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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. Very beautiful dress! I can't wait to see a picture of you in it!!
  2. I actually like it very much. I think it's beautiful and flattering.
  3. Love the photos! And I agree, it's super cute how you held your hand out in every picture!!! Perfect!
  4. That's so funny Susan! i had never heard of them either... must be a WI thing. However, now that I know what they are I see them EVERYWHERE!! Well, not here, but on TV
  5. Welcome back! I was beginning to worry about you! I can't wait to see pictures and read a full review... but I understand, your work probably comes first
  6. Do you offer multiple weddings a day? Are there rehersal dinner options? Can we coordinate a excursion directly through the hotel for our group? Are the weddings sites private? Does the hotel do anything to protect our privacy during the wedding? What is your WC's average response time to inquiries?
  7. Wait... are you hiding something from us Laura! Planning on doing it over again as in already trying or just sometime after you are married?
  8. 3 1/2 weeks! that's going to be amazing! Have a wonderful time and travel safely.
  9. Welcome! Yup, budget. However not necessarily the whole budget, but how much you would like you and your guests to pay simply for accomodations & flight.
  10. I do think it's cute that he's excited though!! But yeah, no dress!
  11. A lot of people I know had their children's christing dresses made out of it... or a blanket.
  12. I LOVE those pictures on the beach. Cabo really is breathtaking.
  13. Stacy, did you ask Bahia if you could bring in your own cake? This looks like a great option to me, and it's pretty cheap, I'm just worried Bahia won't let you bring it in.
  14. Sorry for the hijack... but once again Jessica's baby timer thingy is cracking me up!!
  15. Welcome back newly engaged Jamie! I'm so happy for you and it sounds like that was an amazing proposal. Very cute and well planned I think. Not to mention you had a great dinner and beautiful flowers! Can't wait to see photos!
  16. I use walgreens. You can select as many photos to upload as you'd like.
  17. I've used Vistaprint for a few things, and I have loved everything so far. I did a picture calendar and every picture came back perfectly clear. It was awesome. Do you have a coupon? If you sign up for their e-mail you'll get free offers every week. It's quite handy.
  18. Christa, I really love that beach too. It's gorgeous. I wish I were there!
  19. TATrisha


    welcome to the forum! Please post your engagement story!!
  20. OK, so some questions just off the top of my head... Is there a group discount? Is there a reward for booking so many rooms? Are there multiple wedding sites and do you have photos you can e-mail or will I only be able to choose when I get there? Do you allow outside vendors? Is there a cost? Do you have day passes for guests staying at different resorts? Do you offer a private dinner reception area? Is it on the beach, garden, restaurant? As the Bride & Groom do we receive any perks? Do you have an on-site spa? Are there any wedding spa packages? What time is the sun set and the approximate temperature an hour before? Is there a back up plan if it rains? can I see a photo of the back up plan area? Does the resort provide centerpieces or will I be responsible for my own? The list goes on and on and on and on... and i sure hope this is what you were talking about!
  21. Scratch that, I think it's called beautiful disaster. Nevermind.
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