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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. I got an invite with that issue as well. That's why they recommend putting a piece of tissue paper in your envelope between the wording and the other cards.
  2. They actually might be home made. The clip art is standard Microsoft Clip Art... I think. They look very easy to make.
  3. Where did you get the invite boxes from? And if you don't mind me asking, how much were they to mail?
  4. OK, I love the "I Loved Her First" song, however I think I'm going to let my dad choose and have it be a surprise for me. I think that'd be fun. Either he'll pick a tear jerker, or he'll be creative and pick a fun song that reminds me of my childhood. Either way, I think that'd be nice.
  5. You're having a hard time hearing from the because they are "LAZY"... ha ha ha. I make myself laugh!
  6. It's 6 hours because so many different picture types were requested, including the scuba photos. I think just taking a boat to scuba location would take an hour... right?
  7. I prefer the frozen peas. That seems to be the best veggie.
  8. Different smilies! Look underneath the moving smilies to the right of the box which you type in. There is the smilie jamming on the guitar... and then underneath that it says "My Photos" and there is the quick upload.
  9. I think my colors will be the blue, pink, and green. Although, the green will mostly be brought through in the stems of the flowers! Ha! But, i love those colors together. To me, it adds to the tropical feel.
  10. Welcome to the site! I hear great things about Iberostars. Make sure to post all the good details you have so far
  11. Oh, make sure you take a photo when you get home! The puffy cheeks are hilarious a few months later when you forget about the pain. I must say, even with my dry sockets, the pain did go away very quickly. It wasn't a week long pain or anything. Just when the doctor took out the packing stuff... without numbing me... my reaction was probably VERY similar to Tara's!
  12. Susan they look lovely! Good thing you live so close to me! I'm recruiting you when it's time
  13. I really like them! I think that it's a good idea that you "borrowed" them to do on your own too. Saves money!
  14. Wow! Edyta! GORGEOUS! Absolutely beautiful. I LOVE your dress... your hair... your flowers. Everything. Beautiful
  15. Oh Laura! I love your new dress! I'm so glad that you found "the one" and you sound so much more excited about this one than the E-bay one!
  16. Early congratulations Sarah. I can't wait to see all of your pictures and hear how everyone liked your DIY projects.
  17. If I were, I'd totally wear it! Heck yes! Any piece of clothing that you love that much should never be worn only once!!!
  18. HA! Wasn't bad my butt! BUT, the thing you must know is that they say taking birth control gives you dry sockets... and it sure did for me. All four. Worst pain ever. Again, but... my dad just had his removed on Monday. Very funny when drugged up... but he just went in today with dry sockets. Only one though. Lucky!
  19. TARA! GET MARRIED HERE!!!! That is amazing and beautiful and I love it! And I want my hair like hers! Thanks for posting Elizabeth!
  20. I like the idea... and immediately my brain starts pumping out ideas. Here's my current best idea. Buy a cheap white double size bed sheet and a dark brown queen size. Wrap the brown around the edges of the white. By doing this, you can create "pockets" on the ends that you can slide the bamboo into. That way you don't have to tie it or anything like that and it'll be more sturdy. Not to mention, look REALLY cute with a brown border all the way around it! Now, next question... how the heck are you going to transport bamboo poles?
  21. Congratulations and I can't WAIT to see pictures!
  22. Congratulations and best wishes on an amazing wedding.
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