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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. Congratulations to the new NOW Jade brides! I've added those of you with confirmed dates to the bridal roll call. I hope it helps you get to know brides with dates near you
  2. Hm. Interesting. I actually specifically ask to NOT receive those! Ha! What I do ask for is things that you wouldn't normally think of. So first kiss... yea, I know, it's important, I'll get it. That doesn't need to be on the list. What does are things like "Great Grandmother's hankie" or "Engraved cuff links on groom" Things that I wouldn't necessarily know about that are special to you. For bride and groom photos I just go with the flow so I'm not much help. I see the area around me and I figure out how to compose the shot within what I see. Sorry!
  3. I would be honest. Say that a guest at your wedding is a photographer and will be photographing your big day, so you'd like to excuse them from their services on your wedding day. They will probably ask you questions about your photographer. Their date of travel, their room number, their business name, etc. Honestly, I advise all my clients to IGNORE that email. Mostly, for my safety. i don't care if the hotel knows I'm there, I fill out all the proper paperwork and it's perfectly legal. I'm more concerned that they'll be able to figure out what room I'm in with $20,000 worth of equipment! Again, not necessarily the photo crew, but anyone at that resort would see that noted in my file and it's just absolutely not a risk I'm willing to take.
  4. Yup, they play games in the sports bar, but they also will sometimes play the big sports games in the theaters. When we were there in January it was the NFL playoffs and they had the games on in the Coba Theater. That was pretty cool.
  5. hacienda is in it's own little world. You take a very color tram there from all three resorts. It's right at the entrance right by the highway. Although, from Tulum you can walk there... but most people ride the tram anyways. I posted about the golf course prices back in January when I got back... I forget though. Online I found $250 for 2 people including golf club rentals and cart.
  6. The nice thing about a July wedding is that you can have a later afternoon or early evening wedding where the temperture will be a little bit cooler and the lighting for photographs will still be perfect! And the Grand Sunset Princess is a gorgeous resort! We were there to photograph a wedding a few years ago and it was amazing!
  7. Yeah, you definitely can't liter, so unless it's biodegradable... it's not flying
  8. The appetizer is actually a buffet! It has probably 20 different things that people can choose from! LOTS of food! For the dinner, I had chicken gorgonzola I believe and it was delicious!!! The dessert was an ice cream puff pastry type thing that I wish I could eat every day! And yes, the cake is still included.
  9. Morning KMiller. In order to help, I'll need a little more information. Are you looking for a local photographer or a photographer to fly into Puerto Rico? What price range are you looking for (this, sadly, is very important in narrowing down the search!)? What kind of products are you looking for? Do you want a disc of edited images, canvas, prints, album? What kind of coverage do you want? A few hours, full day, trash the dress, engagement session a few days before? All of the above? Everyone is different. I can tell you that with my prices, based on travel prices of August 2012, I would be about $2750 total to have for full day coverage of your wedding and all the images edited on a disc with printing rights. But then you can probably find a newer photographer with less experience for only a couple of ours of photographer for $1500. It's really up to all the questions I have listed above. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions or would like further insight.
  10. Congratulations Tikka!!! I have added you to the bridal roll call. As of right now, there is a bride a week before you and after you The only two wedding locations that I have ever seen in Tulum are the Gazebo and the Palpaya area. Both are pictured in my photo tour: Faber Photography's Gran Bahia Principe Tulum Photo Tour
  11. Here is the menu from Cheryl's wedding. You can kind of see what I mean. Appetizer * * * Soup * * * Main course option 1 * Main course option 2 * * * Dessert
  12. So you'll look at the menu for the restaurant and select two main courses. So, if you were eating at Dolce Vita (for example) you'd select two options... Filet of Beef ala Romana and Chicken in a Pamiggiana Style. When your guests arrive at the table for dinner, there will be a menu at their seat. This menu will list the appetizer you chose, the soup, the two main course options that you selected above, and the dessert. Waitors will come around to each table during the appetizer round and ask what main course everyone would like. They get to choose one of the two listed on the menu. Does that make sense?
  13. Good morning ladies! I'm super excited because this morning, one of our very own Best Destination Wedding brides was featured on Wandering Weddings (a destination wedding blog)!! http://wanderingweddings.com/tulum-mexico-trash-the-dress-faber-photography/ Go check it out and give her and myself (the photographer) some love!!!
  14. Hi Angie! Yup, the excursions will typically include transportation. The only exception is if you book it yourself. For example, my husband and I booked the Xel-ha experience online prior to leaving. You get a pretty good discount, or at least at that time we did, if you prepaid online. So since I didn't book the excursion through the tour operators we had to get our own transportation. However, Xel-ha is just a hop skip and a jump away from the resort so we took the public vans that run along the highway for $2 each. We had to walk from the highway to the entrance, but it was a pretty short walk and definitely worth the money we saved.
  15. Cheerios, I believe there is a shuttle that will take you there. If you're looking for a private service, I prefer Cancun Valet.
  16. Yeah, my sister went to Itza and it's a FULL day excursion. So that was exhausting for her, but she said it was cool because you can still climb some of those ruins. Tulum is gorgeous and the public beach just south of the ruins is actually where I do my trash the dress sessions. It's amazing! Xel-ha was super fun for my fiance and I too.
  17. yeah, it says this at the end: Civil Wedding (judge, fees, expenses, rates) / Renewal of Vows (not included in final price) I wonder what that consists of?
  18. Congratulations Karen!! I've added your review to the Official Now Jade thread. You looked absolutely beautiful!
  19. I'm glad you like it! Hopefully it'll get your guests super excited for the awesome time they will have! I will be photographing a wedding there in August, so if anyone has specific pictures they'd like to see added to any of the three photo tours, just shoot me an email at [email protected] Thanks!
  20. WOW! That's interesting! Definitely let me know what you hear so I can update the official thread!
  21. I published it in the Official thread, but in case anyone is searching, here is the Faber Photography Gran Bahia Principe Tulum Photo Tour!
  22. The Tulum tour is ready!! So sorry for the delay!! Faber Photography's Gran Bahia Principe Tulum Photo Tour
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