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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. If you like risk taking, I recommend trying out for Fear Factor at Universal. Shawn and I did that when we were there two years ago (it had just opened). It was SO awesome! Not to mention, they loved the fact that we were dating (they didn't know that when we were casted) so I'm sure they'd love newly weds!
  2. You already bought your dress? Have you posted a photo of it yet? WE LOVE PHOTOS!
  3. I'm not positive, but I'd think you could do it either way!
  4. Boys are dumb. Throw rocks at them. No seriously, if he knows about this stuff, and he's going to critique everything you do, he BETTER give you his opinion when you ask for it.
  5. Yeah, I would highly doubt you could get cherry blossoms. First off, they are incredibly fragile flowers, I don't think they'd last down the aisle! Also, once you puck a cherry blossom flower it leaves the tree open to infection and the tree typically dies if you cut off too many. Hmmm... now that i think about it, you should give your flower girl a cherry blossom branch and by the time she reaches the front of the aisle it'd be covered in petals. Ha. Cute.
  6. Welcome! I hope that we can help you with all the fun details! You should post your engagement story... not only is it fun to read but it should help us get to know you a little better so that we can suggest fun ideas!
  7. I am very partial to my Canon elf SD550. It's wonderful and I love it. 7.2 megapixel and it's wonderful! Great features. Not to mention I purchased the underwater adaptor so I get some unbelievable snorkeling photos!
  8. Wow! that sounds exciting! I don't think I've heard of anyone getting married there from this forum yet... which means you'll have to be the expert and post all the information!!! We can help with other things though
  9. First off, thank goodness you have your FI's passport now! Whew, that was close. Now, as for you Tammy... your guest list is growing exponentially!
  10. Wow Angela, it looks like your wedding will be wonderful! Fire dancers and all! I think that someone on a tighter budget could cut a lot of costs though. Such as the DJ... some are doing IPODS. Then your OOT bags sound awesome too... which could get cut for those looking to spend less. Plus the transfers from the airport. You wouldn't necessarily have to pay for that either. I think cutting those three things alone brings you to $13K
  11. I guess it doesn't mean much, but at least they have a professionally developed website. I just glanced at it (since I'm not going to Cabo), but it looks nice. And I found a few snorkel cruise sites that are around $50 a person... and that includes an open bar.
  12. Whew. I'm glad that you see what I'm saying at least.
  13. I know, it is a good debate and I surely don't want you mad at me. And really "asking for it" was referred to asking for inappropriate attention... not necessarily rape. I probably was quite unclear on that. And I think wearing an outfit like that makes you look hot. That's why anyone wears something like that. And if you want to look hot, obviously you want attention from someone... even if it's just a "you look nice tonight sweetheart" from the love of your life. At least, that's what I go for. BUT, in the back of your mind you have to remember that there are horrible people out there. People who will not stop at a whistle or even a butt slap. And I think you have to weigh your options. Not saying that when going clubbing you can't wear a super cute outfit... I'm saying more if you are in a place that is completely unfamiliar to you and your group and you will be drinking or be by yourself at any point, it's probably not the best time to go out in a mini and a bikini top. And some people don’t think about that when they dress to impress. Sometimes you impress the wrong people and horrible and unimaginable things happen.
  14. Oh gosh! I'm sorry ladies. I would never say that the DESERVE to get raped. Oh gosh no. That's awful. I'm just saying, it's much more likely and I think people need to wake up and realize that. I actually had a good friend of mine get rapped in Cancun. She didn't deserve it (as nobody does)... it's just sometimes people don't use their best judgement. Again... NEVER does ANYONE deserve it nor should it EVER be acceptable in ANYWAY. I just think if there is something one can do to decrease the possibility... they should.
  15. Welcome Sally! I hope we can help you plan the wedding of your dreams!
  16. Agree with Tammy. The blue is difficult to read... but that green one is awesome!
  17. Beautiful Tammy. Odd question, and I mean NO offense by it but are you "fake baking?"
  18. Now, I didn't see the report... obviously, but is it 28 people from Calgary? If that were the case, then I'd sort of understand... I mean, the ratio of how many people go there with how many people die... it might be interesting. I still wouldn't be concerned about traveling... as long as you are safe. This is awful... and I'm sorry to everyone I'm about to offend... by I've heard many people that are afraid of being raped or something like that. I'm sorry, but you get what you ask for. If you are completely drunk, you know it's not necessarily the safest place for tourists, and you decided to wear your two year old's outfit which barely covers the censor bar areas... what do you think could possibly happen. I think you might get a LITTLE more attention than you ask for. Given, nobody asks for something awful to happen to them, but use your brain! Seriously!
  19. Congratulations! I can't wait to see how the photos turned out... well, some of them
  20. $30 is 3.5"x2" (Business Card) $22 for 100 cards and then $6.95 for shipping. $2.99 to upload a photo. $95 for 5.5"*4.5"
  21. Congratulations Sarah. I'm so glad to hear that everything went so well. I can't wait to hear about the trash the dress session and see the pictures. Not to mention the actual wedding photos! Enjoy your vacation!
  22. I would recommend magnets from Vista Print. Sign up for their newletters. Then you get a lot of "free" stuff. You only pay for shipping & processing. So, once you do this, you can get 100 magnets for $30. As far as cardstock and envelopes goes, I plan on using this company... Buy Envelopes - All Sizes, Styles, and Colors - Printed or Plain - ActionEnvelope.com I plan on paying $250 for my save the dates (boarding passes) and around $400 for my actual invites and thank you notes (also through Vistaprint)
  23. OK, what if you play the slideshow... to the song your dad picked out. And then while it's playing you ask your dad to dance with you. People will be focusing on the loving moment of you two and then your dancing... but because there isn't a slide show for everyone, nobody will think that dancing is to be continued. Maybe that just makes sense in my own head. Sorry.
  24. I have been told that if the symptoms are above your belly then you are supposed to keep working out. It builds up endorphins and helps you fight off sickness. If it's more flu like symptoms... don't even try it!
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