booked our reception immediately. They will only have one private wedding reception a night... and since that's what I wanted, we booked it right away. They also do first come first serve for choices in the restaurants, so you might want to book that right away too if you aren't doing a private reception. As for the flowers, I LOVED our flowers. SO beautiful and I'm really glad we went with them. I actually sent our coordinator an email with a picture and asked if they were possible and how much they'd be. Same with my cake.
  17. I need to see that picture of Mikka Summer!! Did it fit? I hope you post! You ladies are so lucky with your sleeping baby! I hope it's a BDW trend because I could definitely use a good sleeper! I guess we'll find out soon enough... well, hopefully! Although it seems like Friday (induction date) can't come soon enough for me!
  18. Kerrington is SOOOOOOO cute!!!! OMG. i hope my baby girl looks that adorable! I actually have the same head band and flower packed for her so I can take pictures in the hospital and post. That's funny! Oh yes... which also means that I have not had her yet!
  19. I'm more terrified than excited I think. I'm sure I'm somewhat excited, but the fear is out weighing that.
  20. Happy Friday ladies! I had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday and I'm 3cm, 90% effaced and at 0 station. She also swept my membranes (yeah... that hurt). But yet, here I sit. Apparently my little girl is VERY comfortable and doesn't want to come out. Which, is actually okay. Tonight we are going to a classic car show/parade and I'm really excited about it. It's about 2 hours north of my hospital though, so I hope she REALLY is comfortable and doesn't come out tonight!!
  21. Didn't he say you could have the disc? It was just going to cost you right? Which makes sense. So why are you nervous about approaching him? Send him a check and you get your disc. Easy peasy!
  22. Yup. They come on a long lace for your neck if I remember correctly. And also you have to be REALLy careful with them because if i remember correctly again, they have the room number stamped on them! So losing them is BAD!
  23. Welcome to the forum! So sorry to hear about your TA! That's really frustrating! I highly suggest the TA's that are part of this forum. They are amazing and most, if not all, had a destination wedding themselves so they are great to work with!! Good luck!
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