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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. Oh it's very easy. Simply click on her name (TVT) and you'll get a list of options. You will choose to send a private message to her... or a PM!
  2. Does it actually have dried strawberries in it? I think I will like it.
  3. Hmm... i guess my Lucky Charms or Captain Crunch Berries don't count. I have decided to try and get healthier though, so I was thinking of trying the Special K with strawberries. Has anyone ever had that?
  4. I would have to say the second one is my favorite... but I love them all. Both you and Sol are excellent at what you do
  5. I agree with the post the picture comment. I have redone four rooms in the last year. What I like to do is go and look at Martha Stewart paint samples. They have paint chips with four colors that go well together. I get all of my inspiration from those. From paint to accessories.
  6. Ah! My imaginary wedding is on 4/4/08 at 4 pm! That's crazy! i have a "thing" with numbers as well. If you've ever seen the movie with Drew Barrymore and the Boston Red Sox (I forget the name), but there is a part of the movie when she's explaining her job to kids and says something about moving numbers around to make patterns... yea, that's me.
  7. OK, adorable children!!! If you are bored, stop planning for awhile. Enjoy being engaged. Maybe set up a romantic date with your FI instead of planning a wedding. Or start planning your child's next birthday party. After awhile you'll come back and you'll have LOTS to do!
  8. I agree with cutting just a few of the earlier treats and going with the smores. I think it's a really cute and original idea that your guests will LOVE. And what's a bonfire without smores?
  9. TATrisha

    Riviera Maya

    Welcome! Congratulations on your engagement! The Riviera Maya is filled with great resorts to choose from. Perhaps you have a per week price range that you would like to stay in? Knowing information like that we can help you narrow down the perfect resort!
  10. Congratulations Tara! Yeah, sometimes you won't see it on the scale, but if you are working out and eating right, your fat turns into muscle, which weight wise won't make a difference right away, but your body will look different! That's awesome!
  11. Welcome! There are also some more questions we'll need to know to help you out. What kind of a budget are we looking at. Not overall, but what are you going to be expecting your guests to pay for a week? Are children invited? Do you like to do excursions, or is that not important. Is a beautiful beach that's swimable important?
  12. Welcome! I think once you answer some of the questions Ann has listed we will be able to assit you much more! Good luck planning!
  13. Tisk Tisk Tammy. Your poor kitty is trying to help mom with her wedding plans and you are scolding him! Poor thing
  14. He eats A LOT of sugar. I mean, A LOT. I swear the kid should be 300 pounds... but he's not, and I really think it's because he chooses to leave out the big carbs so that he can eat the rest.
  15. Alright, so my boyfriend does a "no carb" diet. The reason I say it that way, is because he eats plenty of carbs... but he's choosy. By not eating the main four (bread, potatoes, pasta, and the fourth one which I always forget) he can eat all of the other carbs that a normal person eats, but he stays very skinny. He's been doing this for about 8 years now and is in great shape. Because I live with him, I'm sort of forced to live a similar diet. I must say, after not eating pasta for two years, I can no longer eat it. It hurts my stomach really bad. It's just too much food.
  16. Wow. Honestly, I think the second girl actually likes like you! Crazy! I think the best look would be the first one though. I think it'll look best with your hair and eye color... and isn't too much.
  17. You are welcome. They should be relatively cheap as well! You can even get them done at a copy store like Office Max and they'll cut them for you. Well, the wording part! It's very cheap.
  18. I biggest suggestion is drinking LOTS of water and journaling. It's much easier to count your points when you keep track of everything you eat... plus, it can sometimes be an eye-opening experience.
  19. OK, here are some easy ideas, which I don't think you'd need to buy a special program for. I think you could easily make these in WORD or any program like that. Please let me know if you'd like some help recreating these.
  20. An idea is just putting a little basket at the end of the rows. Then only the people closest to the aisle will throw petals... which is all you need anyway! Depending on your chair type, I've seen a lot of pictures where they hung the little petal pouch on the chair. Very cute.
  21. Welcome to the group! I can't wait to hear about everything you have planned already!
  22. Alright Ms. Tara, what are you thinking here? What do you want your invitations to look like? Do you have a photo to go off of? Do you have a theme, colors, style? What is your price range? I have a lot of ideas for DIY invites, but they vary quite a lot.
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