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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. I've been to both Ocho Rios and Belize. I must say I enjoyed Belize much more... but I think OR might be more affordable, not sure.
  2. Oh moving in together. Today is actually our houses 2nd birthday! Yippee! I should bake a cake! I must say, it was tough at first. We both commuted to school while living with our parents. He did consulting after school, so lived in a hotel when not with his mom... I just stayed with my parents. So, moving to a house by ourselves with no mommy or maid, was tough! I mean, it wasn't that bad. Neither of us like a dirty house, so we clean... but I think we both missed the motivation from our parents yelling at us to clean up. I think the thing we fight about more is personal space. Sometimes, when you are watching TV, you just don't want someone cuddling with you. Other than that though, it's been wonderful. I'm SO glad we are living together before we are married. First, just building the house together takes a strong relationship, but then all of the day to day expenses and the cooperation it takes makes you stronger. I think when you move in with your FI it'll be great!
  3. Yeah, if he hired the "professional," it could be a "professional" friend... who doesn't act very professional
  4. Welcome! I hope you find a lot of great information!
  5. Newbies all over!!! Although, I consider myself still new.
  6. Alright, so the place that I ate in Belize was the Jaguar Paw Resort! I never would have guessed! It was part of our canopy zip tour, so we had NO idea where we would be eating. But, after looking at the photos that Kashmira posted, it's obvious that's where we ate! The food was delicious! And I thought it was BEAUTIFUL! I have a few pictures if you'd like to see them.
  7. Welcome! Hopefully everything will come as easily to you as your destination and date! Of course, the dress may be causing you a headache now... but I think once you start looking it'll fall into place!
  8. Welcome to the site! I hope you find it very informative, although you probably have almost everything done already. AND, if that is the case... share with the group! we like photos, but general discriptions work well too!
  9. I've traveled there. I was on a cruise, however, so I didn't see much. I went on a zip line tour though, which was VERY fun. I thought it was beautiful. I think you'd really enjoy it!
  10. Umm... so his BUCKET that was catching water isn't a good enough idea of where the leak started?
  11. TATrisha

    Hi all!

    Welcome! I hope all of your planning goes smoothly. Personally, I'm looking at the Gran Bahia in Riviera Maya, but I know they have on in DR as well and it's supposed to be very nice. Good luck!
  12. Welcome! I am officially excited for you to join our discussions now that you have mentioned photos! You know we love em! I hope that if you have any last minute items we can help you!
  13. Thanks Sol. Another great review by you and wonderful tips. Who would ever think of these things? Keep the tips coming!
  14. Welcome! I would also say stick with Mexico, and since you are on the east cost, I think Riviera Maya will be more affordable, but I could be quite wrong. Sadly, my thinking cap is NOT on yet this morning so I don't have any brilliant resort ideas.
  15. Oh, come on! Red velvet! It'd be like they were cutting into their poor puppy and it was bleeding! That's just not nice!
  16. Welcome! I know absolutely NOTHING about that hotel... but the pictures look nice! The good news is that everyone on this forum knows about all of the "other" stuff, so once you figure out your resort they will definatly be an invaluable resource!
  17. Just be careful. Some expired things such as sun care products actually have the OPPOSITE effect that they are supposed to have. People can suffer from serious burns.
  18. I've thought about this as well... but I agree... when the time comes, I need a place to vent! I also need to be able to post pictures of dresses and things like that, without hearing their comments. With that being said, one can obviously see that I don't work nearly as hard as I should, so I don't have an issue. If for some reason I couldn't be on this site as often as I am now, I would consider my mom.
  19. Oh dang. I've tried and I've tried to attach the photo for the idea that I'm thinking of, but I just can't. So, if you PM me your e-mail I can send it to you... but I'll try and explain it. Underneath the starfish perhaps you could put a ribbon? It would jazz it up a little. Otherwise, I like the raffia idea, or even a shear organza ribbon would look lovely tied in the middle.
  20. I wish I knew where I saw it, but there was a beautiful picture somewhere of the "Mr." and "Mrs." sign. They did about a one inch thick ribbon and basically sandwiched it inbetween the card stock that read "Mr." and a colored backing cardstock. It looked very classy and beautiful!
  21. Welcome Myra! I hope you can find every bit of information you need!
  22. Oh I love it! What a wonderful story! And I'm a picture freak too... so you know that I'm dying to see those photos!
  23. have a great time! I can't wait to see pictures and read your reviews! Enjoy every minute!
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