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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. Welcome! I hope that you will enjoy all the information this board has to offer! You should post your engagement story... we all like reading those!!!
  2. I voted for number 2. I'm afraid number one won't fit you anymore and now you'll have a complex because everyone told you to wear that one! I actually think they are both beautiful. It'll come down to which fits you and makes you look beautiful when you get down there. Good luck!
  3. Welcome! You are right, finding the destination and choosing a resort will be the hardest part. After that I think it gets more fun! I've been to Jamaica and it's a wonderful place, but if you want to hear more ideas just let us know!
  4. Alright, I do like dress number two... but, I think you look amazing in dress number one. I think it's perfect. I don't think it looks too formal at all. I think it'd be wonderful and you'd look back at your pictures and say "damn I'm hot!"
  5. Well that's awesome! Just don't be too upset if you don't get it right away. My boyfriend and I picked out my ring in July... and I'm still waiting. I think he thinks I will forget the fact that we picked it out! Silly boy!
  6. Welcome! I'm sure you'll find a lot of fun information on this site! Plus, Tara (another DR bride) will be very excited to see you here!!!
  7. I like the half up, half down idea. And judging your photo, I think you could pull of some gorgeous curls! i think attaching the flower just to the side of where you clip your hair would look great.
  8. Some examples of white and green orchids. doc2.doc
  9. OK, try this. Insert the item. Then double click on it. Go to Color and Lines and under fill make sure it says "NO FILL". If that doesn't work, then right click and edit picture. You can click on individual spaces and change the color by using the drawing toolbar. Good luck!
  10. I agree. Nape of neck. And I like the orchid... but there are SO many flowers you can use!
  11. My sisters wedding we drew names of couples. If that couple kissed, they would kiss... but you had to do it the same way! So, for instance, my boyfriend lifted me up and kissed me. My brother-in-law had to lift up my sister... in her huge puffy dress! VERY funny. We did rig it though. We made sure that we drew certain couples every now and then. So, we'd draw the grandparents... or the parents... or my brother-in-laws brother who brought a random girl... that was funny!
  12. But... looking at it. Perhaps we could combine orders? I would like to get luggage tags from there, but with the $250 minimum it didn't make sense. But, if we combined our efforts, maybe it'd be worth it?
  13. The $1 is great, but please notice the minimum order of $250 which is required. I hope they might be flexible on that.
  14. I think the question is will your hair be up or down? If your hair is up, than the big flower will be just fine. if your hair is down as shown in the picture, then I think the flower is too big. But, I'm a fan of keeping the flowers in your hair white... but that's just me.
  15. Out of Town bag. It's for your guests when they arrive at the destination. They are not required, but nice.
  16. Welcome! We like questions! It allows our creative juices to flow! Would you tell us your engagement story? And we really like pictures too!
  17. Wow. I had to send it to my sister. Very funny. Although, I do understand some of the reasoning behind it... but would NEVER do that! I understand the hair portion, because if you are going for a certain look of updos... and then someone chops their hair super short... it's not going to work! And as for coloring... I would be rather upset if one of my bridesmaids decided to go with a different color for their hair... like pure black or red. Not that they are bad hair colors at all... but more than likely it'll look fake and weird. As for the weight one, I think bridesmaids have to make that contract with themselves! Otherwise you'll be screwed when you can't get into your dress in time! That only applies to the gaining weight however. As for babies... I would say that to my bridesmaids. Well, not the replacement part, and I wouldn't replace them. But, I would hint that I don't want them to be prego. Although, I actually think all four of them will be when it comes time. But, if I'm paying for them to stay at an all inclusive resort, it just seems like a waste if they can't drink. That's rather silly though. But, what if one of them gets put on bed rest, or suddenly can't travel. That would suck, and I'd be out of a lot of money! For the dress, I understand that too. Someone has already posted that they had the dream dress picked out for their girls, and they were all too lazy to get it right away and it was discountinued. So, I agree with a lot of the ideas... but man was she a bitch to actually say them and in that format!!!
  18. Welcome to the site! Sorry it took me so long... but I was in Baltimore! Funny! Anyway, I plan on getting married at the Gran Bahia Akumal. It's in the RM, south of Tulum. It's an AI with plenty for everyone. Let me know if you'd like more info.
  19. Wow, I'm really late, sorry. But, like usual, I have an opinion! Number one, I don't see anything wrong with just using your E-ring! I don't think you need a seperate wedding band until you can afford one. And, it sounds like your e-ring is just AWESOME! So, I would highly recommend that. But, if you do choose a fake one, try not to get a big "rock." My cousin went with this route and she got a 2 carat... but because it's so big, you can clearly tell it's fake. I'm not sure if I can tell because my sister is a certified gemoligst and everyone we know has a 2 carat real ring... or if everyone would tell... but I can definately tell. And she even paid $75 for it. Again, this is just my opinion. I say just use your E-ring. That's the ring that has the meaning behind it anyway.
  20. Where are you getting married? My friends got married at this church just past the Mandalay Bay hotel. It's a little brown chapel with about seating for 25-50. It was beautiful and so cute! Or are you doing a resort wedding? I've seen some pretty cool ones... and I'd love to see your photos after!!!!
  21. An OOT is an Out Of Town Bag. It's usually given to guests who have to travel in order to attend a wedding. Most of us plan on putting all kinds of things in them. Some ideas are maps, itineraries, sun tan lotion, pepto, can koozies, towels, lip balm, etc.
  22. welcome! I'm also very interested in this timeline to proposal! I wish I knew when it was going to happen! I'd stop biting my nails and get a mani!
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