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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. Wow! That's crazy to me! My boyfriend I fear will also be a groomzilla. He currently thinks he will be picking out my wedding dress. he's VERY picky in the type of dress I get, and to be honest, it's kind of scaring me!
  2. Out of Town Bag. It's supposed to be a little gift bag left as a thank you. Many people put supplies that people will need for the stay.
  3. Welcome! I'm not a DR bride, but hopefully an April bride. At least that means we'll share in the stress at the same time! Would you mind sharing your engagement story? We love those!
  4. Welcome! Perhaps we could help narrow down some locations. What are you looking for? Adults only, all inclusive, beach, large resort, small resort, secluded, up-scale, affordable? There are probably some of the first questions you and your soon to be should discuss. That would help narrow down the search!
  5. Hi Danielle! I'm in the exact same boat as you are! My boyfriend and I aren't engaged, however we have decided to do a destination wedding when the time comes. I really love the idea of being prepared when I get engaged. That way, I won't spend so much time stressing about wedding stuff, but I'll have a plan. I think I will better enjoy my engagement this way! Where are you thinking of getting married? Do you have any requirements, such as adults only, all inclusive, beach, large or small resort?
  6. Welcome to the group!
  7. HI Jamie. You don't have enough points yet. It takes 50 points to open an attachment. The more posts you make, the more points you earn. Currently, but making this last post, you should have enough to open one of them. I'll donate a few to you to get you started.
  8. Welcome!!! I'd love to hear the details you have planned already! For good OOT bag goodies, this website really helps Minimus - For All Your Travel Size Item Needs Once again, welcome to the site, and prepare to be completely addicted!!!
  9. Tammy, I agree. That hair style would be adorable on you. The show is on for like the next five days on the style network. Try to catch a peek!
  10. I plan on offering to pay for the BM dresses, however my sister has already made it quite clear that she won't let me. I think the other ladies will appreciate it though.
  11. Welcome! I hope you find a lot of great "ammo!"
  12. Welcome Lori! Please tell us a little bit about what you have planned so far!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP What this means is that certain foods (all the ones I love) make my stomach swell up. AHH! I have that! I have been wondering what in the world it is for SO long now. My entire family makes SO much fun of me. For me, it happens when I eat carbs. Yummy! But, I bloat up like crazy! it's bad! I'm not a big girl at all, so it's VERY noticable! One of my big fears is that on my wedding day it'll happen and I won't fit into my dress! (nightmare!) It's so exciting to know that someone else has this issue! My stomach actually bloats up when I work out too. I always joke that I'm the only person I know that gets fatter when I work out!
  14. Well, that means that you don't want to hear from me... but I wanted to send my congratulations on choosing a location. I hear that's the hardest step. Well, besides finding the man of your dreams!
  15. My take is, if they don't send the RSVP, they aren't coming. If they come, that's fine. But they won't have a chair for the ceremony, they won't have a place at the reception, and they won't have a lot of the "extras" like OOT bags. It's that simple. They can come and watch if they'd like. Disrespectful.
  16. I actually think the petals you posted would be nice along the aisle. Are you thinking scattered or kind of put down to make a "row". You know, along the outside of the aisle.
  17. oh, how sweet. And here I thought I was being a B word!
  18. All my fans from OTC were the same size. That stinks if yours aren't. Sorry.
  19. Well, I've been blessed all my life. I've always been rather thin. Which means, I ate WHATEVER and WHENEVER I wanted. That is... until about a month ago. Dang age catching up with me finally! So, after never working out, motivating myself was very difficult. So, what I do, is my boyfriend works out with me. It's much easier when we do it together. And on days when I don't want to do it, he pushes me, and on days when he doesn't want to do it, I push him. And on the other days we stand on the scale!!!
  20. I would recommend insuring it. If it was only $800, it actually might automatically be covered under your homeowners insurance, but it's something worth looking into.
  21. Well, I know a lot of people are getting their fans from OTC. NATURAL FANS As for parasols, I think it depends if you want white or colored.
  22. If possible, you can get white roses... however, I actually think Red would look fine. i actually think it'd be pretty. I realize it's not your color scheme... but red and olive do look beautiful together, and it would really make it POP against everything else.
  23. Welcome Lara! Please share your engagement story with us! We love stories!
  24. I think it depends on the size of the gap. I've seen a "comfortable" gap, and then I've seen the Grand Canyon. Imagine that, the Grand Canyon, right there between your best friends and your dress. Nuts!
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