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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. Your house looks so cute... and the grass is so green! Looks lovely!
  2. I think finding the prices sounds like a great idea. Not only will you be able to tell the FMIL that she has to pay, but you can tell her WHAT she has to pay. A lot of times people are fully willing to pay... until they see how big the bill actually is. Don't forget to charge her for invitation costs too. Those can add up quickly.
  3. Your insurance shouldn't go up too much, however if you have a claim it might. Being in the rate setting field of an insurance company I can tell you that jewelry claims are very predictive of other homeowner claims, so you usually will get a surcharge on your policy. Which is fine, that's what insurance is for... but if you can get insurance through your jeweler and they are reputable, I would definately think about it.
  4. easy peasy! I'm glad that you found something you love... and that your budget loved!
  5. Hmm. Why was Erik so quite? You don't think that his mom pressured him into cancelling Cabo do you?
  6. Dang. No wonder you hate weddings! This is insane! I think Erik needs to talk with his mom. Erik didn't want a lot of people... and frankly, it's not in the budget. So, Erik needs to explain to his mom that this is YOUR wedding and this is what you guys want. She gets 18 invites so she better narrow down her list. Sorry, maybe that's mean of me... but I just don't understand why parents need to invite all of these people! It's your wedding!
  7. It needs to be insured, ASAP! Murphy's law! But, with that said, my BF and I just talked with our insurance agent about the issue. They offer coverage for around $10 per $1,000. That's pretty typical. However, my sister (gemologist) said that her jewelry shop offers insurance for only $5 per $1000 and it's more comprehensive. PLUS, if you do have to file a claim, it won't affect your homeowners insurance and make your rate go up.
  8. I would have to say Sarah as well. I think she did an awesome job explaining all of her DIY projects and also gave a wonderful review which I think will be a huge help for all future brides.
  9. OK, well, for my fantasy wedding (no bling yet), we'll be paying for our wedding parties attire and accomodations, parents accomodations, and then OOT bags. I'd like to do a sunset snorkel cruise as a welcome dinner/rehersal dinner, but that will depend on what we get from the parents. If they don't support us financially, then no cruise!
  10. Todays the day! I hope everything goes smoothly and I can't wait to hear about it! Best Wishes!
  11. An idea for the hurricanes (if you didn't want tulle on the tables) is to use colored sand. You could do a pattern, kind of like the sand ceremony. Layer normal sand, then blue sand, then normal sand, then green sand. Of course do it at different angles to get a really cool effect. Other than that, Hobby Lobby (if you have them where you are) has votive candles in glasses $4.99 for 12 of them. Plus, if you wait until next week there will be a 40% off coupon. Well, at least here there is! Not sure if that is how all of the stores work! But, since the candle is already in a glass dish, it saves on cost and looks much nicer.
  12. Welcome! Your wedding is coming up so soon! That must be exciting. The passport issue has really been a problem for a lot of the ladies on this forum. I hope you can find a lot of good information to calm you down and get your passports in time! Good luck!
  13. Welcome aboard! Prepare to be addicted! How far along in the planning are you?
  14. I would recommend the Dafont.com option. They really have great options, and since it's a font, you can make it whatever color you want and alter the size without loosing the crisp look.
  15. Congratulations and the official countdown begins! Are you getting excited?
  16. For the photo, click on USER CP in the upper left hand corner. After that go to Edit Aviator.
  17. I think it'll turn out just fine. Just remember that it's a lot easier to take a dress in then it is to let it out!
  18. That dress is beautiful! See if you can find someone who will custom make it. It looks worth it! Tammy, it's the first dress under Spring Collection page 2
  19. I recommend crest whitening, but I think other people might have had different opinions. They worked WONDERFULLY on me. As for tan, I'd say don't do self tanner. The photographers on this website have said that it makes you look orange for photos. price_Sheet.doc
  20. Welcome and congratulations on the engagement! I hope that we are able to assist you in making the wedding of your dreams!
  21. A friend of mine had the invite maker put (please list name next to desired entree) underneath the ___ people attending part. It worked out well. ANd then for her place cards, she had a different picture for the people who wanted beef as opposed to chicken. I've also seen different colors of card or ink to show this to the waiters. As for the roses, I've actually seen it recommended that you get wholesale roses delivered 2-3 days before use. Keep them in water and chilly, but it helps them open up to beautiful blossoms.
  22. OK, you would think the seemstress would be excited about you needing another fitting. You have to pay her each time don't you? And, she could charge you emergency fees if she wanted to! B word! I think you should keep going. I think the smile on your face as you walk towards the man of your dreams with the body of your dreams would make any extra alterations worth it! Good luck!
  23. TATrisha

    Hello :)

    Welcome! I hope you find a lot of ideas for where to travel!
  24. Well, at least you have the adorable hot dog! Ha, that picture is so cute!
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