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Everything posted by TATrisha

  1. Wow! That sounds like an amazing wedding! I would think that you would look great as a bride in a very casual dress like the ones Leigh has posted. Good luck!
  2. I would recommend finding out how many platforms they offer. When I went zip lining there were two companies for the same price. Turns out one was 7 platforms and the other was around 20!!! BIG difference! Just something to think about!
  3. I can't believe it's finally time for your wedding! how exciting! I hope you guys are having an amazing time already! Two more days until your man and wife! So exciting!
  4. That sounds like such a wonderful trip! I'm so glad she found her dress! And great deal on the pashs!
  5. Great review Kristin! It sounds like you had an amazing wedding! Now hurry up and figure out how to post photos
  6. Congratulations on your engagement! Other than the price of renting mopeds for the day, I don't know much about Cozumel. But, I'm sure we'll be able to help you with other things during the planning process! Good luck!
  7. I really like it! I like how your names are smaller, but still there. Nice work! And congratulations on the job
  8. Typically STD's will go out ASAP. The idea is for people to get them in advance so they can save and plan their vacation accordingly
  9. Oh, I meant the "stub" would be their receipt. You could even attach a magnet on the back of that so it'd be a reminder on their fridge. They'd send back the larger part. here are the post office's post card size requirements. Dimension Minimum Maximum Height 3-1/2 inches 4-1/4 inches Length 5 inches 6 inches Thickness 0.007 inch 0.016 inch
  10. Why not do business cards from Vistaprint for very cheap, and just get clear luggage tag pockets?
  11. Here's our most recent Sheraton review! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ng-review.html
  12. How thick of cardstock did you use? And idea would be to preferate the STD so that they can rip off the "boarding pass stub" and then affix a stamp to it! It'd be a post card! And it'll cost you less in postage!
  13. That Kelly... she's always thinking! So smart!
  14. I'm so excited to hear how everything went! Travel safely and have a wonderful time!
  15. Is anyone having problems reading "How to post a link in a new thread?" I can't open it for the life of me!
  16. My brother-in-law's parents actually had a situation like that too. Their daughter is a nurse so she was going to work at like 3 am and noticed her dad's truck door was open... in his driveway. She went to shut it and got quite a surprise when she looked in the window! Stupid punk kid who I went to school with. It was fun. I embarrassed the crap out of him!
  17. Welcome! So you've been engaged for a month? How did he propose? It's so exciting to read those stories!
  18. Welcome! I hope you continue to be a part of the forum!
  19. This doesn't have anything to do with the topic... well kind of... When I was like 9 I had a frog. It was one of those clear ones, super cool! I loved him! I had the coolest tank and I took really good care of him. Well, sadly, my cats loved him too. And there had been multiple times when I caught them when they were just about to eat the poor froggy. So my ingenious little mind thought that I would FREE the froggy so that he could live happily without a cat attacking him. So, I packed him up in a little dish and walked behind my house to the pond. As I was walking through the field a snake slithered over my feet. I freaked out, threw my hands in the air, thus sending poor froggy flying into the air and landing somewhere in the field. Who knows where because I'm pretty sure I was back at home FAR away from the snake by the time the frog landed. I still feel bad to this day. Poor frog. Never had a chance. Oh crap, now I'm all sad.
  20. I actually watched the show! And of course I wondered about the WC because isn't she no longer in charge of weddings?
  21. I'll try to post the picture, but who knows if it'll work! it's been posted on the site before though... just don't know where!
  22. I don't think I'd ask people to RSVP 9 months in advance. A lot can happen in 9 months. Perhaps you could like your wedding website to the STD. have an RSVP section on there. That should get SOME RSVPs ahead of time. And then get the formal RSVP about 2-3 months before the wedding.
  23. That's sad. Sadly, I can kind of see their point... although I think it's terrible. But if they are older adults and have to move somewhere where pets aren't allowed, then I understand it. Of course, why did you buy a puppy five years ago? One other thing, since it's a Rott I wouldn't ever list it in the newspaper or craigslist or anything like that. Maybe it's just me, but I would be terrified that someone would get it just for fighting purposes. It's sad.
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