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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. Hey, I'd be down for meeting! I live in West Bend, so actually just north of Jackson!! We were looking at land in Jackson actually.
  2. I had six songs total, but only because I did a sand ceremony. So basically my aunt read the script and then they started the music while Shawn and I poured in the sand... and then we stood there while the song ended.
  3. I don't have access to photo bucket on the computer I'm working on currently, so I'll have to try and use flickr. Please let me know if this isn't visible. And this is GWEN's photo... NOT mine! I have not been to this resort, so I cannot confirm or deny anything. I am simply placing the picture on here to help brides who are new.
  4. I had music play for when the guests were seated, but really, it only required one song. We had 35 guests, so it's not like it took them a long time to sit And yup, we had the songs in order 1. Guests seated 2. Groom/mom's walk down the aisle & Bridesmaids/groomsmen 3. Bride & dad 4. Signing documents 5. Sand ceremony song 6. Recessional Make sure you label it ON the disc, but more importantly, on the case of the disc. Once the music is inside of the player, the DJ won't know what number is what
  5. HAVE A GREAT WEDDING!!! I hope it's everything you ever wanted! i cannot wait to hear all about it!
  6. Oh Holly. That makes me giggle. Right before I got pregnant I was talking with a guy at work about how I had such a tough stomach and I hadn't puked since i was 12. I apparently should have knocked on wood! As I puked basically every day for the 9 1/2 months I was pregnant. Awesome. LOL! So knock on some wood!! I got my prenatals at Walmart. Nature's Source or something like that. They actually didnt have any taste to them and were very easy to swallow. I would get sick if I DIDN'T take them actually.
  7. The fourth song is for while you sign documents. It takes awhile, so you can fit at least a three minute song in there.
  8. I'm all for a casual get together with family and friends to celebrate, however I personally know someone who got this, and I can honestly say that pretty much everyone in attendance was talking smack about it the WHOLE night. It was pretty terrible. Perhaps just a casual BBQ would be better?
  9. When we were just there in February we were booked for two nights stay. So I know that it's not a 3 night minimum. So worse case scenario, you could book the photographer for 2 nights instead of 1.
  10. The akumal pool side reception is held at the main pool. If you walk out of the lobby, there is a pool, it will be held on the other side of it. The closest bar is the Akumal lobby bar, and it's not that far away. If your guests have to use the restroom it's basically the same distance. The set up is (when you're looking AT the lobby) the bar is on the right. The food will be lined up along side the pool. There will be round tables of 8 or 10 (i forget which). They will have lights strung up. Then you dance inbetween the straw umbrella thingies.
  11. I put my dress in the overhead compartment, and honestly, it was BETTER than the little closet. My dress was a full length dress. The storage closet is about the size of a knee length coat. So my dress would have been folded to fit in there. In the overhead closet, it simply laid on top of the small objects, and fit perfectly. No cramming involved. And it was not wrinkly at all.
  12. Hopefully your travel agent was able to work out the situations with the rooms. That is one of the best reasons for having a travel agent. But I hadn't heard anything about the gazebo? Odd.
  13. Erica, LOVE your dress!!! one week... holy smokes!!! I cannot believe it's here for you guys! That is so exciting!!
  14. I don't believe DR has centoes... but I could be wrong. As for timing, the most recent TTD on my blog was done at sunrise (5:45 am)... and it was cold. However the sun rises over the water in RM, not sets. So that made a difference. There is another TTD on my blog that is from noon. I perfer TTD to be around 4pm. Less hot, less crowded, less tired! You can really do them whenever you want, it just depends on your schedule, how long you have your photographer booked, and what look you're going for (morning sunrise pictures, bright color daylight pictures, golden sunlight afternoon pictures).
  15. They actually used the wedding decor for my table center pieces, so I didn't have to purchase anything additional. Perhaps they will do the same for you?
  16. I used five songs. One for when my guests were seated. Everyone hung out at the 24 hour snack bar until the coordinator told them to walk down... and so they played that song and everyone sat down. Do I think it was necessary... no. I don't think anyone paid any attention!
  17. yup 85 sounds about right. When I got married in 08 it was $85... and yes, I thought it was worth it. Although unconventional on how they got my hair to the position it was in, it held up ALL day and then I was able to use it for my TTD the next day as well. Just make SURE you bring pictures along. They do not speak English very well at all and so communication is very difficult.
  18. Oh you NEED to talk him into it! They are so much fun and so much more relaxed! Really, TTD sessions are the best!!
  19. Do you know what that place is called? As when we went in November we tried to do a trash the dress session at a ranch between Playa and Tulum and they would absolutely NOT let us! And apparently you're not allowed to have horses on the beaches down there anymore?? Who knows.
  20. It'd actually cost $60 for drinks. It's $24 for the first hour and $18 each additional hour. I found that our group did NOT need those drinks. Most people were happy with the special cocktails, even though we had the national drinks as well. If someone really wanted something that wasn't being served, they just walked over to the lobby bar and got it.
  21. O Scarlett, since I'm currently making a master GBP document, i just came across this. I think around page 75 of this thread... I'd start at page 70 and look through there. But yes, you can buy calling cards in the lobby and use the phones there.
  22. AHHH!!! Wendy! You won free photography from Nora!! OMG! That's so awesome! Congratulations!!!!
  23. Just as an FYI< the FMT is the tourist card that everyone is given while going into Mexico (if I'm not mistaken). It is the little card given to you off the bottom of your paper work when you go through immigration. You MUST hold onto that card and give it back to them upon check in.
  24. Alright ladies, I'm compiling the main resource for this thread. I've worked my way through page 25... and I'll continue until done. However, for the sake of my brain, could anyone send me the most recent information they have on the types of ceremonies, the cost for the spas, and the photographer. And if you have anything else such as the bouquet pictures, etc that you think other brides would find helpful, feel free to send that to me too!!! faber photography @ charter .net (obviously all one word). Thanks!
  25. I would be more than happy to help condense things too. I can talk with the mods. As for my wedding, i did it legally down there. But it was our first wedding so it was super easy. The couple we talked to had a divorce mixed in there, so that's why they married at home. With the apostile and everything needed they just said it was easier that way... plus then they didn't have to give blood. As for the gold wrist bands, I guess they were to tell people we were royalty? LOL!! No, from what I could gather, those with gold wrist bands were kind of VIPS. I saw that wedding couples and handicapped individuals had them (my uncle's girlfriend had brain cancer and was in a wheel chair for my wedding, so she had a gold one as well).
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