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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. Welcome! I'm sure you'll find a lot of good information on the Riu! You should post your engagement story! we all love reading those!
  2. Congratulations on your choice for a destination wedding! I think the Cabo Surf is beautiful and you will have a lovely wedding!
  3. Happy birthday Lisa! And I LOVE those bags! Where did you get them from and may I ask how much they were? SO CUTE!
  4. Welcome to the forum Elizabeth. I hope we can help you with any problems you may have!
  5. First things first, I am SO sorry that you burnt your hand, but I'm very glad that you finally went to the ER. Burns can be very nasty. I am glad it's feeling better. Second, oh goodness was not having this forum torture! First I thought I got kicked off! I was SO worried that i did something wrong! Then I thought that my work blocked me! Man, it was torture!!!
  6. TATrisha

    new user

    Very exciting! I've heard nothing but great things about that resort.
  7. That's so sad. I don't have PCOS, but I do have endometriosis. I have had many cysts on my ovaries. Sometimes they get to be the size of my first and I can easily see them! That's crazy! They hurt really bad when they burst, and I can't lie on my tummy at all. So, although I don't have the same thing, I feel your pain. I hope you are able to find a way to make some babies
  8. Ah well, at least you had an amazing birthday! Plus, now you won't have to share the excitement of an engagement with your birthday!!
  9. Happy Birthday! I'm still holding out hope for some bling! let us know how it went!
  10. Congratultions on all of your hard work! I can't believe that it's finally time for everything to come together. It's going to be amazing and everything you've ever wanted in a wedding! Have a wonderful time!
  11. Congratulations on your wedding and best wishes on a happily ever after.
  12. Congratulations Stephanie! I'm so excited to hear how everything went. I hope it was everything you ever dreamed of.
  13. Oh! I love your story! How cute! He really did quite well.
  14. Welcome! I don't believe any of our brides have had Vincent yet, but if he's working for Matt and Sol, he must be amazing.
  15. Why don't you e-mail her and ask? Just ask if there is anyway that she could redo the DVD with a few songs that you and your husband were hoping to have on there? She might say no... she might say yes... or she might say $500 please! If she says $500 then I say it's not worth it... but you KNOW it didn't cost her $500 to make it, so you'd think she'd want you to be happy.
  16. Welcome! I've never been to Hawaii, but i hear it's amazing. And if that's where you want your wedding, then I think you'll be surprised how many people would travel there.
  17. OK, sorry about this... but once it's translated does that need to have an apostle stamp on it? Cause that would suck.
  18. Oh you just have no idea how excited I am that someone else is getting married here! The main reason we will probably choose the resort is for budget reasons as well. Since you have over 15 people what dinner option are you choosing? Did you find the website with the menus on it? If not, it's BAHIA-GOURMET.COM :::: You probably already knew that though. So, are you doing the full legal ceremony? How many days in advance are you going? Are they strict on that four days before the ceremony stuff?
  19. For the kids I actually plan on giving them And the buckets are basically the bags!
  20. I like the ribbon idea, or even table runners. I know there were some brides who were trying to sell their runners. Perhaps you could borrow them for the event or get them at a very small cost?
  21. Welcome Welcome Welcome! It's exciting that you already know where and when you'd like to get married. Those are usually the biggest problems!
  22. I think a hat with a really cool design on it would be fun.... but i'm not a boy!
  23. Just like everyone else, I am absolutely no help! At least for this issue! But I just wanted to say hi and welcome to our little club!
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