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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. i had this same issue when I got married. What I did, was my ceremony was at 3pm, then I gave my guests an hour to go back to their rooms and refresh. Then I had a cocktail hour from 5-7 (yes, cocktail hour was two hours... I'm weird). I hired a mariachi band for an hour of that time and we had a private little area. It was great. Then at 7 everyone headed to dinner. As for us and the bridal party, we did photos until around 6ish and then joined the group.
  2. HOLY CRAP Tyra! That dress looks so awesome!!!! I cannot wait to see what you come up with for yourself!
  3. I brought along two girls who where 18-20 months old to my wedding in Riviera Maya. It actually went quite well! We stayed at the Gran Bahia Principe and they really cater to the little ones. The pools have shallow areas where they were able to walk around and play without us having to constantly hold them. They LOVED it. As for the sleeping in the room, we did the balcony trick. Whoever was putting them down for nap would put them in the pack n play/crib thingy and then go out on the balcony with the shade shut. As soon as they were alseep, then they were "free to move about the cabin." But honestly, the balconies are SO nice that they typically just hung out there... and of course they had room service delivered so they just would eat lunch outside with the beautiful views. It worked out very well.
  4. Welcome to the forum! I got married at the GBP, so I can DEFINITELY recommend it!!! It was amazing and honestly, a dream wedding. I loved every minute of it. So, I'm completely biased, but I vote for GBP!!
  5. Hi Cheri! Your spring wedding is coming up so fast! How exciting!!! Dreams Tulum is a really beautiful resort and we've had a lot of brides get married there, so you should be able to find a bunch of great information
  6. AWE! The bottom of your stocking? that's so fun!!! Well, congratulations and best wishes on the wonderful planning of your wedding!
  7. TATrisha


    Congratulations on your Christmas engagement and welcome to the forum! You will find so much great information on here to help you plan a wonderful wedding.
  8. TATrisha


    Congratulations on the best Christmas gift ever!!!! How did he propose? Oh how fun. Oh yes, and welcome to the forum too!
  9. Welcome to the forum Tiffany!!! Congratulations on your engagement. If it's as cold in Chicago as it is here in Wisconsin, planning a destination wedding right about now must be pretty nice!
  10. My dress had a lace overlay and I trashed it on Saturday and flew home on Monday. I didn't hang it outside at all, just rinsed it in the bathtub and hung it in the closet. And it was dry by the time we left on monday morning. VERY sandy... but dry! And Mccrary, I just left it in the closet until we left. Then i wrapped it up in the pastic bag I brought it in, and shoved it in the empty suitcase that I used to bring down my OOT bag stuff. Worked lovely
  11. Have you tried on any of these dresses? Even though you are making it, I'd still recommend going to the store and trying them on. I think that will help you get that sexy look on YOU instead of the model in the magazine. KWIM? Either way, I'm super excited to see the results of your efforts!
  12. Welcome to the forum Crystal!!! This forum actually started as a Cabo destination wedding forum, so you will find a TON of information on here. There have been a bunch of Dreams weddings, so you will also be able to find a bunch of reviews/photos/recommendations. Best wishes, and try not to stay up until midnight looking through everything!
  13. Welcome to the forum!!! I think June and July are pretty equal as far as hurrican season/heat/rain. So perhaps your best bet would be to contact the resort and see what days they have available, especially if getting married on a certain day (like Friday or Saturday) is important to you. Perhaps that will help you narrow down a date?
  14. It'd be awesome if they had Corona at the bars now. During my wedding, it was only at the hacienda and you had to pay for it, regardless of where you were staying (we were Gold Club). However, they definitely had all-inclusive drinks through the night at the hacienda. A lot of the bars actually IN the resort would start shutting down, but there was live music and stuff at the hacienda anyways so we always went there.
  15. GBP was little plastic cups. I would recommend bringing a coffee cup or travel drinking cup of some sort
  16. They have corona in a bar at the hacienda, but you have to pay for it, I believe.
  17. Oh Danielle, I know EXACTLY how you feel!!! I bought a dress. It was beautiful. Once I owned the dress I was able to take pictures. I got home, looked at the pictures... and INSTANTLY hated it!!!! I loathed that dress. It just didn't look good on me. Everyone said I was nuts and that it was fine. Well, it was MY wedding day and I had to feel good. I could care less what everyone else thought about how I looked. I was the one that needed to feel beautiful. So I bought a second dress. And it was only two months before my wedding. So I think you should definitely try on that dress in January, or keep searching for other places to try dresses on. Good luck!
  18. TATrisha


    Welcome Veronica! As a previous destination bride, I can say that the number one thing to do is join this site, so you're already ahead of the game!!! What resort are you planning on getting married at?
  19. For activities, would you like more of "party" activities, or more like outdoor activities (like snorkeling, cenote swimming, zip lines, etc)? Because if you would like more of the outdoor type stuff, I would look at resorts south of Cancun, just so you have less distance to travel. And don't worry, I had a HUGE resort for my wedding, and all of our guests still hung out with each other. We basically just had one place where we'd all hang out. But because the resort was so big and had so many different pools, it wasn't crowded. it was perfect.
  20. CONGRATULATIONS JENNA!!! Just last week, that's so exciting!!! Do you have certain things that you want? For instance you already said you want children there. What about wedding location? Do you want to get married on the beach, on the rocks, in a gazebo? Do you want a large resort with a ton to do, or a more low key resort? Do you want a private beach reception, or a reception in a restaurant? Do you mind a little bit of a drive from the airport? Do you want do activities outside of your wedding? Answering these questions will certainly help you develop a short list.
  21. The lovely Tammy has given me permission to post some pictures of the Grand Riviera resort. I was just there in November and the resort is beautiful!! If you have any questions at all, just ask! Grand Riviera Princess Slideshow
  22. The lovely Tammy has given me permission to post some pictures of the Grand Riviera resort. I was just there in November and the resort is beautiful!! If you have any questions at all, just ask! Grand Riviera Princess Slideshow
  23. I love that you are a three dress bride! That is so much fun! And the two that you have posted are beautiful! I can't wait to see the TTD one!
  24. TATrisha

    Newbie :)

    Welcome to the forum Mandy! I'm glad that you finally decided to join us. You'll find it very adicting, if you haven't already!!
  25. Welcome to the forum! I love the idea of renting a beach house for all of your guests! That will be so much fun! Good luck with your planning.
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