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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. Welcome! I am absolutely NO help to you... but I like to greet people anyways!
  2. Welcome to the forum! I'm glad that you found love again! How wonderful!
  3. Welcome Welcome Welcome and Congratulations Congratulations Congratulations!!!!
  4. OH! i LOVE IT! AND I LOVE COACH! I should e-mail that idea to Shawn as a hint!!! OK, so were you "engaged" before... or just planning knowing it was happening soon?
  5. Welcome fellow Wisconsinite! We'd all really love to hear how you got engaged, so be sure to post that! There have been so many Cabo weddings lately, and everyone is gorgeous! You are almost certain to have a lovely wedding!
  6. I have adobe illustrator, could I have the file? They are SO cute!
  7. I love kitties! I'm so happy Jay came back. Thank goodness!
  8. Umm... yeah, don't do that! I'm sure nobody feels required to go. I would just mention it to people if they talk to you about your wedding.
  9. I would actually like to mention something like that too... but I think it'd be better done when actually talking face to face with people.
  10. Dang Kelly. I'm sorry! That's terrible and you have EVERY right to be mad. If they paid the deposit and promised people they could share rooms and then they back out NOW! That's just crazy!
  11. The way I like to think of it is, if you didn't have REAL things to worry about, you'd worry about the possibility of things. So you'd stress yourself out about things that COULD possibly go wrong. This way you have something else to divert your attention and when the day comes you will enjoy every minute of it!
  12. Once again, Sarah, you are beautiful and Juan you do great work!
  13. So are you just doing the chair cover or will you have a colored ribbon on them?
  14. I'm pretty sure that wasn't in the abbreviations Tammy! Tisk Tisk!
  15. Welcome! Is your wedding THIS July? That's so soon! How exciting!
  16. Wow! First off, I was excited that you have joined our forum! Now I'm excited that Leigh is so excited! ha, that's funny! Anyway, welcome to the forum!
  17. I have a template that you can use. It's very easy. If you Private Message me I will gladly send it to you.
  18. TATrisha


    Welcome! I hope that the information on this site is useful in choosing your dream location.
  19. If you are good at calligraphy, and you are willing to do it... you should definitely get into the business!
  20. The places I've looked at were $1-$2.25 for just the outer envelope. Around $.50 for the inner.
  21. It's really expensive around here too! Calligraphy would cost more than I want to spend on the invites themselves!!!
  22. My boyfriend wouldn't be caught dead wearing those. Sorry. I personally like them, but for a guy... I just don't think so!
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